32 research outputs found

    Radiative Processes in Astrophysical Gases: From the Intergalactic and Interstellar Medium to Exoplanetary Atmospheres

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    This thesis presents theoretical investigations in three areas of astrophysics, all related to radiative processes and interactions between stellar radiation and gaseous media in the Universe, ranging from the intergalactic and interstellar medium to planetary atmospheres. Part I of the thesis consists of two independent investigations in which we study the effects of stellar feedback in high-redshift environments. The topic of Chapter 2 is the intergalactic medium (IGM) in the epoch just after the formation of the first stars in the Universe, but before the cosmic reionization was completed. This epoch is of great interest for the ongoing and future experiments aimed at observing the neutral IGM via the redshifted 21 cm line of hydrogen. We study the effects of resonant scattering of Lyman-Ī± photons produced by early stars on the structure of temperature fluctuations in the IGM. In Chapter 3, we use cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy evolution to study the effects of stellar feedback on the clumpy structure of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2. Observations of high-redshift galaxies show that their morphology is often dominated by a few giant clumps of intense star formation, but the nature and the importance of these clumps for the evolution of their host galaxies are uncertain. We present a detailed analysis of the properties of giant clumps in a high-redshift simulated galaxy from the FIRE project. Part II of the thesis is devoted to the effects of Raman scattering of stellar radiation in the atmospheres of extrasolar planets. Spectral signatures of Raman scattering imprinted in the geometric albedo spectrum of a gaseous planet carry information about the properties of the planet's atmosphere---its composition, temperature, and the radiation-penetration depth. In Chapter 5, we present the results of radiative transfer calculations including the treatment of Raman scattering for different types of planetary atmospheres and analyze the feasibility of detecting the spectral signatures of Raman scattering in nearby exoplanets. The structure and the intensity of Raman spectral features depends on both the atmospheric properties and the shape of the stellar spectrum irradiating the atmosphere. In Chapter 6, we analyze the diversity of Raman features in the geometric albedo spectra of planets hosted by different types of stars.</p

    LyĪ± Heating of Inhomogeneous High-redshift Intergalactic Medium

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    The intergalactic medium (IGM) prior to the epoch of reionization consists mostly of neutral hydrogen gas. Lyman-Ī± (LyĪ±) photons produced by early stars resonantly scatter off hydrogen atoms, causing energy exchange between the radiation field and the gas. This interaction results in moderate heating of the gas due to the recoil of the atoms upon scattering, which is of great interest for future studies of the pre-reionization IGM in the H I 21 cm line. We investigate the effect of this LyĪ± heating in the IGM with linear density, temperature, and velocity perturbations. Perturbations smaller than the diffusion length of photons could be damped due to heat conduction by LyĪ± photons. The scale at which damping occurs and the strength of this effect depend on various properties of the gas, the flux of LyĪ± photons, and the way in which photon frequencies are redistributed upon scattering. To find the relevant length scale and the extent to which LyĪ± heating affects perturbations, we calculate the gas heating rates by numerically solving linearized Boltzmann equations in which scattering is treated by the Fokker-Planck approximation. We find that (1) perturbations add a small correction to the gas heating rate, and (2) the damping of temperature perturbations occurs at scales with comoving wavenumber k ā‰³ 10^4 Mpc^(ā€“1), which are much smaller than the Jeans scale and thus unlikely to substantially affect the observed 21 cm signal

    Expanding the inventory of spectral lines used to trace atmospheric escape in exoplanets

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    Escaping exoplanet atmospheres have been observed as deep transit signatures in a few specific spectral lines. Detections have been made in the hydrogen Ly-Ī±\alpha line, the metastable helium line at 10830 {\AA} and some UV lines of metallic species. Observational challenges, unexpected non-detections and model degeneracies have generally made it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the escape process for individual planets. Expanding on the suite of spectral tracers used may help to mitigate these challenges. We present a new framework for modeling the transmission spectrum of hydrodynamically escaping atmospheres. We predict FUV to NIR spectra for systems with different planet and stellar types and identify new lines that can potentially be used to study their upper atmospheres. Measuring the radius in the atmosphere at which the strongest lines form puts them into context within the upper atmospheric structure. Targeting a set of complementary spectral lines for the same planet will help us to better constrain the outflow properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Effects of planetary day-night temperature gradients on He 1083 nm transit spectra

