20 research outputs found


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    Objectives: These studies were undertaken to assess the mechanism of Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Morinda citrifolia granules combination as anti-hyperlipidemic agent by immunohistochemical analysis in rats model. Methods: The rats were given HFD by oral gavage and PTU in drink water for 10 days to induce hyperlipidemia. Then they were randomized and divided into six groups, negative control, simvastatin control, gemfibrozil control, and three treatment groups. The treatment group rats was treated with extract granules combination at 137; 411; 686 mg/kg body weight that administered orally for 28 days. By immunohistochemistry preparation, jejunum was scored for NPC1L1 expression, so do adipose tissue was score for LPL expression. Results: Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Morinda citrifolia extract granules combination significantly (p<0.05) increased LPL expression at all dose (137; 411; 686 mg/kgBW). Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Morinda citrifolia extract granules combination also significantly (p<0.05) decreased NPC1L1 expression at dose 411 and 686 mg/kgBW, but not significant (p>0.05) at dose 137 mg/kgBW. Conclusions: Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Morinda citrifolia extract granules combination can increase lipoprotein lipase expression, a rate limiting enzyme of plasma triglyceride removal and decrease NPC1L1 expression, an intestinal cholesterol absorption transporter

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak n-heksan dedak padi varietas IR64 terhadap radikal bebas DPPH

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    Rice bran is a byproduct of rice (Oryza sativa) milling that still lacking in its utilization and was limited used for animal feed.Previous studies have shown that rice bran contains high nutrient compounds. This study was conduct~d to deterni1ne antioxidant activity of n-hexane extract of rice bran using diphenyl picryl hydrazil hydrate (DPPH) as stable free radical in spectrophotometric methods. The an tioxidant activity of rice bran was determined in operating time about 35 minutes and maximum wavelength 516,54 nm and antioxidant stret1gth shown by EC50 values. The result showed that rice bran positively has antioxidant activity with EC50 4099,55± 181,93 bpj

    Stabilitas Fisik Dan Ph Sediaan Gel Antiaging Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.)

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    ABSTRAK- Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui stabilitas fisik dan pH sediaan gel mengkudu sebagai antiaging. Formula yang dibuat yaitu gel tanpa ekstrak mengkudu (basis), gel dengan konsentrasi ekstrak mengkudu 5% (Formula I) dan gel dengan konsentrasi ekstrak mengkudu 10% (Formula II) yang disimpan dalam climatic chamber dengan suhu 40°C ± 2°C/75% ± 5% RH selama 30 hari. Pengamatan dilakukan pada hari ke-0,15dan30 dengan parameter fisik meliputi organoleptis, viskositas, sifat alir,berat jenis, dan daya sebar serta parameter pH. Data hasil pengamatan pH, daya sebar, berat jenis, dan viskositas dianalisis secara ANOVA one way dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%, sedangkan organoleptis, dan sifat alir dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada sediaan basis gel, formula I dan formula II pada hari ke-0 terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari parameter pH (p= 0,000) dan karakteristik fisik yang meliputi parameter organoleptis, daya sebar (p= 0,006), dan viskositas (p= 0,000).Sediaan basis tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna secara pH, organoleptis, daya sebar, berat jenis, dan viskositas. Formula I tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada pH dan berat jenis kecuali pada organoleptis, viskositas (p= 0,014) dan daya sebar (p=0,000). Pada Formula II tidak terdapat perbedaan bermaknasecara daya sebar kecuali pada pH (p= 0,000), organoleptis, viskositas (p= 0,024), dan berat jenis (p= 0,019).Kata Kunci: stabilitas fisika dan pH, gel, mengkudu, antiaging ABSTRACT- This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the physical stability and pH gel formulation of noni as antiaging. Formula made that gel without extract of noni (base), gel with concentration of noni extract 5% (Formula I) and gel with concentration of noni extract 10% (Formula II) were stored in a climatic chamber with temperature of 40°C ± 2°C/75% ± 5% RH for 30 days. Observation were made on days 0, 15 and 30 with physic parameters test were organoleptic, viscocity, flow properties, density, and spreadibility along pH parameters. Data observations of pH, spreadibility, density, dan viscosity was analyzed by ANOVA one-way with a 95% confidence level, while the organoleptic and flow properties analyzed with descriptively. The results showed preparation base gel, formula I, and formula II on day 0 there were significant differences of parameter in pH (p = 0,000) and characteristic physical that include parameter organoleptic, spreadibility (p = 0,006), and viscosity (p = 0,000). Preparation base there were no significant differences for pH, spreadibility, density, and viscosity.Formula I there are no significant differences at pH and density except in the organoleptic, viscosity (p = 0,014) and spreadibility (p = 0,000). In Formula II there were no significant differences at spreadibilty, except for pH (p = 0,000), organoleptic, viscosity (p = 0,024), and density (p = 0,019).Keywords: physical stability and pH, gel, noni, antiagin

