436 research outputs found

    A novel index in healthy infants and children — subarachnoid space: ventricle ratio

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    Background: The subarachnoid space (SAS) and ventricular width (VW) in normalinfants and children were studied with ultrasonography to provide the objectivemeasurement and define a normal range for these measurements. The additional aim was to determine the stable ratio as a SAS/VW.Materials and methods: A total of 100 healthy subjects, including 48 males and52 females, were studied. The cases were divided into 3 age groups: 0–6 months(n = 65), 7–12 months (n = 24) and > 13 months (n = 11). Transfontanel ultrasonography was performed in all the cases. SAS, VW and the SAS/VW ratios were calculated. The study was approved by the ethical committee. All parents wereinformed about the sonographic examination and their approvals were taken.Results: SAS was calculated as 3.1 (0.5–6) mm and VW was calculated as 3.6(1.3–5) mm. SAS/VW ratio was 0.9 ± 0.3. There was no statistically significant difference among SAS, VW and SAS/VW ratios in 3–97 percentile group (p > 0.05).Conclusions: Ultrasonography can be used as a practicable and reproducible modalityin the measurement of SAS and VW in healthy children. It is a non-invasivemethod and allows for serial follow-up. SAS/VW ratio can be used as an index inhealthy children

    Structural and optical quality of GaN grown on Sc2O3/Y2O3/Si(111)

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    Thick (∼900 nm) GaN layers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on cost-effective Sc2O3/Y2O3/Si(111) substrates and characterized by x-ray diffraction and photoluminescence. Samples grown in Ga-rich condition show superior structural and optical quality with reduced density of cubic GaN inclusions within the hexagonal matrix and a relatively strong photoluminescence emission at 3.45 eV at 10 K. Cubic inclusions are formed in the initial growth stage and their concentration is reduced with increasing film thickness and after rapid thermal annealing

    Excitonic recombination dynamics in non-polar GaN/AlGaN quantum wells

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    The optical properties of GaN/Al0.15Ga0.85N multiple quantum wells are examined in 8 K–300 K temperature range. Both polarized CW and time resolved temperature-dependent photoluminescence experiment are performed so that we can deduce the relative contributions of the non-radiative and radiative recombination processes. From the calculation of the proportion of the excitonic population having wave vector in the light cone, we can deduce the variation of the radiative decay time with temperature. We find part of the excitonic population to be localized in concert with the report of Corfdir et al. (Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2 52, 08JC01 (2013)) in case of a-plane quantum wells
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