12 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, [Sn(CH3)2(C13H11N4S)Cl], the Sn atom is five-coordinated in a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry, with two methyl groups and one S atom in the equatorial plane, and one N atom and the Cl atom occupying the apical positions

    Redetermination of tetra­kis(N,N-diethyl­dithio­carbamato)tin(IV)

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, [Sn(C5H10NS2)4], was originally determined by Harreld & Schlemper [Acta Cryst. (1971), B27, 1964–1969] using intensity data estimated from Weissenberg films. In comparison with the previous refinement, the current redetermination reveals anisotropic displacement parameters for all non-H atoms, localization of the H atoms, and higher precision of lattice parameters and inter­atomic distances. The complex features a distorted S6 octa­hedral coordination geometry for tin and a cis disposition of the monodentate dithio­carbamate ligands

    Chloridodimeth­yl(thio­semi­carbazide)tin(IV) chloride

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    In the title salt, [Sn(CH3)2Cl(CH4N3S)]Cl, the SnIV atom is five-coordinated in a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry with two methyl groups and one S atom in the equatorial plane, and one N atom and one Cl atom occupying the apical positions. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds with set graph-motif C(4) along [010]. N—H⋯ Cl hydrogen bonds with graph-set motif D(2) and D 3 3(10) link cations and anions

    Di-μ2-chlorido-dichloridoocta­methyldi-μ3-oxido-tetra­tin(IV) bis[chloridodimeth­yl(pyrrolidine-1-carbodithio­ato-κ2 S,S′)tin(IV)]

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    In the title co-crystal, [Sn4(CH3)8Cl4O2]·2[Sn(CH3)2Cl(C4H8NS2)], all the SnIV atoms are in distorted trigonal–bipyramidal environments. In the mononuclear species, the carbodithio­ate ligand is unsymmetrically coordinated to the SnIV atom, with Sn—S distances of 2.6722 (12) and 2.4706 (11) Å. All atoms with the exception of the methyl groups and one of the pyrrolidine ring CH2 groups lie on a crystallographic mirror plane. The pyrrolidine ring exhibits an envelope conformation; the C atom at the flap is disordered above and below the plane of symmetry with fixed occupation factors of 0.50. The centrosymmetric dimer species consists of a central Sn2O2 unit with two adjacent Sn2OCl four-membered rings

    Bis(l-benzoato-j2O:O0)bis(benzoato-jO)octabutyldi- l3-oxido-tetratin(IV)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [{Sn(C 4 H 9 ) 2 (C 6 H 5 COO)} 2 O] 2 , consists of two half molecules, completed by application of inversion symmetry. Both molecules adopt a ladder structure typical for this class of dimeric tetraorganodistannoxane dicarboxylates characterized by a centrosymmetric four-membered (Sn—O) 2 ring of rhomboidal shape that is extended on both sides by folded six-membered Sn—O—C rings. To a first approximation, both kinds of Sn atoms (Sn i and Sn o ) are trigonal–bipyramidally coordinated. The bond angles between the n -butyl groups are widened [135.64 (7)–146.20 (7) ]in comparison with an ideal trigonal bipyramid. Sn—O bond lengths within the { R 2 SnO 3 } coordination sphere depend strongly on the position of the corresponding O atom – axial ( ax ) or equatorial ( eq ) – as well as on the functionality of the carboxylate groups which exhibit 2 (–COO i ) and 1 (– COO o ) coordination modes, respectively. In summary, the following sequence of distances [mean values] is found: d (Sn o —O 3 ) eq [2.024 (2) A ̊ ]< d (Sn i —O 3 ) eq [2.044 (2) A ̊ ]< d (Sn i —O 3 ) ax [2.158 (6) A ̊ ]< d (Sn o —O 1 -carb) ax [2.182 (6) A ̊ ] < d (Sn i —O 2 -carb) ax [2.250 (2) A ̊ ] ’ d (Sn o —O 2 -carb ) ax [2.247 (12) A ̊ ]. The n -butyl groups adopt an anti–anti conformation with exception of two disordered outer n -butyl groups of the second molecule which exhibit gauche– anti and anti–gauche conformations. Weak intramolecular Sn O interactions between the different O atoms of the outer carboxyl groups with the inner, as well as outer, Sn atoms give rise to a strongly distorted octahedral coordination at these Sn atoms. Intermolecular interactions between the individual molecules are restricted to van der Waals and O H—C interactions of which a nearly linear very short C—H O contact between the H atom of the phenyl group of one of the molecules with the outer non-coordinating C O group of the other molecule is the most prominent. It gives rise to a chain-like arrangement of the molecules along [111]. The two n -butyl groups attached to the outer Sn atom of one molecule are disordered over two sets of sites with occupancies of 0.806 (3)/ 0.194 (3) and 0.702 (3)/0.298 (3)