    Stabilitas Fisik Dan Ph Sediaan Gel Antiaging Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.)

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    ABSTRAK- Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui stabilitas fisik dan pH sediaan gel mengkudu sebagai antiaging. Formula yang dibuat yaitu gel tanpa ekstrak mengkudu (basis), gel dengan konsentrasi ekstrak mengkudu 5% (Formula I) dan gel dengan konsentrasi ekstrak mengkudu 10% (Formula II) yang disimpan dalam climatic chamber dengan suhu 40°C ± 2°C/75% ± 5% RH selama 30 hari. Pengamatan dilakukan pada hari ke-0,15dan30 dengan parameter fisik meliputi organoleptis, viskositas, sifat alir,berat jenis, dan daya sebar serta parameter pH. Data hasil pengamatan pH, daya sebar, berat jenis, dan viskositas dianalisis secara ANOVA one way dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%, sedangkan organoleptis, dan sifat alir dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada sediaan basis gel, formula I dan formula II pada hari ke-0 terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari parameter pH (p= 0,000) dan karakteristik fisik yang meliputi parameter organoleptis, daya sebar (p= 0,006), dan viskositas (p= 0,000).Sediaan basis tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna secara pH, organoleptis, daya sebar, berat jenis, dan viskositas. Formula I tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada pH dan berat jenis kecuali pada organoleptis, viskositas (p= 0,014) dan daya sebar (p=0,000). Pada Formula II tidak terdapat perbedaan bermaknasecara daya sebar kecuali pada pH (p= 0,000), organoleptis, viskositas (p= 0,024), dan berat jenis (p= 0,019).Kata Kunci: stabilitas fisika dan pH, gel, mengkudu, antiaging ABSTRACT- This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the physical stability and pH gel formulation of noni as antiaging. Formula made that gel without extract of noni (base), gel with concentration of noni extract 5% (Formula I) and gel with concentration of noni extract 10% (Formula II) were stored in a climatic chamber with temperature of 40°C ± 2°C/75% ± 5% RH for 30 days. Observation were made on days 0, 15 and 30 with physic parameters test were organoleptic, viscocity, flow properties, density, and spreadibility along pH parameters. Data observations of pH, spreadibility, density, dan viscosity was analyzed by ANOVA one-way with a 95% confidence level, while the organoleptic and flow properties analyzed with descriptively. The results showed preparation base gel, formula I, and formula II on day 0 there were significant differences of parameter in pH (p = 0,000) and characteristic physical that include parameter organoleptic, spreadibility (p = 0,006), and viscosity (p = 0,000). Preparation base there were no significant differences for pH, spreadibility, density, and viscosity.Formula I there are no significant differences at pH and density except in the organoleptic, viscosity (p = 0,014) and spreadibility (p = 0,000). In Formula II there were no significant differences at spreadibilty, except for pH (p = 0,000), organoleptic, viscosity (p = 0,024), and density (p = 0,019).Keywords: physical stability and pH, gel, noni, antiagin

    HPTLC Fingerprints of Some Indonesian Medicinal Plants Used in “Scientific Jamu”