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    A notable fraction of helium observations probing the evaporating atmospheres of short-period gas giants at 1083~nm exhibit a blueshift during transit, which might be indicative of a day-to-night side flow. In this study, we explore the gas dynamic effects of day-to-night temperature contrasts on the escaping atmosphere of a tidally locked planet. Using a combination of 3D hydrodynamic simulations and radiative transfer post-processing, we modeled the transmission spectra of the metastable helium triplet. Our key findings are as follows: (1) Increasing the day-night anisotropy leads to a narrowing of the helium line and an increase in the blueshift of the line centroid of a few km~sāˆ’1^{-1}. (2) The velocity shift of the line depends on the line-forming altitude, with higher planetary mass-loss rates causing the line to form at higher altitudes, resulting in a more pronounced velocity shift. (3) A critical point of day-night anisotropy comes about when the blueshift saturates, due to turbulent flows generated by outflow material falling back onto the planet's night side. (4) A strong stellar wind and the presence of turbulent flows may induce time variations in the velocity shift. Assuming that the day-night temperature gradient is the main cause of the observed blueshifts in the He-1083~nm triplet, the correlation between the velocity shift and day-night anisotropy provides an opportunity to constrain the temperature gradient of the line-forming region.Comment: Accepted and to be published in A&A. Main text: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Raman Scattering by Molecular Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Exoplanetary Atmospheres

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    An important source of opacity in exoplanet atmospheres at short visible and near-UV wavelengths is Rayleigh scattering of light on molecules. It is accompanied by a related, albeit weaker processā€”Raman scattering. We analyze the signatures of Raman scattering imprinted in the reflected light and the geometric albedo of exoplanets, which could provide information about atmospheric properties. Raman scattering affects the geometric albedo spectra of planets in the following ways. First, it causes filling-in of strong absorption lines in the incident radiation, thus producing sharp peaks in the albedo. Second, it shifts the wavelengths of spectral features in the reflected light causing the so-called Raman ghost lines. Raman scattering can also cause a broadband reduction of the albedo due to wavelength shifting of a stellar spectrum with red spectral index. Observing the Raman peaks in the albedo could be used to measure the column density of gas, thus providing constraints on the presence of clouds in the atmosphere. Observing the Raman ghost lines could be used to spectroscopically identify the main scatterer in the atmosphere, even molecules like H_2 or N_2, which do not have prominent spectral signatures in the optical wavelength range. If detected, ghost lines could also provide information about the temperature of the atmosphere. In this paper, we investigate the effects of Raman scattering in hydrogen- and nitrogen-dominated atmospheres. We analyze the feasibility of detecting the signatures of Raman scattering with the existing and future observational facilities, and of using these signatures as probes of exoplanetary atmospheres

    WASP-69b's Escaping Envelope is Confined to a Tail Extending at Least Seven Planet Radii

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    Studying the escaping atmospheres of highly-irradiated exoplanets is critical for understanding the physical mechanisms that shape the demographics of close-in planets. A number of planetary outflows have been observed as excess H/He absorption during/after transit. Such an outflow has been observed for WASP-69b by multiple groups that disagree on the geometry and velocity structure of the outflow. Here, we report the detection of this planet's outflow using Keck/NIRSPEC for the first time. We observed the outflow 1.28 hours after egress until the target set, demonstrating the outflow extends at least 5.8Ɨ1055.8 \times 10^5 km or 7.5 planet radii. This detection is significantly longer than previous observations which report an outflow extending āˆ¼\sim2.2 planet radii just one year prior. The outflow is blue-shifted by āˆ’-23 km sāˆ’1^{-1} in the planetary rest frame. We estimate a current mass loss rate of 1 MāŠ•M_{\oplus} Gyrāˆ’1^{-1}. Our observations are most consistent with an outflow that is strongly sculpted by ram pressure from the stellar wind. However, potential variability in the outflow could be due to time-varying interactions with the stellar wind or differences in instrumental precision.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