47 research outputs found

    Assessment of the manufacturability of construction products in the renovation zone

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    Nowadays, the large-scale development of the renovation of the housing stock of cities includes not only the reconstruction of residential areas, but also the actively expanding renovation of industrial zones. Moreover, each renovation area is characterized by a wide variety of residential and non-residential buildings, urban infrastructure facilities. According to the structure of renovation objects, eight main zones have been identified, which include various combinations of the above objects. At the same time, in the process of work, it is necessary to constantly monitor the compliance of technology regulations with the design values of the quality of construction products. For this, in order to assess both individual groups of objects and buildings and structures for the renovation zone in general, a system of manufacturability indicators is proposed. As a basic indicator, labor costs (machine time) are recommended, since it is the changes in the technology of work that immediately affect the work of construction teams and their links. The conditions are given under which it is possible to assert the compliance or non-compliance of the applied technological regulations with the design requirements. The sequence of establishing an integral indicator of the manufacturability of construction products during the period of their creation in the whole renovation zone is described

    Algorithmization of the optimization apparatus in the organization of the current planning at the companies of the building complex

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    The issue of optimizing the decisions of the planning system at various levels and stages of construction production is one of the most important aspects of managerial and engineering activities at the construction enterprise. Such optimization is a complex multifactorial task, the solutions of which are reflected in the established documents based on the results of planning. The main document in this respect is the production and economic program (plan) developed by the planning and economic department of the corresponding construction enterprise, depending on the existing destabilizing factors and constraints established by the results of the integrated planning procedure (annual and strategic). The article discusses the concept of the annual production program of a construction company and a new approach to optimize the algorithm for distributing the resource potential between objects of the annual program

    Planning as the basis of strategic development of the construction organization

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    A unified planning system for construction production is considered, including interconnected planning levels - general, strategic, current, operational. A planning period, a list of tasks to be solved and features of their solution are presented for each level. The statement of the problem of determining capital investments for the development of means of production is disclosed and the relationship between the indicators of finished construction products and means of production is described. The procedure for transforming the model for determining capital investments and reducing its solution to a homogeneous linear equation in finite differences is described

    Method of System Optimization of Mobile Formations Activity

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    The distinctive features of mobile construction units operating at a considerable distance from the places of permanent residence of workers and the location of construction organizations have been considered. For their effective activity, a high level of synchronization of the stages of preparation of a construction organization and their formations, preparation for the construction of the facilities, delivery of labor and material and technical resources, production of pioneer, preparatory and construction and installation works is required. A method has been proposed that includes the definition of a system of indicators for regulating the parameters of the above stages for compliance with the design solutions. The system of indicators makes it possible to assess not only the level of mobility of construction units and the means of their technical equipment, but also to express the actual intensity of work through the concentration of the resources. As a result, it becomes possible to compare the actual and design intensities of work with the subsequent development of appropriate measures in advance, taking into account the conditions of hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas of pioneering development of the territories. At the same time, such measures, as studies have shown, include the use, as a rule, of only existing resources on the spot without attracting additional ones from outside

    Modeling of construction waste processing system development

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    Construction waste is the most important source for reducing raw material resources. In this regard, many countries conduct large-scale research in developing progressive construction waste utilization technologies and creating highly efficient production equipment. Current experience in this field views the construction waste processing system as a number of interconnected subsystems: organizational and technical preparatory measures; waste collection and sorting; waste containerization, packaging and transportation; waste processing and manufacturing of recyclable resources. Each subsystem consists of a set of measures which characterize the change in material quality and properties. Modeling of the construction waste processing system addresses the task of assessing the actual level of the system and subsystems and determining the condition of the same within certain forecasted time perspectives. For this purpose, the cost vs. revenue comparison tools are used. To develop the construction waste processing system and maintain it in working condition it is important that, early on in the project, a waste classification catalogue and a relevant glossary of terms be compiled with all waste processing contractors having to agree to it and observe it. Also, a data bank containing all the relevant engineering and process documentation shall be drafted and maintained

    Domestic experience in organization of mobile construction

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    The stages of formation of the mechanism of mobile construction and its role in solving major economic problems are considered. The article analyzes the effectiveness of mobile units in agricultural and water management, transport construction. The author emphasizes a fundamentally new approach to mobile construction using the complete-block method of construction of buildings and structures. As an example, the author reveals the experience of construction of the Astrakhan gas processing plant, which illustrates the synthesis of mobile methods of work organization and industrial space-planning solutions in the form of large blocks of technological equipment devices and installations. At the same time, specific engineering solutions for the preparatory period of construction, characteristics and composition of the residential settlement built in the process of pioneer development of the territory are given

    The impact of ecology on labor productivity in the development of hard-to-reach areas

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    The structure of extreme factors in the pioneer development of hard-to-reach territories is considered. The activity of their influence on employees in the pre-production and production periods is assessed. The dynamics of the impact of factors of the pre-production period associated with the duration of the employee's move from permanent residence toplace of work and change of time zones and climatic zones. The influence of not only traditional factors during the production period - low temperatures, hurricane winds and atmospheric pressure drops, but also the impact on the body of the "polar night" and "magnetic storms" is described, indicating the correction factors for the rehabilitation time. The model of the most optimal type of workers for northern conditions and their psychophysiological characteristics are revealed. A favorable period of active work is indicated with rational indicators of overtime hours and average coefficients of decrease in labor productivity, as well as recommended cycles and modes of work and rest for the Arctic, Komi and the Tyumen region. The features of preparation for the pioneer development of the territory are highlighted, representing measures to maximize the return on labor based on the creation of future objects from aggregate-block units of full factory readiness, delivery of labor and material and technical resources only by flights, maintaining the continuity and pace of work

    Scientific basics for making preparations for speedy setting-up of industrial complexes

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    Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio