14 research outputs found

    Comparison of communication skill between railroad crossing guards

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    Railroad Crossing Guard, commonly known as Penjaga Perlintasan Kereta Api (PJL), has a task in safeguarding the railroad crossing. In carrying out their task, PJL needs to communicate with other PJL and Train Dispatcher (PPKA) in the working area. Therefore, communication plays a critical role in the safety aspect. In 1987, the worst train accident happened in Indonesia’s history of railways, which was caused by miscommunication as the main factor of this accident. This study aims to improve communication skills for all PJL staff in Indonesia to achieve safety at railroad crossings. This study used primer data obtained from questionnaires distributed to 97 PJL individuals under Transportation Department (Dishub) and 97 PJL individuals under PT KAPM. Nowadays, PJL in Indonesia is under Dishub and PT KAPM. The sample was determined using Lemeshow’s formula because the number of subjects from previous studies was unknown or data on the exact number of all PJL in Indonesia was unavailable. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the Man Whitney U test. PJL under the Transportation Agency and PJL under PT KAPM did not understand the importance of recording communication when maintaining a railroad crossing. The Mann-Whitney U test inferential statistics analysis indicates that the hypothesis was accepted, namely differences in communication skills between PJL under Dishub and PJL under PT. KAPM. The average ranking value was obtained from the total comparison value of all variables from PJL of Dushub and PJL of PT KAPM, with the Mann- Whitney U test results was 79.90 and the average ranking value of PJL under PT. KAPM was 113.10


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    Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan dengan wilayah yang luas dan juga penduduk yang banyak mempunyai beberapa permasalahan salah satunya adalah masalah penyediaan transportasi massal. Indonesia perlu melakukan modernisasi industri perkeretaapian dimana saat ini industri tersebut dilaksanakan oleh operator milik Kementerian BUMN yaitu PT INKA (Persero) untuk produksi sarana perkeretaapian. Walaupun saat ini dunia sedang mengalami pandemik covid-19 namun industri perkeretaapian Indonesia tidak terpengaruh hal tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa metode deskriktif kualitatif dan yuridis normatif. Pendekatan astagrata dalam ketahanan nasional mempunyai peranan penting, dimana aspek alamiah (trigatra) terutama penduduk dan aspek sosial (pancagatra) terutama aspek ekonomi yang didalamnya berperan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, juga didukung aspek ideologi, politik, sosial budaya dan pertahanan keamanan. Sifat-sifat ketahanan nasional yang berupa : mandiri, dinamis, wibawa, dan konsultasi dan kerjasama sangat berperan dalam modernisasi industri perkeretaapian. Selain itu adanya globalisasi bahwa hukum tidak semata-mata melindungi kepentingan nasional, tetapi juga harus melindungi kepentingan lintas negara juga harus dipertimbangkan perannya dalam perkembangan modernisasi industri perkeretaapian Indonesia. Selain itu peran dan dukungan dari pemerintah sebagai regulator dengan produk berupa regulasi pembangunan nasional jangka panjang nasional perkeretaapian juga berperan sangat penting.Kata kunci : modernisasi industri perkeretaapian, ketahanan nasional, rencana induk perkeretaapian nasional

    Pengaruh Lalu-Lintas Kereta Api dan Shift Jaga di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Persepsi dari Penjaga Perlintasan Kereta Api (PJL) di Wilayah Kerja Daerah Operasi (DAOP) 1 JAKARTA

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    Penjaga perlintasan kereta api atau yang biasa disebut PJL adalah orang yang bersinggungan dengan keselamatan perkeretaapian di pintu perlintasan kereta api. Di era pandemik covid-19 PT KAI selaku penyelenggara perkeretaapian membatasi jumlah kereta api yang beroperasi. Penelitian ini membahas tentang lalu-lintas kereta api dan shift jaga di era pandemik covid-19 apakah mempengaruhi persepsi kinerja PJL di wilayah kerja. Daop 1 Jakarta.  Metode penelitian berupa metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif dimana kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada PJL di wilayah kerja Daop 1 Jakarta menggunakan skala likert dengan nilai antara 1, 2 dan 3 dan di olah dengan SPSS 25. Pertanyaan di kuesioner di uji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Analisis yang digunakan berupa Regresi linier berganda, Dilakukan uji klasik antara lain uji regresi distribusi normal, uji multikoliniearitas tolerance dan VIF, uji heteroskedastisitas dan uji autokorelasi Durbin Watson. Jumlah responden sebanyak 190 orang responden dengan teknik sampling teknik non-probability sampling berupa accidental sampling. Uji F Simultan jika nilai sig 0.05 Dimana signifikansi 0,000 0,05 maka variabel independent yaitu lalu-lintas kereta api (X1) dan shift jaga (X2) secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap persepsi (Y) atau variabel dependent. Uji F simultan jika nilai F hitung F dimana F hitung = 15,683 lebih besar daripada F tabel 3,04 artinya lalu-lintas kereta api (X1) dan shift jaga (X2) secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap persepsi (Y) dengan nilai 14,4%.Kata kunci : Persepsi, Penjaga perlintasan kereta api, Daerah Operasi 1 Jakarta, lalu-lintas kereta api, shift jaga