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    The use of herbal medicine in Indonesia is still very popular. However, it has not been recognized by the medical doctors as an alternative method of health care. Therefore, the government created a “Scientific Jamu” program, which is a scientific proof of herbal medicine through health care-based research. To succeed this program, supports from various aspects is needed, including ensuring the authenticity and quality of the raw materials. In this research, the HPTLC fingerprint of seven medicinal plants (i.e.: Orthosiphon stamineus, Centella asiatica, Phyllanthus niruri, Apium graveolens, Caesalpinia sappan, Stelechocarpus burahol, and Curcuma domestica) used in “Scientific Jamu” were established. Optimization of the mobile phase was designed with the mixture design method to generate separation with the highest number of bands and the best separation. Validation methods included stability, precision (intraday and interday), and specificity. Each plant was sonicated using methanol and then proceeded for HPTLC analysis using the following condition. A Camag TLC system comprising of Linomat 5 sample applicator, twin-through chamber, TLC visualizer 2, and Visioncats software were used. Chromatography was performed on HPTLC plates (silica gel 60 F254) with a 100-l Camag syringe. Samples were spotted under a flow of N2 as 6 mm bands, 15 mm from the left edge, 10 mm from the bottom edge and 10 mm of track distance. Development (80 mm) was carried out in a chamber previously equilibrated with mobile phase which were optimized for each plant extract. The plates were dried under warm air and derivatized using a specific reagent. Fingerprints evaluation was carried out under TLC visualizer. The fingerprints of the seven plants is presented at Fig.1. Method validation exhibited that the method used meets the requirements of stability, precision and specificity. It can be concluded that developed HPTLC fingerprint can be used to ensure the authenticity of plants used in “Scientific Jamu”

    Standardization of Phyllanthus niruri and Sonchus arvensis as Components of Scientific Jamu

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    Saintifikasi Jamu, or the scientific investigation of Jamu, is an evidence-based process to ensure the safety and efficacy of herbal medicine through health service research. Jamu has been empirically explored as a composition of various crude drugs, hence called as Scientific Jamu. Phyllanthus niruri and Sonchus arvensis are two of the 30 medicinal plants processed into Scientific Jamu. Components of the Scientific Jamu are standardized to ensure that these materials meet the predefined quality. This study was aimed to determine the specific parameters (macroscopic, microscopic, total flavonoid content, water-soluble extract content, and ethanol-soluble extract content) and non-specific parameters (loss on drying, total ash content, and acid insoluble ash content) of Phyllanthus niruri and Sonchus arvensis collected from Batu, Tawangmangu, and Bogor. The methods of the determination referred to the Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopoeia 1st Edition (2008). The results showed that Phyllanthus niruri and Sonchus arvensis from the three places did not meet the standard requirement

    Optimasi dan Karakterisasi Pengeringan Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu dengan Penambahan Bahan Pengering Synthetic Amorphous Silica

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    Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) telah lama digunakan di Indonesia dan seluruh duniasebagai obat tradisional dan suplemen. Proses ekstraksi dari buah mengkudu menghasilkan ekstrakkental yang kurang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat karena bau dan konsistensinya. Oleh karena itu,perlu adanya alternatif proses pengeringan dari ekstrak kental menjadi ekstrak kering yang tetapdapat menjaga kualitas, efektifitas, dan keamanan dari produk akhirnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengkarakterisasi dan menentukan penambahan Synthetic Amorphous Silica (SAS) yang palingefektif sebagai bahan pengering pada proses pengeringan ekstrak buah mengkudu. Parameter yangdianalisis meliputi karakteristik fisik dan kimia. Penambahan SAS terhadap ekstrak dengan perbandingan1:2 menunjukkan hasil yang paling efektif terhadap kandungan lembab yaitu 3,20 % ± 0,07.Hasil tersebut selanjutnya dilakukan konfirmasi dengan parameter uji lainnya yaitu sifat alir, distribusiukuran partikel, bobot jenis, profil KLT dan ternyata seluruh hasil dari parameter tersebut sesuaidengan ketentuan. Ekstrak kering hasil pengeringan dengan SAS perbandingan 1:2 memberikankecepatan alir sebesar 11,11 ± 0,2092 g/detik, jumlah fines sebanyak 10,20%, dan kompresibilitassebesar 12,18% ± 0,02

    Optimasi dan Karakterisasi Pengeringan Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu dengan Penambahan Bahan Pengering Synthetic Amorphous Silica

