5 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Student Attendance System Using Iris Biometric Recognition

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    Attendance taking is a standard practice in every educational system. The methods used to take class attendance are quite numerous but emphasis keeps shifting towards automating the process. The use of biometrics in taking class attendance is fast gaining ground and the traditional way of taking attendance is fast losing ground especially when the class is very large and time is of great essence. The iris was used as the biometric in this paper. After enrolling all attendees by storing their particulars along with their unique iris template, the designed system automatically took class attendance by capturing the eye image of each attendee, recognizing their iris, and searching for a match in the created database. The designed prototype is also web based. This paper proposes an alternative and accurate method of taking attendance that is both spoofproof and relatively cheap to implement

    Design and Implementation of an Iris Biometric Door Access Control System

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    Over the years, security has soared in importance as concerned individuals, companies and organizations continue to implement measures to improve the security of lives and properties. Door-access control is a physical security system that secures a room or building by limiting access to specific people and keeping records of such accesses. The significance of iris technology among others, for security and access control applications are numerous. In terms of physical security, iris technology is already making inroads into the access control market because of the reliability of its authentication process. In this paper, the researchers present an aspect of the system relating to the design and construction of an iris biometric door access control. The system was developed as a means of getting into a specified area by securing the door and limiting access. The database created contains the particulars of those allowed access in order to work in tandem with the mandatory iris authentication process. The implemented design worked satisfactorily

    Developed Secure Network Model Using Radius Server

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    History of networks dates back to the early 1970’s and due to the emerging ding demands placed on networks by administrators and users, securing the network becomes a necessity. In this research work we studied the various existing methods employed in securing private networks and came up with using radius server as a backbone to network security. A dedicated network was designed and the administrative and client networks on virtual LAN (VLAN) basis configured. This ultimately authenticates a valid user and rejects an invalid user from gaining access into the network using the method of authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA), while monitoring the valid user and keeping record of activities on the network

    Simulation and Monitoring of a University Network for Bandwidth Efficiency Utilization

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    As organization networks grow, it is essential that network administrators have knowledge of the different types of traffic traversing their networks and the methods of monitoring such traffic. Traffic monitoring and analysis is essential in order to troubleshoot and resolve issues as they occur in order not to bring the network to a total collapse. There are numerous tools and methods available for network traffic monitoring and analysis, no administrator can effectively carry out such activities without in-depth knowledge of the traffic on the network. The inefficient management of the network traffic may result into network collapse or degradation and these may negatively affect the network performance of the Corporate or University networks. This paper therefore, proposed a developed network topology and simulation to monitor the network performance. Therefore, achieving an effective management and controlling of the increase traffic flows in the network. The result obtained shows a better network performance in the bandwidth usage and utilization of the University network

    Creating a Policy Based Network Intrusion Detection System using Java Platform

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    Computer network attacks are rapidly increasing on a global scale. Security mechanisms are established and used extensively to counter these security threats knowing their ubiquitous nature and severity. Like in most Financial institions and big Organizations world wide, in most Nigeria Universities network security threats have become a major chanlenge and of great concern to the University authorities. Most Nigeria Universities rely solely on their established networks for revenue generation. The Universities have adopted some policies that are peculiar to its needs. Several reported breaches in these Universities network by intruders and sometimes insiders threat have become a major challenge to the authorities. Hence, this paper addressed the security policy based apparatus to stop the havoc caused by these threats. Among the deployable security arsenals is Intrusion Detection System (IDS). There was a need to customized IDS to suit the security policies of specific University network and these security policies vary from network to network. In order to meet this need, a signature-based Network Intrusion Detection System was design to suit the policies of each university network and to accommodate policy changes. This was achieved through Java platform, that is, Jnetpcap Library and Java Expert System Shell (JESS). The results obtained shows that Java’s Jnetpcap Library and Expert System Shell provided a way to accommodate dynamic network demands as well as stop specific intrusion. The created Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) improved the overall robustness and security of the Network