17 research outputs found

    Genesis of oceanic oxide gabbros and gabbronorites during reactive melt migration at transform walls (Doldrums Megatransform System; 7-8°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge)

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    The Doldrums Megatransform System (~7-8°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) shows a complex architecture including four intra-transform ridge segments bounded by five active transform faults. Lower crustal rocks are exposed along the Doldrums and Vernadsky transform walls that bound the northernmost intra-transform ridge segment. The recovered gabbros are characterized by variably evolved chemical compositions, ranging from olivine gabbros to gabbronorites and oxide gabbros, and lack the most primitive gabbroic endmembers (troctolites, dunites). Notably, the numerous recovered gabbronorites show up to 20 vol% of coarse-grained orthopyroxene. Although covariations in mineral and bulk-rock chemical compositions of the olivine and oxide gabbros define trends of crystallization from a common parental melt, the gabbronorites show elevated light over heavy rare earth elements (LREE/HREE) ratios in both bulk-rock and mineral compositions. These features are not consistent with a petrological evolution driven solely by fractional crystallization, which cannot produce the preferential enrichments in highly incompatible elements documented in the orthopyroxene-bearing lithologies. We suggest that gabbronorites crystallized from evolved melts percolating and partly assimilating a pre-existing olivine gabbro matrix. Saturation in orthopyroxene and selective enrichments in LREE relative to M-HREE are both triggered by an increase in assimilated crystal mass, which ranges from negligible in the oxide-gabbros to abundant in the gabbronorites. This melt-rock reaction process has been related to lateral melt migration beneath ridge-transform intersections, where variably evolved melts injected from the peripheral parts of the melting region towards the transform zone may interact with a gabbroic crystal mush to form abundant oxide-bearing gabbronoritic associations


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    Detailed studies of the deeply metamorphosed Early Precambrian rocks of the Northern Ladoga region allowed us to distinguish three deformation stages of the Svecofennian tectogenesis during which there occurred significant structural and compositional transformations of the "cover (Paleoproterozoic) – basement (Archean)" system. In addition to the structural-paragenetic analysis, which allowed to allocate transversal structural paragenesis in both floors, there are some other opportunities in the recognition of their-hosted granitoid veined bodies with a positive Eu anomaly. The rock varieties with this anomaly are always high in barium and do not show a direct correlation between the Eu anomaly and (La/Yb)n, Ca and Sr. This is contrary to the ideas about the occurrence of a positive Eu anomaly due to the substitution of divalent strontium by Eu++ and suggests that the formation of such rocks took place under the influence of deep reduced fluids. It was found that granitoids with a positive Eu anomaly were formed during the first and last stages of the structure evolution, with a predominance of brittle deformations and a deep-reduced fluid breakthrough. At the second stage, with the dominant manifestation of plastic deformations, when such fluids could be "blocked" within the system, there was a formation of granitoids with low barium concentrations and a negative Eu anomaly.Детальные исследования глубокометаморфизованных раннедокембрийских пород Северного Приладожья позволили выделить три этапа деформаций эпохи свекофеннского тектогенеза, в ходе которых произошли существенные структурно-вещественные преобразования системы «чехол (палеопротерозой) – фундамент (архей)». Помимо проведенного структурно-парагенетического анализа, позволившего выделять «сквозные» структурные парагенезы в обоих этажах, дополнительные возможности открываются при выделении вписанных в них гранитоидных жильных образований c выявленной положительной Eu-аномалией. Разности, имеющие эту аномалию, всегда обогащены барием и не показывают прямую корреляцию величины Eu-аномалии с (La/Yb)n, Ca и Sr. Это противоречит представлениям о причинах появления положительной Eu-аномалии за счет замещения двухвалентного стронция Eu++ и позволяет предположить, что формирование подобных пород происходило под влиянием глубинных восстановленных флюидов. Установлено, что гранитоиды с положительной Eu-аномалией формировались на первом и заключительном этапах эволюции структуры, когда преобладали хрупкие деформации и происходил прорыв глубинных восстановленных флюидов. На втором этапе, с доминирующим проявлением пластических деформаций, когда могла происходить «закупорка» таких флюидов внутри системы, формировались гранитоиды с низкими концентрациями бария и отрицательной Eu-аномалией