29 research outputs found

    Middle-obstacle approach of mapping phase-field model unto its sharp interface counterpart

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    A new diffuse interface model has been proposed in this study for simulating binary alloy solidification under universal cooling conditions, involving both equilibrium and non-equilibrium solute partitioning. Starting from the Gibbs-Thomson equation, which is the classical theory that describes the dynamics of a sharp interface, the phase-field equation is derived using a traveling wave solution that represents a diffuse interface. To tackle the spurious effects caused by the variation of liquid concentration within the diffuse interface with artificial width, a middle obstacle is introduced to sharpen the diffuse interface and an invariant liquid concentration can be found for determining a constant undercooling in the interface normal direction. For slow solidification under equilibrium conditions, the convergence performance of the dendrite tip shows superior invulnerability to the width effect of the diffuse interface. For rapid solidification under non-equilibrium conditions, the output partition coefficients obtained from the steady-state concentration profiles agree with the input velocity-dependent function. The proposed model is promising to be an indispensable tool for the development of advanced alloy materials through the microstructure control of solidification under a wide range of cooling conditions

    Inverse columnar-equiaxed transition (CET) in 304 and 316l stainless steels melt by electron beam for additive manufacturing (AM)

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    According to Hunt’s columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET) criterion, which is generally accepted, a high-temperature gradient (G) in the solidification front is preferable to a low G for forming columnar grains. Here, we report the opposite tendency found in the solidification microstructure of stainless steels partially melted by scanning electron beam for powder bed fusion (PBF)-type additive manufacturing. Equiaxed grains were observed more frequently in the region of high G rather than in the region of low G, contrary to the trend of the CET criterion. Computational thermal-fluid dynamics (CtFD) simulation has revealed that the fluid velocity is significantly higher in the case of smaller melt regions. The G on the solidification front of a small melt pool tends to be high, but at the same, the temperature gradient along the melt pool surface also tends to be high. The high melt surface temperature gradient can enhance Marangoni flow, which can apparently reverse the trend of equiaxed grain formation.Miyata Y., Okugawa M., Koizumi Y., et al. Inverse columnar-equiaxed transition (CET) in 304 and 316l stainless steels melt by electron beam for additive manufacturing (AM). Crystals 11, 856 (2021); https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11080856

    Low-temperature synthesis of crystalline GeSn with high Sn concentration by electron excitation effect

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    The low-temperature synthesis of high-Sn-concentration GeSn is challenging in realizing flexible thin-film transistors and solar cells. Because of athermal processes, irradiation with energetic particles is anticipated to significantly reduce the processing temperature for device fabrication. Here, we demonstrated that polycrystalline Ge with ~30 at. % Sn can be realized at room temperature by the electron-beam-induced recrystallization of amorphous GeSn. We found that inelastic electronic stopping, the so-called electron excitation effect, plays an important role in the recrystallization of amorphous GeSn

    Equiaxed grain formation by intrinsic heterogeneous nucleation via rapid heating and cooling in additive manufacturing of aluminum-silicon hypoeutectic alloy

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    The high strength of Al-Si hypoeutectic alloys additively manufactured by powder-bed fusion is of great scientific interest. To date, the mechanism of grain refinement near the fusion line, which contradicts conventional Hunt's columnar–equiaxed transition criteria, remains to be elucidated. Here we present the first report on the mechanism of grain refinement. When a laser was irradiated on cast Al-Si alloy consisting of coarse α-Al grain and α-Al/Si eutectic regions, grain refinement occurred only near the eutectic regions. This strongly suggests that the Si phase is crucial for grain refinement. Multi-phase-field simulation revealed that rapid heating due to the laser irradiation results in unmelted Si particles even above the liquidus temperature and that the particles act as heterogeneous nucleation sites during the subsequent re-solidification. These results suggest the feasibility of a novel inoculant-free grain refinement that is applicable to eutectic alloys comprising phases with a significant melting point difference.Masayuki Okugawa, Yuta Ohigashi, Yuya Furishiro, Yuichiro Koizumi, Takayoshi Nakano, Equiaxed grain formation by intrinsic heterogeneous nucleation via rapid heating and cooling in additive manufacturing of aluminum-silicon hypoeutectic alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 919, 2022, 165812, ISSN 0925-8388, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.165812