    An Analysis of Public Service Policy on Rail Transport Passenger in Malang Station in this New Normal Era

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    The implementation of public service policy in the new normal era on rail transport refers to the decree of the Minister of Administrative reform of the national apparatus number 63 year 2019 and adjusted to the decree of the Minister of Health No HK. 01.07/Menkes/328/2020 about the manual and control of covid-19 by giving public service related to new normal rule. The implementation of new normal rule at Malang station have some obstacles such: 1) Without realizing that many people are people without symthoms status travel outside the city as usual, it is risky to transmit to other transportation users, 2) Community compliance is still low in implementing health protocols. This research uses qualitative methods. The results showed that the satisfaction of train users in Malang City station using the Likert scale shows an average of 2.69 is a good category. Based on the minimum service standard (SPM) at the train station of Malang city in the new era of normal prevention spread Covid-19 is good


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kebijakan pelayanan minimum bagi pengguna kereta api MRT di Jakarta berdasarkan PM Nomor 47 Tahun 2004, mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi kendala yang mempengaruhi keefektifitasan kualitas pelayanan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Prosedure pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan wawancara secara mendalam kepada pegawai dan manajer PT MRT di Jakarta dan kepada beberapa penumpang pengguna kereta MRT. Sedangkan data sekunder di ambil dari data di bagian manajemen PT MRT. Teknik dalam menentukan informan dilakukan dengan metode snowball sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pegawai PT MRT di Jakarta sudah sesuai dengan standar operasional (SOP) dan mengacu pada PM Nomor 47 Tahun 2004. Pelayanan yang diberikan sudah sesuai dengan indikator-indikator pelayanan yaitu tangible, reliable, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy. Pegawai juga sudah memiliki rasa empathy terhadap penumpang yang dilayani. Berdasarkan hasil questionnaire terharap 30 responden yang diambil secara random dari sejumlah penumpang kereta MRT Jakarta 80% responden menyatakan bahwa mereka sangat puas terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan oleh PT. MRT Jakarta. Berdasarkan data sekunder 99, 95% pada bulan Mei –November Tahun 2019 kereta MRT datang dan berangkat sesuai ketepatan waktu, data ini diambil dari bagian manajemen PT MRT data tahun 2019. Adapun faktor-faktor atau hambatan yang mempengaruhi efektifitas pelayanan adalah kesadaran penumpang tentang beretika dalam menggunakan fasilitas umum yang ada di stasiun MRT. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan sosialisasi mendalam dan ketegasan regulasi jika ada penumpang yang melanggar tata tertib. Kata-kata kunci: Kebijakan; Standar Pelayanan Minimum; Transportasi; Pelayan Publik; Efektivitas Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the minimum service policy for MRT train users in Jakarta based on the regulation Number 47 of 2004, describing what factors are being the obstacles that affect the effectiveness of service quality. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The primary data collection procedure was carried out by in-depth interviews with employees, managers of MRT company in Jakarta and several passengers using MRT trains. The secondary data is taken from MRT management and the technique in determining informants is done by snowball sampling method. The results of this study indicate that the services provided by MRT’s employees in Jakarta are in accordance with operational standards (SOP) and refer to the Regulation Number 47 of 2004. The services provided are in accordance with service indicators, such as tangible, reliable, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Based on the results of the questionnaire is given to 30 respondents taken randomly from a number of Jakarta MRT train passengers 80% of respondents stated that they were very satisfied with the services provided by MRT Jakarta. Based on the secondary data showed that 99.95% in May to November 2019 MRT trains arrived and departed on time, this data was taken from the management of MRT company. The factors or obstacles that affect the effectiveness of services are passenger awareness about ethics in using public facilities in the MRT station. For this reason, in-depth socialization and strictness of regulations need to be done if there are passengers who violate the rules. Key words: Policy; Minimum Service Standards; Transportation; Public Servants; Effectivenes

    Tinjauan Yuridis Normatif Perbandingan Peraturan Pengadaan Tanah untuk Infrastruktur Perkeretaapian antara Indonesia dengan Malaysia