    Crystal structure of bis(benzoato- j O )dibutyltin(IV), nBu 2 Sn(bzo) 2

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    The title compound, [Sn(C4H9)2(C6H5COO)2], was synthesized in order to study the interaction between di-n-butyltin(IV) oxide and some carboxylic acids. Di-nbutyltin( IV) dibenzoate, nBu2Sn(obz)2, exhibits the same structural features as other diorganotin(IV) dibenzoates characterized by an unsymmetrical bidentate bonding mode [delta(Sn—O) ’ 0.4 A ° ] of the two benzoate groups to tin. In a first approximation, the coordination sphere at tin resulting from the two stronger bonded O atoms [2.1227 (17) and 2.1405 (16) A ° ] and the two alpha-C atoms of the n-butyl groups [2.125 (3) and 2.129 (2) A ° ] is compressed to a tetragonal disphenoid [h(C—Sn—C) = 148.2 (1)° and h(O—Sn—O) = 82.01 (6)°]. This coordination sphere is expanded by the less strongly bonded two O atoms [2.507 (2) and 2.485 (2) A ° ] to a substantially distorted octahedron and by a weak intermolecular Sn...O interaction [2.943 (2) A ° ] to a pentagonal bipyramid with the formation of centrosymmetric dimers. The unbranched butyl groups adopt two different conformations: anti–gauche [torsion angles: 166.0 (2)–63.9 (4)°] and gauche–gauche [65.0 (3)–56.3 (3)°]. Intermolecular interactions between the dimers are restricted to O...H—C contacts (2.64 A ° ) and van der Waals interactions. 1


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [{Sn(C4H9)2(C6H5COO)}2O]2, consists of two half molecules, completed by application of inversion symmetry. Both molecules adopt a ladder structure typical for this class of dimeric tetraorganodistannoxane dicarboxylates characterized by a centrosymmetric four-membered (Sn—O)2 ring of rhomboidal shape that is extended on both sides by folded six-membered Sn—O—C rings. To a first approximation, both kinds of Sn atoms (Sni and Sno) are trigonal–bipyramidally coordinated. The bond angles between the n-butyl groups are widened [135.64 (7)–146.20 (7)°] in comparison with an ideal trigonal bipyramid. Sn—O bond lengths within the {R2SnO3} coordination sphere depend strongly on the position of the corresponding O atom – axial (ax) or equatorial (eq) – as well as on the functionality of the carboxylate groups which exhibit μ2 (–COOi) and μ1 (–COOo) coordination modes, respectively. In summary, the following sequence of distances [mean values] is found: d(Sno—Oμ3)eq [2.024 (2) Å] < d(Sni—Oμ3)eq [2.044 (2) Å] < d(Sni—Oμ3)ax [2.158 (6) Å] < d(Sno—Oμ1-carb)ax [2.182 (6) Å] < d(Sni—Oμ2-carb)ax [2.250 (2) Å] ≃ d(Sno—Oμ2-carb)ax [2.247 (12) Å]. The n-butyl groups adopt an anti–anti conformation with exception of two disordered outer n-butyl groups of the second molecule which exhibit gauche–anti and anti–gauche conformations. Weak intramolecular Sn...O interactions between the different O atoms of the outer carboxyl groups with the inner, as well as outer, Sn atoms give rise to a strongly distorted octahedral coordination at these Sn atoms. Intermolecular interactions between the individual molecules are restricted to van der Waals and O...H—C interactions of which a nearly linear very short C—H...O contact between the H atom of the phenyl group of one of the molecules with the outer non-coordinating C=O group of the other molecule is the most prominent. It gives rise to a chain-like arrangement of the molecules along [111]. The two n-butyl groups attached to the outer Sn atom of one molecule are disordered over two sets of sites with occupancies of 0.806 (3)/0.194 (3) and 0.702 (3)/0.298 (3)

    Crystal structure of ( E )-2-hydroxy-1,2-diphenyl- ethan-1-one oxime

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    Acta Crystallographica E, Crystallographic Communications E73 (2017), 1062-1065. International Union of Crystallograph

    Preparação do composto de associação entre citrato de ródio(II) e β-ciclodextrina

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    Inclusion compound of rhodium(II) citrate with β-cyclodextrin in a 1:1 molar ratio was prepared using freeze-drying method. X-ray diffactometry, thermal analysis (TG/DTG/DSC), infrared and ¹H-NMR with ¹H spin lattice relaxation (¹H T1) measurements and 13C techniques were used to characterize the system prepared. The results indicated the formation of inclusion or association compounds between rhodium(II) citrate and β-cyclodextrin