2 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to COVID-19 in Indonesia: A post delta variant wave cross-sectional study

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    IntroductionPublic information and regulations related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been widely published and continuously changed. The Indonesian government has responded to the emerging evidence by regularly updating its unprecedented and preventive measures against the transmission of COVID-19 to the public. It is important to understand how the public responded to these updates. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Indonesians toward COVID-19 after the emergence of the delta variant wave.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted among the adult population of non-healthcare workers in Indonesia through an online questionnaire using the SurveyMonkey platform. A total of 1,859 respondents completed this survey from September to October 2021. The knowledge, attitudes, and practices data were analyzed descriptively to find their frequency and percentage. A multivariate analysis was conducted to confirm the factors affecting the respondents' knowledge, attitudes, and practices with a p-value of <0.05 set as significant.ResultsBeing female, having a higher education level, and having a higher frequency of access to COVID-19 news showed significant impacts on knowledge, attitudes, and practices (p<0.001). Older age stratification influenced the knowledge level (p<0.05) but had no significant effect on people's attitudes and practices toward COVID-19. Respondents' perceived probability of being exposed to COVID-19 (p < 0.05) and their COVID-19 infection frequency (p < 0.001) significantly influenced their knowledge. Household income and respondents' knowledge significantly affected their attitudes toward COVID-19. Furthermore, only their attitudes had a significant impact on the respondents' practices. Perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, and vaccination status did not significantly influence their knowledge, attitudes, and practices (p > 0.05).ConclusionAfter more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesians maintain their high level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices. COVID-19 disinformation must be combatted by strengthening authorized media, empowering communities, and improving governance among institutions during and post-pandemic

    Gambaran Tingkat Stres Selama Pembelajaran Daring Siswa SMA di Kota Payakumbuh dan Kabupaten 50 Kota

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    ABSTRACT The sudden change in the learning system went online due to the Covid-19 outbreak causing many students to become stressed. Stress is a condition of emotional instability that comes from environmental factors. Has symptoms such as difficulty relaxing, irritability, and anxiety. This study was conducted to determine the level of stress during online learning for high school students in the city of Payakumbuh and the district of Lima Puluh Kota. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods using the DASS-21 data collection instrument developed by Lovibond and Lovibond. Respondents in this study were 100 students consisting of 75 girls and 30 boys who came from five different schools. The results of the study show that respondents have a different picture of stress, where most of the respondents (56%) are categorized as normal, while a few others experience mild stress (11%), moderate stress (15%), severe stress (8%) and stress. very heavy (10%). The differences that students show in facing online learning can be influenced by many factors such as personality type, environment, school majors, and many more. Keywords: Covid-19, Online learning, Stress ABSTRAKPerubahan sistem pembelajaran menjadi daring secara mendadak akibat wabah covid-19 yang melanda menyebabkan banyak siswa menjadi stres. Stres merupakan kondisi ketidakstabilan emosi yang berasal dari faktor lingkungan memiliki gejala seperti susah relaks, mudah marah dan gelisah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat stres selama pembelajaran daring pada siswa SMA di kota Payakumbuh dan kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota.  Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan instrumen pengumpulan data DASS-21 yang ditemukan oleh Lovibond dan Lovibond. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 siswa yang terdiri atas 75 perempuan dan 30 laki-laki yang berasal dari lima sekolah yang berbeda.  Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden memiliki gambaran stres yang berbeda, dimana sebagian besar responden (56%) dikategorikan normal, sedangkan sebagain kecil lainnya mengalami stres ringan (11%), stres sedang (15%), stres berat (8%) dan stres yang sangat berat (10%). Perbedaan yang ditunjukkan siswa dalam menghadapi pembelajaran daring dapat dipengaruhi banyak faktor seperti tipe kepribadian, lingkungan, jurusan sekolah dan masih banyak lagi. Kata Kunci : Covid-19, Pembelajaran Daring, Stre