4 research outputs found
- Author
- Bourdieu Pierre
- Cockburn Cynthia
- Corbin Alain
- Dalmia Vasudha
- Enloe Cynthia Bananas
- Fenech Louis E.
- Gradidge Roderick
- Grover Verinder
- Halbwachs Maurice
- Juergensmeyer Mark
- Lowenthal David
- Marx Karl
- Narayanan V. N.
- Oldenberg Veena Talwar
- Pettigrew Joyce
- Puri Harish K.
- Sharma Yuthika
- Singh Giani Kirpal
- Singh Patwant
- Singh Sarab Jit
- Tully Mark
- Uberoi Jit Pal Singh
- Veena Das
- Von Stientencron Heinrich
- Young James E.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Perpetual Fringe: Ismat Chughtai and the Limits of Representation
- Author
- Anderson Benedict
- Austin J. L.
- Benjamin Walter
- Benveniste Emile
- Bhabha Homi
- Chakrabarty Dipesh
- Chatteijee Partha
- Chatteijee Partha
- Chatteijee Partha
- Chughtai Ismat
- Chughtai Ismat
- Chughtai Ismat
- Cohn Bernard
- Derrida Jacques
- Devji Faisal Fatehali
- Foucault Michel
- Guha Ranajit
- Guha Ranajit
- Kaviraj Sudipta
- Kojeve Alexander
- Kumar Sukrita Paul
- Maududi Mauland Abul-ala
- Oldenberg Veena Talwar
- Paul Joginder
- Roy Shibani
- Said Edward
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chaste Bodies, Chaste Canon: Nationalist Discourse and the Female Performing Body in Munshi Premchand’s Sevasadan
- Author
- Abbas Ghulam.
- Asaduddin M.
- Bakhle Janaki.
- Carmicheal Amy Wilson.
- Chakravarti Uma.
- Chatterjee Partha.
- Chattopadhyay Bankim Chandra.
- Chattopadhyay Sarat Chandra.
- Chatursena Acharya.
- Dalmia Vasudha.
- Fuller Marcus B.
- Gandhi M. K.
- Gandhi M. K.
- Nagar Amritlal.
- Naidu Sarojini.
- Neville Pran.
- Oldenberg Veena Talwar.
- Orsini Francesca.
- Premchand Munshi.
- Premchand Munshi.
- Premchand Munshi.
- Premchand Munshi.
- Premchand Munshi.
- Premchand Munshi.
- Ritter Valerie.
- Sampath Vikram.
- Sarkar Tanika.
- Shandilya Krupa.
- Singhavi Snehal.
- Verma Bhagwati Charan.
- Walker Margaret E.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
What are we fighting for? Rethinking resistance in a Pewenche community in Chile
- Author
- Aronowitz Stanley
- Bell Catherine
- Brosius J. Peter
- Colburn Forest
- Dannemann Manuel
- de Certeau Michel
- Dirks Nicholas B.
- Eltit Diamela
- Escobar Arturo
- Faron Louis
- Ferguson James
- Findji Maria Theresa
- Foucault Michel
- Foucault Michel
- Foucault Michel
- Foucault Michel
- Freire Paulo
- Guha Ranajit
- Guha Ranajit
- Guha Ranajit
- Gupta Akhil
- Gutierrez Pamela
- Hair Jay
- Harvey David
- Hobsbawm Eric J.
- Hora La
- Horkheimer Max
- Johnston Barbara
- Krauss Clifford
- LaFranchi Howard
- Lenin Vladimir I.
- Levine Mark
- Lukes Steven
- Marx Karl
- McCully Patrick
- Molina Raul
- Moore Barrington
- Morales Roberto U.
- Namuncura Domingo
- Oldenberg Veena Talwar
- Paige Jeffrey
- Palmer Bryan
- Petras James
- Pile Steve
- Popkin Samuel L.
- Quarto Alfredo
- Rahnema Majid
- Rahnema Majid
- Robert Fletcher
- Rocinante
- Sachs Wolfgang
- Sahlins Marshall
- Scott James
- Scott James
- Scott James
- Spivak Gayatri C.
- Starn Orin
- Tarrow Stanley
- Thompson E.P.
- Townsend Janet G.
- Villalobos Sergio
- Westfall Catharine
- Wickham‐Crowley Timothy
- Wolf Eric
- Wolf Eric
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study