4 research outputs found

    Addressing one health in Nigeria; challenges and recommendations

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    Nigeria has much popularity for several undesirable statistics, like the degree of endemicity of several illnesses and the prevalence of disease predisposing factors such as poverty. The increased incidence and prevalence of zoonotic diseases, coupled with the ongoing issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), has demanded a new approach to addressing disease conditions. One Health speculates that disease needs to be managed with a balanced view of how it connects humans, animals and the environment. It will mean application of skills from different professionals in managing, treating and preventing diseases. Nigeria has already begun implementing One Health; this process needs to be addressed as it faces a number of challenges. These can be surmounted by creating and implementing effective policies, national One Health Awareness Campaigns and increasing the unity and development in its health care delivery system

    Period during a pandemic: The neglected reality of Nigerian girls and women.

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    Underneath the façade of supposedly bubbly girls, living daily lives in many parts of Nigeria lies the problem of lack of access to proper menstrual hygiene management tools or kits. From schools to business places, religious organizations amongst others, a hive of women and girls face the harsh reality of inability to manage their periods due to poor access to water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities, common in many low- and middle-income countries of which Nigeria sits top. The issue of privacy and dignity during menstruation is still one area in which women and girls in Nigeria are failed every day. All of these further taking a toll on the emotional life, education, productivity of the girl child amongst others. The pandemic further impedes the ability/efforts of non-governmental organizations hitherto saddled with the responsibility of tutoring young girls in mostly rural and underserved communities the art of making re-useable pads to address the challenge of period poverty. Deep-seated Menstrual taboos, common among many Nigerian tribes have also served as major setbacks to proper menstrual hygiene management. With all of these, the period poverty struggle, made worse by poor water sanitation and hygiene facilities in Nigerian communities continues. There is still an urgent need to increase sensitization, and advocacy to break menstrual taboos, reduce cost and improve access to menstrual hygiene products and facilities especially following the COVID-19 pandemic and its attendant overbearing effects

    Towards 90-90-90 Target: COVID-19 and HIV Response in Africa

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    As cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continue to rise, so are the concerns of the effects this pandemic could have on people living with HIV. In response to the pandemic, measures have been put in place by African governments to limit the spread of the virus. We examine the impact of these measures on ensuring progress towards the HIV advocacy of "90-90-90" by 2020, i.e., 90% of all people living with HIV will know their status, 90% of people diagnosed will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 90% of people receiving ART will have viral suppression all by the end of 2020. COVID-19 arrival on the continent and measures implemented have a significant effect on the control of HIV epidemic and the achievement of the 90-90-90 goals. It is therefore essential that African health stakeholders continue to advance efforts to ensure access to HIV care services is sustained during this COVID-19 pandemic