2 research outputs found

    Nutritivne vrednosti komposta, vermikomposta i dugoročni efekat na status plodnosti zemljišta

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    The principal aim of this study was to examine the nutrient release pattern from two types of composts and long-term implications on soil fertility status. An incubation experiment was carried out in the laboratory to determine the nutrient release patterns from compost and vermicompost mixed with soil at different application rates of SC30, SC70, SC120 and SV30, SV70 SV120 respectively for 21 days. Initial pre-incubation analysis of the compost material used for the experiment showed that both the compost and vermicompost had high nutrient content. The results further revealed that the different rates of compost and vermicompost application to soil had significant influence on the slow, gradual release process, indicating the long-term effect the organic fertilizers could exert on soil fertility statusGlavni cilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje obrazca oslobađanja hranljivih materija iz dva tipa komposta i dugoročne posledice na status plodnosti zemljišta. Izvršen je eksperiment inkubacije u laboratoriji da bi se utvrdili obrasci oslobađanja hranljivih materija iz komposta i vermikomposta pomešanih sa zemljištem, pri različitim količinama kombinacijama primene SC30, SC70, SC120 i SV30, SV70 SV120, tokom 21 dan. Početne pre inkubacijske analize kompostnog materijala korišćenog za eksperiment pokazale su da i kompost i vermikompost imaju visok sadržaj hranljivih sastojaka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su različite količine unetog komposta i vermikomposta u zemljište imale značajan uticaj na spor, postepen proces oslobađanja, hranljivih materija, što ukazuje na dugoročni efekat koji organsko đubrivo može da ima na status plodnosti zemljišta

    Procena maksimalne proizvodnje biogasa iz različitih sirovina: eksperimentalna studija

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    This study reveals the maximum biogas production capacity of different biomass using plant and animal waste material as feedstock. A comparative experiment conducted under anaerobic condition showed that biogas yield from poultry litter (28 liters) was higher than that of rice husk (18 liters) in a 30day retention time. However, the yield of biogas was significantly influenced by the composition of the waste feedstock and the environmental conditions within the reactor. The poultry litter had already undergone some digestion process before it was excreted by the birds, which means their bonds were broken by digestive organisms which made the anaerobic digestion process to be easily accomplished. Similarly, the rice husk had a low gas production rate due to the presence of high lignin properties because rice is a lignin cellulose material. Therefore, for optimum gas production, the waste should be pretreated at lower temperate region to increase the digestion temperature since temperature exerts a major influence in biogas production.Ova studija prikazuje najveći kapacitet proizvodnje biogasa od različitih biomasa, kada se koristi kao početna sirovina biljni i životinjski otpadni materijal. Uporedni eksperiment u anaerobnim uslovima pokazuje da je količina biogasa od živine (28 litara) veći od ljuski pirinča (18 litara) u roku trajanja ciklusa u reaktoru od 30 dana. Međutim, na prinos biogasa je značajno uticao sastav otpadne sirovine i uslovi životne sredine u reaktoru za gas. Prostirka za živinu već je bila podvrgnuta nekom procesu razgradnje pre nego što je živina (ptice) ostavila svoj deo, što omogućuje da se anaerobni proces lako izvrši. Slično tome, ljuska pirinča ima malu mogućnost proizvodnje gasa zbog prisustva visokih sadržaja celuloze (lignin. Zbog toga, za optimalnu proizvodnju gasa, otpad treba prethodno predtretirati u oblasti nižih temperatura da bi se posle povećala temperatura razgradnje, jer temperatura digestije u bioreaktoru ima veliki uticaj na proizvodnju biogasa