26 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Telecommunication Industry: Evidence From Nigeria

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    This study investigates the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the telecommunication industry with a focus on Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) Nigeria. A total of 230 respondents participated in the study. Research questions and objectives were set, alongside the hypotheses that were formulated and tested. Descriptive statistics comprising the simple percentage and tables were used for data presentation and analysis. Regression analysis and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient were employed in testing our hypotheses. The study reveals that service quality has effect on customer satisfaction and that there is a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. The researcher concluded by recommending that organisations should focus more attention on service quality, because of its effects on customer satisfaction. To ensure that customer satisfaction level is high, organisation must first of all know the expectations of the customers and how they can meet such expectations. Customer satisfaction helps in customer loyalty and retention. It has been discovered that it costs to attract new customer than to retain existing ones. It is also recommended that organisations should welcome suggestions from customers and more programmes should be designed to measure service quality and customer satisfaction.Customer, Service, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty.


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    The study investigates comparatively the relationship between the areas of focus of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of selected banks and manufacturing firms in Nigeria. This study took place in Lagos State, Nigeria. The research design used is the survey research design while the case study banks and manufacturing firms were selected through purposive sampling. Primary data were gathered through questionnaire from 216 and 205 respondents selected respectively from commercial banks and manufacturing firms from a total of 250 respondents selected from each sector. This gives 84.2% response rate. All the respondents selected from various companies were actively involved in CSR activities of their respective companies. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the areas of focus of CSR activities of selected companies. The results of the study revealed a value of -0.73 for t-test and 0.58 for p value. This means that a significant difference cannot be found between the areas of focus of CSR activities of selected banks and manufacturing firms operating in Nigeria. The recommendation from this study is that corporate organisations should give adequate attention to their CSR activities to some strategic areas of focus like healthcare and wellness programme, education and skill development, socio-cultural and economic developments. These CSR activities eventually promote positive image of the organisations in the environment where they operate


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    This study Summary presents a comparative investigation of the problems militating against Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in selected commercial banks and manufacturing fi rms in Nigeria. A survey research design was used while purposive sampling method was employed to select fi ve commercial banks and five manufacturing firms. Primary data were garnered with the aid of a questionnaire from 216 and 205 respondents from commercial banks and manufacturing firms respectively. Problems militating against the practice of CSR activities of selected companies were analysed using the Mann-Whitney U Test as the analytical tool. The result shows that there is no significant difference between the problems militating against the practice of CSR in commercial banks and manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The reason is that for all the variables tested, the p value is greater than 0.05. The study recommends that corporate managers should properly address these problems, such as inadequate financial resources and unethical practices like inside dealings among others, in order to achieve the benefits of actively engaging in CSR such as enhancement of customersā€™ loyalty and a positive corporate image.Ovaj rad predstavlja usporednu analizu problema koji negativno utječu na druÅ”tvenu odgovornost poduzeća u odabranim bankama i proizvodnim tvrtkama u Nigeriji. Metoda koriÅ”tena u ovom istraživanju je anketa te je odabran namjerni uzorak od pet komercijalnih banaka i pet proizvodnih tvrtki. Primarni podaci prikupljeni su putem upitnika na koji se odazvalo 216 ispitanika iz komercijalnih banaka i 205 ispitanika iz proizvodnih tvrtki. Problemi koji negativno utječu na druÅ”tveno odgovorno djelovanje odabranih kompanija analizirani su koriÅ”tenjem Mann-Whitneyevog U testa kao analitičkog alata. Rezultati pokazuju da ne postoji značajna razlika između problema koji negativno utječu na praksu druÅ”tvene odgovornosti u komercijalnim bankama i proizvodnim tvrtkama u Nigeriji. Razlog za to je Å”to je p vrijednost za sve testirane varijable veća od 0.05. U radu se preporučuje da upravljačke strukture poduzeća pristupe rjeÅ”avanju problema poput nedovoljnih financijskih sredstava ili neetičnog postupanja kao Å”to je između ostaloga zloupotreba povlaÅ”tenih informacija, kako bi se ostvarile koristi aktivnog koriÅ”tenja druÅ”tveno odgovornih praksi kao Å”to su vjernost klijenata i ugled poduzeća


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    This study investigated the impact of conflict management on employeesā€™ performance in a public sector organisation, a case of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). This study adopted the survey research design. A total of 100 respondents were selected for the study using stratified sampling technique. Questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. Hypotheses were tested through regression analysis and correlation coefficient. The findings revealed that effective conflict management enhance employeeā€™s performance in an organisation and that organisationā€™s conflict management system influences employee performance in the organisation. It was recommended that organisation should embark on training and retraining of its employees in area of conflict management so as to create a conductive working environment for the employees and that there should be efficient and effective communication between and among all categories of the employees the organisation. This will reduce conflicting situations in the organisation

