29 research outputs found

    Treatment outcomes for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in post-earthquake Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

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    We report outcomes and 12-month survival for the first cohort of patients to undergo multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment after the earthquake in Haiti. From March 3, 2010 to March 28, 2013, 110 patients initiated treatment of laboratory-confirmed MDR-TB at the Groupe Haïtien d'Etude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes (GHESKIO) Center in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Twenty-seven patients (25%) were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive. As of October 31, 2013, 95 (86%) patients were either cured or alive on treatment, 4 (4%) patients defaulted, and 11 (10%) patients died. Culture conversion occurred by 30 days in 14 (13%) patients, 60 days in 49 (45%) patients, and 90 days in 81 (74%) patients. The probabilities of survival to 12 months were 96% (95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 89-99) and 85% (95% CI = 64-94) for HIV-negative and -positive patients, respectively. Despite adverse conditions, outcomes for patients with MDR-TB are highly encouraging. Major efforts are underway to scale up community directly observed therapy and expand care to other regions of Haiti

    Tuberculosis in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

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    PROBLEM: In 2010, Haiti sustained a devastating earthquake that crippled the health-care infrastructure in the capital city, Port-au-Prince, and left 1.5 million people homeless. Subsequently, there was an increase in reported tuberculosis in the affected population. APPROACH: We conducted active tuberculosis case finding in a camp for internally displaced persons and a nearby slum. Community health workers screened for tuberculosis at the household level. People with persistent cough were referred to a physician. The National Tuberculosis Program continued its national tuberculosis reporting system. LOCAL SETTING: Even before the earthquake, Haiti had the highest tuberculosis incidence in the Americas. About half of the tuberculosis cases occur in the Port-au-Prince region. RELEVANT CHANGES: The number of reported tuberculosis cases in Haiti has increased after the earthquake, but data are too limited to determine if this is due to an increase in tuberculosis burden or to improved case detection. Compared to previous national estimates (230 per 100,000 population), undiagnosed tuberculosis was threefold higher in a camp for internally displaced persons (693 per 100,000) and fivefold higher in an urban slum (1165 per 100,000). With funding from the World Health Organization (WHO), active case finding is now being done systematically in slums and camps. LESSONS LEARNT: Household-level screening for prolonged cough was effective in identifying patients with active tuberculosis in this study. Without accurate data, early detection of rising tuberculosis rates is challenging; data collection should be incorporated into pragmatic disease response programmes

    Sensing Infection by Adenovirus: Toll-Like Receptor-Independent Viral DNA Recognition Signals Activation of the Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 Master Regulator

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    Infection with adenovirus vectors (AdV) results in rapid activation of innate immunity, which serves the dual purpose of stimulating inflammatory antiviral host defenses and the adaptive immune system. Viral recognition by macrophages, dendritic cells, and other cell types requires an ability to sense the presence of a foreign molecular pattern by “pattern recognition receptors.” The nature of the adenoviral sensor, the target ligand of the sensor, and the downstream antiviral signaling response triggered by virus infection have not been defined for this nonenveloped double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) virus. We have identified four critical links involved in AdV recognition by murine antigen-presenting cells (APC) and primary lung fibroblasts: (i) viral recognition occurs chiefly via a Toll-like receptor (TLR)-independent nucleic acid-sensing mechanism recognizing the viral dsDNA genome, (ii) the intact viral particle and capsid proteins are required for efficient intracellular delivery of the viral genome, (iii) delivery of the viral genome triggers interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) phosphorylation, and (iv) IRF3 activation is the required dominant antiviral signaling pathway used by APC, whereas the “primary” involvement of NF-κB, mitogen-activated protein kinase, or Akt pathways is less prominent. In this study we provide the first direct evidence that infection by a dsDNA virus stimulates an IRF3-mediated interferon and proinflammatory response through a TLR-independent DNA-sensing mechanism

    Adenovirus Induction of IRF3 Occurs through a Binary Trigger Targeting Jun N-Terminal Kinase and TBK1 Kinase Cascades and Type I Interferon Autocrine Signaling▿

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    Pathogen recognition is a critical function of immune sentinel cells. Naïve macrophages or dendritic cells (DCs) undergo pathogen-directed activation and maturation, and as mature antigen-presenting cells (APCs), they contribute essential functions to both innate and adaptive immunity. Using recombinant adenovirus (rAdV) as a model for murine APC activation by DNA viruses, we demonstrate a critical role for stress kinase activation in cell intrinsic and extrinsic antiviral signaling cascades. We propose two viral triggers, viral capsid and viral DNA, are required for APC activation. Endosomal escape and presentation of cytosolic rAdV DNA induces phosphorylation of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) at serine 172 but does not induce IκB kinase ɛ activity as determined by in vitro kinase assays. However, induction of TBK1 alone is not sufficient for interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) phosphorylation. We show that capsid-dependent activation of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) stress kinase is a necessary step, licensing TBK1 phosphorylation of IRF3 at Ser 396. A second later phase of JNK activity is required to coordinate phosphorylation of JNK-dependent transcription factors (c-Jun/ATF2) with activated IRF3 in the induction of primary IRF3-responsive transcripts. Finally, we demonstrate that maximal JNK/TBK1/IRF3 stimulation by rAdV depends on an intact type I interferon (IFN) signaling cascade. By requiring multiple viral triggers and type I IFN autocrine regulation, APCs have an inherent fail-safe mechanism against inappropriate activation and maturation

    Multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in healthcare facilities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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    Objectives: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a leading cause of opportunistic infections worldwide, particularly in healthcare settings, and frequently demonstrates resistance to commonly prescribed antimicrobials. Carbapenem resistance is prevalent worldwide, however there are currently limited data available from Haiti. The aim of this study was to characterise and document this phenotype in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to further inform the need for appropriate infection control, empirical treatment guidelines and laboratory screening measures, both in Haiti and globally. Methods: A total of 50 P. aeruginosa isolates were characterised by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, of which 8 isolates were also subjected to whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to identify potential genetic correlations of phenotypic resistance. Results: By MLST, 23 sequence types (STs) were identified, including 13 new STs. Nineteen isolates belonged to a single, previously characterised ST (ST654), all of which demonstrated a multidrug-resistant phenotype, including resistance to meropenem, imipenem and ceftazidime; two isolates were also resistant to colistin. WGS revealed the presence of genes encoding several previously characterised resistance determinants in ST654; notably ACC(6′)-Ib3-cr and GES-7. Metallo-β-lactamase genes (blaVIM-5) were also detected in three isolates. Conclusion: These findings confirm that drug-resistant clones of P. aeruginosa are present in Haiti, supporting the need for appropriate screening and control measures and confirming that drug-resistant micro-organisms pose a global threat. Further investigations are required to guide appropriate antimicrobial prescribing in this region

    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tuberculosis multirresistente en Puerto Príncipe, Haití

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) among patients with new smear-positive pulmonary TB in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. METHODS: Sputum samples were cultured from 1 006 patients newly diagnosed with TB in 2008. The core region of the rpoB gene that is associated with resistance to rifampin was sequenced. All isolates with rpoB mutations were sent to the New York State reference laboratory for conventional drug susceptibility testing (DST). All isolates were also tested with the GenoType MTBDRplus line-probe assay. RESULTS: Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from 906 patients. Twenty-six (2.9%) of the isolates had missense mutations or deletions in rpoB and were resistant to rifampin by DST. All 26 were also resistant to isoniazid and classified as MDR-TB. Forty-six control isolates without rpoB mutations were found to be rifampin sensitive by DST. The GenoType MTBDRplus line-probe assay correctly identified 26 MDR-TB strains. It misclassified one pansusceptible isolate as rifampin resistant. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows an MDR-TB prevalence of 2.9% in newly diagnosed TB patients in Haiti and suggests that rpoB sequencing and hybridization assays are good screening tools for early detection of MDR-TB.OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de tuberculosis (TB) multirresistente en pacientes con TB pulmonar nueva con baciloscopia positiva en Puerto Príncipe, Haití. MÉTODOS: Se cultivaron muestras de esputo de 1 006 pacientes con diagnóstico reciente de tuberculosis efectuado durante el 2008. Se secuenció la región nuclear del gen rpoB, que se asocia con la resistencia a la rifampicina. Todos los aislados con mutaciones de rpoB se enviaron al laboratorio de referencia del estado de Nueva York para llevar a cabo un antibiograma convencional. Todos los aislados se estudiaron también con el ensayo de sonda lineal GenoType MTBDRplus. RESULTADOS: Se aisló Mycobacterium tuberculosis de 906 pacientes. Veintiséis (2,9%) de los aislados presentaban mutaciones de sentido erróneo o deleciones en rpoB y fueron resistentes a la rifampicina en el antibiograma. Los 26 aislados fueron resistentes también a la isoniacida y se clasificaron como TB multirresistente. Cuarenta y seis aislados de control sin mutaciones de rpoB resultaron sensibles a la rifampicina en el antibiograma. El ensayo de sonda lineal GenoType MTBDRplus identificó correctamente a las 26 cepas de TB multirresistente y clasificó de manera errónea un aislado sensible a múltiples fármacos como resistente a la rifampicina. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio revela una prevalencia de TB multirresistente de 2,9% en los pacientes con TB recién diagnosticada en Haití e indica que los ensayos de secuenciación e hibridación de rpoB son estudios de detección sistemática adecuados para la detección temprana de la TB multirresistente