    Data assimilation for phase-field simulations of the formation of eutectic alloy microstructures

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    Seguchi Y., Okugawa M., Zhu C., et al. Data assimilation for phase-field simulations of the formation of eutectic alloy microstructures. Computational Materials Science 237, 112910 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.112910.The phase-field (PF) method can effectively predict the formation of microstructures of eutectic alloys. However, numerous simulation parameters must be determined correctly for each alloy system to reproduce the experimentally observed microstructures. In this study, we present a data assimilation method based on an ensemble Kalman filter to determine PF simulation parameters for the directional solidification of eutectic alloy by optimizing the conditions for data assimilation. Numerical twin experiments revealed that eutectic microstructures can be reproduced, although four PF simulation parameters remained unknown. We also investigated appropriate experimental observation conditions for estimating the simulation parameters and found that the sufficient frequency of observations can be determined from the solid–liquid interfacial velocity. Our results provide guidance for data assimilation combined with the PF simulations of eutectic alloys. Moreover, our study provides a deeper understanding of the formation mechanisms of various types of eutectic microstructures

    Direct observations of crystallization processes of amorphous GeSn during thermal annealing: A temperature window for suppressing Sn segregation

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    The solubility limit of tin (Sn) in germanium (Ge) is very small, and, therefore, it is difficult to synthesize high Sn concentration GeSn crystals by conventional methods. An amorphous phase can contain elements beyond the solubility limit of the crystal state, and, therefore, recrystallization of the amorphous alloy is one of the possible ways to realize materials far from the equilibrium state. To suppress Sn precipitation during thermal annealing, knowledge of crystallization processes is required. In the present study, amorphous GeSn thin films with different Sn concentrations were prepared by sputtering, and their crystallization processes were examined by in situ transmission electron microscopy. It was found that the crystallization temperature decreases with increasing Sn concentration, and it became lower than the eutectic temperature when the Sn concentration exceeded ∼25 at. %. Radial distribution function analyses revealed that phase decomposition occurs in the amorphous state of the specimens which crystallize below the eutectic temperature, and Sn crystallites were simultaneously precipitated with crystallization. On the other hand, no remarkable phase decomposition was detected in amorphous GeSn with <25 at. % Sn. Sn precipitation occurred at a higher temperature than the crystallization in these specimens, and the difference between the crystallization and Sn precipitation temperatures became large with decreasing Sn concentration. Because of the existence of this temperature difference, a temperature window for suppressing Sn segregation existed. We demonstrated that large GeSn grains with high Sn concentration could be realized by annealing the specimens within the temperature window

    Fusion of Ni Plating on CP-Titanium by Electron Beam Single-Track Scanning: Toward a New Approach for Fabricating TiNi Self-Healing Shape Memory Coating

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    The limited wear resistance of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) hinders its use in abrasive and erosive environments, despite its good strength–weight ratio and corrosion resistance. This paper reports the first study proposing a novel method for wear-resistant TiNi coating through Ni plating and electron beam (EB) irradiation in an in situ synthetic approach. Single-track melting experiments were conducted using the EB to investigate the feasibility of forming a TiNi phase by fusing the Ni plate with the CP-Ti substrate. Varying beam powers were employed at a fixed scanning speed to determine the optimal conditions for TiNi phase formation. The concentration of the melt region was found to be approximate as estimated from the ratio of the Ni-plate thickness to the depth of the melt region, and the region with Ni-48.7 at.% Ti was successfully formed by EB irradiation. The study suggests that the mixing of Ti atoms and Ni atoms was facilitated by fluid flow induced by Marangoni and thermal convections. It is proposed that a more uniform TiNi layer can be achieved through multi-track melting under appropriate conditions. This research demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing EB additive manufacturing as a coating method and the potential for developing TiNi coatings with shape memory effects and pseudoelasticity.Wang L., Okugawa M., Konishi H., et al. Fusion of Ni Plating on CP-Titanium by Electron Beam Single-Track Scanning: Toward a New Approach for Fabricating TiNi Self-Healing Shape Memory Coating. Materials 16, 5449 (2023); https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16155449

    Solute segregation in a rapidly solidified Hastelloy-X Ni-based superalloy during laser powder bed fusion investigated by phase-field and computational thermal-fluid dynamics simulations