    Assessment of the Impact of Compensation on Employees Performance

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    The major objective of most employers is to obtain optimum result possible from employees. The employees aspire to obtain maximum level of compensation from their labour input. Any exercise of performance evaluation may therefore be an assessment of the level of effectiveness of compensation. This paper attempts to analyse the Impact of compensation on performance of the employees. Survey research method was used'" in the conduct of the study. The researchers used questionnaires as the instrument of data collection. The data collected were analysed using descriptive method and simple percentage. The hypothesis is proffered was tested with the use of chi-square. The study revealed that there a positive relationship between compensation and employees performance. That is, if employees were adequately compensated, they wiLL perform better than those that were poorly compensated


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    This paper examines the concept, causes, classes, consequences and control of organizational conflict. The study discovered that like many other areas of academic endeavor, conflict generates considerable ambivalence and leaves many managers and scholars quite uncertain about its meaning, sources or causes, typologies, effects and remedy. Thus, this study covers the definition of conflict, causes of conflicts in an organizational setting and classifications of organizational conflicts. Other issues discussed are positive and negative consequences of organizational conflicts and steps that are needed to be taken in order to manage, minimize and solve organizational conflicts. This will help in extending the frontier of knowledge in this area of academic discipline

    Histological Examination in Obtaining a Diagnosis in Patients with Lymphadenopathy in Lima, Peru.

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    The differential diagnosis for lymphadenopathy is wide and clinical presentations overlap, making obtaining an accurate diagnosis challenging. We sought to characterize the clinical and radiological characteristics, histological findings, and diagnoses for a cohort of patients with lymphadenopathy of unknown etiology. 121 Peruvian adults with lymphadenopathy underwent lymph node biopsy for microbiological and histopathological evaluation. Mean patient age was 41 years (Interquartile Range 26-52), 56% were males, and 39% were HIV positive. Patients reported fever (31%), weight loss (23%), and headache (22%); HIV infection was associated with fever (P < 0.05) and gastrointestinal symptoms (P < 0.05). Abnormalities were reported in 40% of chest X-rays (N = 101). Physicians suspected TB in 92 patients (76%), lymphoma in 19 patients (16%), and other malignancy in seven patients (5.8%). Histological diagnoses (N = 117) included tuberculosis (34%), hyperplasia (27%), lymphoma (13%), and nonlymphoma malignancy (14%). Hyperplasia was more common (P < 0.001) and lymphoma less common (P = 0.005) among HIV-positive than HIV-negative patients. There was a trend toward reduced frequency of caseous necrosis in samples from HIV-positive than HIV-negative TB patients (67 versus 93%, P = 0.055). The spectrum of diagnoses was broad, and clinical and radiological features correlated poorly with diagnosis. On the basis of clinical features, physicians over-diagnosed TB, and under-diagnosed malignancy. Although this may not be inappropriate in resource-limited settings where TB is the most frequent easily treatable cause of lymphadenopathy, diagnostic delays can be detrimental to patients with malignancy. It is important that patients with lymphadenopathy undergo a full diagnostic work-up including sampling for histological evaluation to obtain an accurate diagnosis

    The Movement of Adolescents from one Denomination to Another in Lagos Metropolis: Implications for Christian Education

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    This study was conducted to examine the movement of adolescents from one church to another in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeri a with a focus on Baptist church. An attempt was made to determine reasons for the purported movement, by investigating the peculi ari ties of various Baptist churches wi thin the Chosen Generation Baptist Association. The study employed a sample of 200 respondents. Questionnaires were administered to these indi viduals, to obtain answers researchquestions guiding the research. Data collected were analysed using descriptive stati sti cs; simple percentiles based on the frequency of occurrence of the responses to each item of the research instrument. Results revealed that, Baptist adolescents are moving in a signi ficant dimension to other churches, especially non-Baptist churches; Baptist adolescent movement is largely due to their dissati sfaction with the style of worship at their local churches; their parents, teachers or pastors lack of creative and innovative sk ills in making the things they teach, relevant to their current realities; to mention a few. Recommendations were made on the basis of the findi ngs

    The Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Telecommunication Industry: Evidence From Nigeria

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    <p>This study investigates the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the telecommunication industry with a focus on Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) Nigeria. A total of 230 respondents participated in the study. Research questions and objectives were set, alongside the hypotheses that were formulated and tested. Descriptive statistics comprising the simple percentage and tables were used for data presentation and analysis. Regression analysis and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient were employed in testing our hypotheses. The study reveals that service quality has effect on customer satisfaction and that there is a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. The researcher concluded by recommending that organisations should focus more attention on service quality, because of its effects on customer satisfaction. To ensure that customer satisfaction level is high, organisation must first of all know the expectations of the customers and how they can meet such expectations. Customer satisfaction helps in customer loyalty and retention. It has been discovered that it costs to attract new customer than to retain existing ones. It is also recommended that organisations should welcome suggestions from customers and more programmes should be designed to measure service quality and customer satisfaction.</p><p>Keywords: Customer, Service, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty.</p