11,881 research outputs found

    Critical Properties of the transition between the Haldane phase and the large-D phase of the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with on-site anisotropy"

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    We analytically study the ground-state quantum phase transition between the Haldane phase and the large-DD (LD) phase of the S=1/2S=1/2 ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic alternating Heisenberg chain with on-site anisotropy. We transform this model into a generalized version of the alternating antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with anisotropy. In the transformed model, the competition between the transverse and longitudinal bond alternations yields the Haldane-LD transition. Using the bosonization method, we show that the critical exponents vary continuously on the Haldane-LD boundary. Our scaling relations between critical exponents very well explains the numerical results by Hida.Comment: text 12 pages (Plain TeX), LaTeX sourse files of a table and a figure on reques

    Theory of Mott insulator/band insulator heterostructure

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    A theory of heterostructures comprised of LaTiO3_3 (a Mott insulator) and SrTiO3_3 (a band insulator) is presented. The band structure of the Ti dd% -electrons is treated with a nearest neighbor tight-binding approximation; the electric fields arising from the La3+^{3+}/Sr2+^{2+} charge difference and the carriers are treated within a Hartree approximation; and the on-site interactions are treated by unrestricted Hartree-Fock. The phase diagram as a function of interaction strength and layer number is determined and predictions are made for optical conductivity experiments. A note worthy finding is that the edges of the heterostructure are generally metallic.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Evolution of the electronic structure across the filling-control and bandwidth-control metal-insulator transitions in pyrochlore-type Ru oxides

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    We have performed photoemission and soft x-ray absorption studies of pyrochlore-type Ru oxides, namely, the filling-control system Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 and the bandwidth-control system Sm2−x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7, which show insulator-to-metal transition with increasing Ca and Bi concentration, respectively. Core levels and the O 2pp valence band in Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 show almost the same amount of monotonous upward energy shifts with Ca concentration, which indicates that the chemical potential is shifted downward due to hole doping. The Ru 4dd band in Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 is also shifted toward the Fermi level (EFE_F) with hole doping and the density of states (DOS) at EFE_F increases. The core levels in Sm2−x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7, on the other hand, do not show clear energy shifts except for the Ru 3dd core level, whose line shape change also reflects the increase of metallic screening with Bi concentration. We observe pronounced spectral weight transfer from the incoherent to the coherent parts of the Ru 4d t2gt_{2g} band with Bi concentration, which is expected for a bandwidth-control Mott-Hubbard system. The increase of the DOS at EFE_F is more abrupt in the bandwidth-control Sm2−x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7 than in the filling-control Sm2−x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7, in accordance with a recent theoretical prediction. Effects of charge transfer between the Bi 6spsp band and the Ru 4dd band are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    A remark on the Hankel determinant formula for solutions of the Toda equation

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    We consider the Hankel determinant formula of the Ï„\tau functions of the Toda equation. We present a relationship between the determinant formula and the auxiliary linear problem, which is characterized by a compact formula for the Ï„\tau functions in the framework of the KP theory. Similar phenomena that have been observed for the Painlev\'e II and IV equations are recovered. The case of finite lattice is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, IOP styl

    Approximate Treatment of Hermitian Effective Interactions and a Bound on the Error

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    The Hermitian effective interaction can be well-approximated by (R+R^dagger)/2 if the eigenvalues of omega^dagger omega are small or state-independent(degenerate), where R is the standard non-Hermitian effective interaction and omega maps the model-space states onto the excluded space. An error bound on this approximation is given.Comment: 13 page

    Magnetic properties of the S=1/2S=1/2 distorted diamond chain at T=0

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    We explore, at T=0, the magnetic properties of the S=1/2S=1/2 antiferromagnetic distorted diamond chain described by the Hamiltonian {\cal H} = \sum_{j=1}^{N/3}{J_1 ({\bi S}_{3j-1} \cdot {\bi S}_{3j} + {\bi S}_{3j} \cdot {\bi S}_{3j+1}) + J_2 {\bi S}_{3j+1} \cdot {\bi S}_{3j+2} + J_3 ({\bi S}_{3j-2} \cdot {\bi S}_{3j} + {\bi S}_{3j} \cdot {\bi S}_{3j+2})} \allowbreak - H \sum_{l=1}^{N} S_l^z with J1,J2,J3≥0J_1, J_2, J_3\ge0, which well models A3Cu3(PO4)4{\rm A_3 Cu_3 (PO_4)_4} with A=Ca,Sr{\rm A = Ca, Sr}, Bi4Cu3V2O14{\rm Bi_4 Cu_3 V_2 O_{14}} and azurite Cu3(OH)2(CO3)2\rm Cu_3(OH)_2(CO_3)_2. We employ the physical consideration, the degenerate perturbation theory, the level spectroscopy analysis of the numerical diagonalization data obtained by the Lanczos method and also the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. We investigate the mechanisms of the magnetization plateaux at M=Ms/3M=M_s/3 and M=(2/3)MsM=(2/3)M_s, and also show the precise phase diagrams on the (J2/J1,J3/J1)(J_2/J_1, J_3/J_1) plane concerning with these magnetization plateaux, where M=∑l=1NSlzM=\sum_{l=1}^{N} S_l^z and MsM_s is the saturation magnetization. We also calculate the magnetization curves and the magnetization phase diagrams by means of the DMRG method.Comment: 21 pages, 29 figure

    Frustration-induced eta inversion in the S=1/2 bond-alternating spin chain

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    We study the frustration-induced enhancement of the incommensurate correlation for a bond-alternating quantum spin chain in a magnetic field, which is associated with a quasi-one-dimensional organic compound F5PNN. We investigate the temperature dependence of the staggered susceptibilities by using the density matrix renormalization group, and then find that the incommensurate correlation becomes dominant in a certain range of the magnetic field. We also discuss the mechanism of this enhancement on the basis of the mapping to the effective S=1/2 XXZ chain and a possibility of the field-induced incommensurate long range order.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, replaced with revised version accepted to PR
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