20,222 research outputs found

    Non-Minimal Quartic Inflation in Supersymmetric SO(10)

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    We describe how quartic (λϕ4\lambda \phi^4) inflation with non-minimal coupling to gravity is realized in realistic supersymmetric SO(10)SO(10) models. In a well-motivated example the 161616-\overline{16} Higgs multiplets, which break SO(10)SO(10) to SU(5)SU(5) and yield masses for the right-handed neutrinos, provide the inflaton field ϕ\phi. Thus, leptogenesis is a natural outcome in this class of SO(10)SO(10) models. Moreover, the adjoint (45-plet) Higgs also acquires a GUT scale value during inflation so that the monopole problem is evaded. The scalar spectral index nsn_s is in good agreement with the observations and rr, the tensor to scalar ratio, is predicted for realistic values of GUT parameters to be of order 10310210^{-3}-10^{-2}.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Optical Counterpart of the Ultraluminous X-ray Source IC 342 X-1

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    We present Chandra and HST observations of the ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) IC 342 X-1. The Chandra and HST images are aligned using two X-ray emitting foreground stars. The astrometry corrected position for X-1 is R.A. = 03h45m55.61s, Decl. = +68d04m55.3s (J2000) with an error circle of 0.2". One extended optical source is found in the error circle, which could be the optical counterpart of X-1. The source shows an extended feature in HST images at long wavelengths, which is likely to be a superposition of two point sources, although it is possible that the dimmer one could be a jet. Both sources are much redder than typical for ULX optical counterparts. The brighter one has an absolute magnitude M_V = -5.2 +/- 0.2 and (B-V)_0 = 0.66 +/- 0.13 and the dimmer star is not detected in B and has (B-V)_0 > 2.1. Their colors are consistent with an F8 to G0 Ib supergiant or a carbon star, respectively. However, it is likely that part or most of the optical emission may be due to X-rays reprocessed by the companion star or the accretion disk. The stellar neighborhood of IC 342 X-1 lacks O stars and has a minimum age of ~10 Myr. This excludes the possibility that the surrounding nebula is powered by an energetic explosion of a single massive star that formed a black hole. We suggest that the nebula is most likely powered by an outflow from the X-ray source.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Rescue with an anti-inflammatory peptide of chickens infected H5N1 avian flu

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    Chickens suffering from avian flu caused by H5N1 influenza virus are destined to die within 2 days due to a systemic inflammatory response. Since HVJ infection (1,2) and influenza virus infection (3,4) cause infected cells to activate homologous serum complement, the systemic inflammatory response elicited could be attributed to the unlimited generation of C5a anaphylatoxin of the complement system, which is a causative peptide of serious inflammation. In monkeys inoculated with a lethal dose of LPS (4 mg/kg body weight), inhibition of C5a by an inhibitory peptide termed AcPepA (5) rescued these animals from serious septic shock which would have resulted in death within a day (6). Therefore, we tested whether AcPepA could also have a beneficial effect on chickens with bird flu. On another front, enhanced production of endothelin-1 (ET-1) and the activation of mast cells (MCs) have been implicated in granulocyte sequestration (7). An endothelin receptor derived antisense homology box peptide (8) designated ETR-P1/fl was shown to antagonize endothelin A receptor (ET-A receptor) (9) and reduce such inflammatory responses as endotoxin-shock (10) and hemorrhagic shock (11), thereby suppressing histamine release in the circulation (12). Thus, we also administered ETR-P1/fl to bird flu chickens expecting suppression of a systemic inflammatory response

    Diquark Higgs at LHC

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    Existence of color sextet diquark Higgs fields with TeV masses will indicate a fundamentally different direction for unification than conventional grand unified theories. There is a class of partial unification models based on the gauge group SU(2)L×SU(2)R×SU(4)cSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times SU(4)_c that implement the seesaw mechanism for neutrino mass with seesaw scale around 101110^{11} GeV, where indeed such light fields appear naturally despite the high gauge symmetry breaking scale. They couple only to up-type quarks in this model. We discuss phenomenological constraints on these fields and show that they could be detected at LHC via their decay to either tttt or single top + jet. We also find that existing Tevatron data gives a lower bound on its mass somewhere in the 400-500 GeV, for reasonable values of its coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of Plane Stress States using Electromagnetic-Acoustic Transducers

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    Assessment of structural safety requires knowledge of the shape of any defect and the stresses acting on it. Ultrasonics can be used to measure applied stress since there is a (small) change in velocity with stress. However the problem becomes more difficult when measuring residual stress. Here the influence of other factors such as variation in microstructure must be accounted for. For example, one method is to measure the percent difference in velocity of orthogonally polarized shear waves (the acoustic birefringence B). When the material symmetry and stress axes coincide [1], B=Bo+CaD where Be is the birefringence in the unstressed state, Ca is the acoustoelastic constant and D is the difference of principal stresses. The usual procedure is to measure B at a “reference” location where stresses are known, and assume homogeneity of microstructure

    Bi-stability of mixed states in neural network storing hierarchical patterns

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    We discuss the properties of equilibrium states in an autoassociative memory model storing hierarchically correlated patterns (hereafter, hierarchical patterns). We will show that symmetric mixed states (hereafter, mixed states) are bi-stable on the associative memory model storing the hierarchical patterns in a region of the ferromagnetic phase. This means that the first-order transition occurs in this ferromagnetic phase. We treat these contents with a statistical mechanical method (SCSNA) and by computer simulation. Finally, we discuss a physiological implication of this model. Sugase et al. analyzed the time-course of the information carried by the firing of face-responsive neurons in the inferior temporal cortex. We also discuss the relation between the theoretical results and the physiological experiments of Sugase et al.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure