2 research outputs found

    Efficient Approximation of Action Potentials with High-Order Shape Preservation in Unsupervised Spike Sorting

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    This paper presents a novel approximation unit added to the conventional spike processing chain which provides an appreciable reduction of complexity of the high-hardware cost feature extractors. The use of the Taylor polynomial is proposed and modelled employing its cascaded derivatives to non-uniformly capture the essential samples in each spike for reliable feature extraction and sorting. Inclusion of the approximation unit can provide 3X compression (i.e. from 66 to 22 samples) to the spike waveforms while preserving their shapes. Detailed spike waveform sequences based on in-vivo measurements have been generated using a customized neural simulator for performance assessment of the approximation unit tested on six published feature extractors. For noise levels σN between 0.05 and 0.3 and groups of 3 spikes in each channel, all the feature extractors provide almost same sorting performance before and after approximation. The overall implementation cost when including the approximation unit and feature extraction shows a large reduction (i.e. up to 8.7X) in the hardware costly and more accurate feature extractors, offering a substantial improvement in feature extraction design

    A deep neural network-based spike sorting with improved channel selection and artefact removal

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    In order to implement highly efficient brain-machine interface (BMI) systems, high-channel count sensing is often used to record extracellular action potentials. However, the extracellular recordings are typically severely contaminated by artefacts and various noise sources, rendering the separation of multi-unit neural recordings an immensely challenging task. Removing artefact and noise from neural events can improve the spike sorting performance and classification accuracy. This paper presents a deep learning technique called deep spike detection (DSD) with a strong learning ability of high-dimensional vectors for neural channel selection and artefacts removal from the selected neural channel. The proposed method significantly improves spike detection compared to the conventional methods by sequentially diminishing the noise level and discarding the active artefacts in the recording channels. The simulated and experimental results show that there is considerably better performance when the extracellular raw recordings are cleaned prior to assigning individual spikes to the neurons that generated them. The DSD achieves an overall classification accuracy of 91.53% and outperformes Wave_clus by 3.38% on the simulated dataset with various noise levels and artefacts.</p