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    ABSTRAK: Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) telah lama digunakan di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia sebagai obat tradisional dan suplemen. Proses ekstraksi dari buah mengkudu menghasilkan ekstrak kental yang kurang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat karena bau dan konsistensinya. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya alternatif proses pengeringan dari ekstrak kental menjadi ekstrak kering yang tetap dapat menjaga kualitas, efektifitas, dan keamanan dari produk akhirnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan un- tuk mengkarakterisasi dan menentukan penambahan Synthetic Amorphous Silica (SAS) yang paling efektif sebagai bahan pengering pada proses pengeringan ekstrak buah mengkudu. Parameter yang dianalisis meliputi karakteristik fisik dan kimia. Penambahan SAS terhadap ekstrak dengan perban­ dingan 1:2 menunjukkan hasil yang paling efektif terhadap kandungan lembab yaitu 3,20 % ± 0,07. Hasil tersebut selanjutnya dilakukan konfirmasi dengan parameter uji lainnya yaitu sifat alir, distri- busi ukuran partikel, bobot jenis, profil KLT dan ternyata seluruh hasil dari parameter tersebut se­ suai dengan ketentuan. Ekstrak kering hasil pengeringan dengan SAS perbandingan 1:2 memberikan kecepatan alir sebesar 11,11 ± 0,2092 g/detik, jumlah fines sebanyak 10,20%, dan kompresibilitas sebesar 12,18% ± 0,02

    Application and optimization of ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent for the extraction of new skin-lightening cosmetic materials from Ixora javanica flower

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    The high demand for cosmetics has had a great impact on the development of innovative products in the cosmetic industry. The availability of raw materials has become a common problem in the cosmetic industry. Materials from nature can act as alternative sources, such as Ixora javanica. Several studies have shown the potential of I. javanica as an antioxidant and skin lightening agent. The objectives of the present study were to develop and optimize a green ultrasound-assisted deep eutectic solvent extraction of I. javanica. Eleven deep eutectic solvents were evaluated based on extraction efficiency parameters; that is, flavonoid and anthocyanin yields; the anti- oxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities of the extracts. The combination of choline chloride and propylene glycol (1:1) was shown to be the optimal deep eutectic solvent for I. javanica extraction. The extraction parameters of temperature, extraction time, and solid-to-liquid ratio were also optimized using response surface methodology. The total flavonoid compound obtained was 33 mg quercetin equivalent/g dried sample under the optimum extraction condition (extraction time of 5 min, temperature of 57 C, solid-to-liquid ratio of 0.02 g/mL). In sum, this work demonstrates the potential of natural deep eutectic solvent as an organic solvent replacement to obtain high quality Ixora javanica extract, which is a potential new source of skin-lightening cosmetic materials

    Standardization of Some Indonesian Medicinal Plants Used in “Scientific Jamu”

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    Jamu is Indonesian indigenous herbal medicine that has been used empirically to prevent and treat various diseases. To provide evidence on its safety and efficacy, Indonesian government has developed Jamu into Standardized Herbal Medicine and Phytopharmaca. Another strategy is development of Jamu into Scientific Jamu. This herbal medicine has assurance on safety and efficacy through health service-based research. Its raw material is various crude drugs. The problem of this type of raw material is that, depending on the environmental conditions, the quality can vary significantly. This study aimed to standardize crude drug of four medicinal plants included in the composition of Scientific Jamu. They are Orthosiphonis Staminei Folium, Centellae Asiaticae Herba, Curcumae Domesticae Rhizomae, and Curcumae Xanthorrhizae Rhizomae which were collected from three different origins in Indonesia, i.e.: Batu, Bogor, and Tawangmangu Districts. Standardization was conducted by determination of specific parameters (macroscopic, microscopic, total phenolics or flavonoids content, water and ethanol soluble extract) and non specific parameters (loss on drying, total ash, acid-insoluble ash). The results were then compared to Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopoeia to conclude wether the crude drugs have a good quality. Orthosiphonis Staminei Folium, Centellae Asiaticae Herba, Curcumae Domesticae Rhizomae, and Curcumae Xanthorrizae Rhizomae from Batu, Tawangmangu, and from Bogor met specific parameters (macroscopic, microscopic, water and ethanol soluble extracts) as required by Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopoeia. However, they failed to comply some non specific parameters especially ash content. All the results represented important information origin of the plant material and the crude drugs should be checked for their specific and non specific parameters before used to ensure their quality