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    Okugawa M., Saito K., Yoshima H., et al. Solute segregation in a rapidly solidified Hastelloy-X Ni-based superalloy during laser powder bed fusion investigated by phase-field and computational thermal-fluid dynamics simulations. Additive Manufacturing 84, 104079 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2024.104079.Solute segregation significantly affects material properties and is a critical issue in the laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) additive manufacturing (AM) of Ni-based superalloys. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate a computational thermal-fluid dynamics (CtFD) simulation coupled multi-phase-field (MPF) simulation with a multicomponent-composition model of Ni-based superalloy to predict solute segregation under solidification conditions in LPBF. The MPF simulation of the Hastelloy-X superalloy reproduced the experimentally observed submicron-sized cell structure. Significant solute segregations were formed within interdendritic regions during solidification at high cooling rates of up to 1.6 × 106 K s−1, a characteristic feature of LPBF. Solute segregation caused a decrease in the solidus temperature (TS), with a reduction of up to 38.4 K, which increases the risk of liquation cracks during LPBF. In addition, the segregation triggers the formation of carbide phases, which increases the susceptibility to ductility dip cracking. Conversely, we found that the decrease in TS is suppressed at the melt-pool boundary regions, where re-remelting occurs during the stacking of the layer above. Controlling the re-remelting behavior is deemed to be crucial for designing crack-free alloys. Thus, we demonstrated that solute segregation at the various interfacial regions of Ni-based multicomponent alloys can be predicted by the conventional MPF simulation. The design of crack-free Ni-based superalloys can be expedited by MPF simulations of a broad range of element combinations and their concentrations in multicomponent Ni-based superalloys

    COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against severe COVID-19 requiring oxygen therapy, invasive mechanical ventilation, and death in Japan: A multicenter case-control study (MOTIVATE study).

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    INTRODUCTION: Since the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant became dominant, assessing COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) against severe disease using hospitalization as an outcome became more challenging due to incidental infections via admission screening and variable admission criteria, resulting in a wide range of estimates. To address this, the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance recommends the use of outcomes that are more specific to severe pneumonia such as oxygen use and mechanical ventilation. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted in 24 hospitals in Japan for the Delta-dominant period (August-November 2021; "Delta") and early Omicron (BA.1/BA.2)-dominant period (January-June 2022; "Omicron"). Detailed chart review/interviews were conducted in January-May 2023. VE was measured using various outcomes including disease requiring oxygen therapy, disease requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), death, outcome restricting to "true" severe COVID-19 (where oxygen requirement is due to COVID-19 rather than another condition(s)), and progression from oxygen use to IMV or death among COVID-19 patients. RESULTS: The analysis included 2125 individuals with respiratory failure (1608 cases [75.7%]; 99.2% of vaccinees received mRNA vaccines). During Delta, 2 doses provided high protection for up to 6 months (oxygen requirement: 95.2% [95% CI:88.7-98.0%] [restricted to "true" severe COVID-19: 95.5% {89.3-98.1%}]; IMV: 99.6% [97.3-99.9%]; fatal: 98.6% [92.3-99.7%]). During Omicron, 3 doses provided high protection for up to 6 months (oxygen requirement: 85.5% [68.8-93.3%] ["true" severe COVID-19: 88.1% {73.6-94.7%}]; IMV: 97.9% [85.9-99.7%]; fatal: 99.6% [95.2-99.97]). There was a trend towards higher VE for more severe and specific outcomes. CONCLUSION: Multiple outcomes pointed towards high protection of 2 doses during Delta and 3 doses during Omicron. These results demonstrate the importance of using severe and specific outcomes to accurately measure VE against severe COVID-19, as recommended in WHO guidance in settings of intense transmission as seen during Omicron


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to develop human following control method of a porter robot in order to INTRODUCTION In recent yearly, the working environments of outdoor workers are deteriorating under the influences of global warming. Many hours of outdoor operations will put heavy burdens on workers in the construction and the transportation industries. It is expected that to improve outdoor working environments will lead to a higher employment rate of the elderly citizens. This study attempts to develop a porter robot for the purpose of supporting outdoor workers in carrying heavy loads. A considerable number of studies have been made on human following robots: shopping cart robots to aid shoppers [1], babysitting robots for the newborns and nursing robots for the elderl