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    Land acquisition for public purposes, including for the construction of railroad infrastructure, is a matter that is proposed by all countries in the world. The Indonesian government or the Malaysian royal government needs land for railroad infrastructure development. To realize this, a regulation was made that became the legal umbrella for the government or royal government. The people must agree to regulations that require it. Land acquisition for public use in Malaysia can be completed quickly in Indonesia. The influencing factor is the different perceptions of the understanding of what are in the public interest, history and legal systems of the two countries as well as the people's reaction from the two countriesPengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum termasuk untuk pembangunan infrastruktur perkeretaapian adalah permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh hampir semua negara di dunia ini. Pemerintah Indonesia ataupun pemerintah kerajaan Malaysia memerlukan tanah untuk pembangunan infrastruktur perkeretaapian. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut dibuat peraturan-peraturan yang menjadi payung hukum bagi pemerintah atau pemerintah kerajaan. Rakyat harus mematuhi peraturan-peraturan yang dimaksud. Pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum terutama infrastruktur perkeretaapian di Malaysia bisa terselesaikan lebih cepat daripada di Indonesia. Faktor yang mempengaruhinya adalah perbedaan persepsi dari pengertian apa itu kepentingan umum, sejarah dan sistem hukum kedua negara tersebut yang berbeda serta reaksi rakyat dari kedua negara tersebut. Kata kunci : pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum, peraturan, perkeretaapia

    Penanganan Gangguan Gagal Balik Point Machine No. P1106 di Pocket Track LRT Jakarta Pada Saat Perawatan Menggunakan Metode FTA dan FMEA

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    Point machine or drive on the wesel is one of the external equipment on the railroad system that functions to move one line to another. There are two types, mechanical and electrical. Jakarta LRT uses an electric vane drive with the Voestalpine product name with the Unistar HR EM type. There is often a back failure disturbance caused by point machine no P1106. This study aims to analyze the cause of the reverse failure. Using two analysis methods, namely Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). The results found that the cause of the reverse failure at point machine no P1106 is from the detection switch component that occurs bad contact due to corrosion with the form of sparks.&nbsp


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    This community service aims to provide understanding and improve the cadets' writing skills in the final project preparation because the cadets themselves do not fully understand the procedures for writing good scientific papers. The step used in achieving the goal is to provide materials for both theory and practice through online and offline literacy classes. The method used is blended learning strategy by combining face-to-face learning and information technology capabilities. Blended learning is more flexible to use during a pandemic because it is not limited by space and time so that the target of service can be achieved. The activity will be carried out for 4 (four) days with the distribution of materials according to the schedule that has been made. The cadets had been given a pre-test before learning began and a post-test after learning was completed to evaluate the success of this service activity. Pre-test result about the basic concept of scientific work obtained 52 results and post-test results obtained 70. Systematic materials and scientific writing techniques obtained pre-test results of 45.4 and post-test results of 67.4. The material for using digital literacy in writing works has a pre-test result of 39.4 and a post-test result of 63.2. For scientific publications, the results of the pre-test were 32.4 and the post-test results were 62.6. The results of the post-test for the four materials presented, the total average value was still below 62.82, this is still far below the standard average. The expected level is 80. The literacy class which is carried out by blended learning needs to be further improved based on data processing from google forms filled out by cadets with the results of the pre-test and post-test experiencing a significant increase from the four material themes presented

    Implementasi Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 10 Tahun 2011 Tentang Persyaratan Teknis Peralatan Persinyalan Perkeretaapian Terhadap Teknologi Communication Base Train Control (CBTC) Di PT. MRT Jakarta

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    The development of railroad transportation which is increasingly rapid needs to be made provisions that can support safety, one of which is stipulated in the regulation of the minister of transportation No. 10 of 2011 concerning Technical Requirements for Railway Based Communication Control Train (CBTC) Railway Equipment that will be applied at PT MRT Jakarta so that research is needed to test the relevance of the regulation. The method used in this study is Normative Juridical namely normative legal research method or library legal research method is the method or method used in legal research conducted by examining existing library materials. The collected data is analyzed by comparing current regulations with CBTC technology that will be applied at PT. Jakarta MRT. The results of this study can be seen that there are some specifications of the equipment that are appropriate, not suitable and even there are also completely different between the provisions in PM No. 10 of 2011 concerning Signaling Technical Requirements.Perkembangan transportasi perkeretaapian yang semakin pesat perlu dilakukan ketetapan yang dapat menunjang keselamatan salah satunya ditetapkan dalam peraturan menteri perhubungan Nomor 10 Tahun 2011 tentang Persyaratan Teknis Peralatan Persinyalan Perkeretaapian Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) yang akan diterapkan di PT MRT Jakarta sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menguji relevansi dari peraturan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Yuridis Normatif yaitu Metode penelitian hukum normatif atau metode penelitian hukum kepustakaan adalah metode atau cara yang dipergunakan di dalam penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka yang ada. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan membandingkan antara peraturan yang berlaku sekarang dengan teknologi CBTC yang akan diterapkan di PT. MRT Jakarta. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat beberapa spesifikasi peralatan yang sesuai, tidak sesuai dan bahkan ada juga yang berbeda sama sekali antara ketentuan dalam PM No. 10 Tahun 2011 tentang Persyaratan Teknis Persinyalan