159 research outputs found

    SAS/IML Macros for a Multivariate Analysis of Variance Based on Spatial Signs

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    Recently, new nonparametric multivariate extensions of the univariate sign methods have been proposed. Randles (2000) introduced an affine invariant multivariate sign test for the multivariate location problem. Later on, Hettmansperger and Randles (2002) considered an affine equivariant multivariate median corresponding to this test. The new methods have promising efficiency and robustness properties. In this paper, we review these developments and compare them with the classical multivariate analysis of variance model. A new SAS/IML tool for performing a spatial sign based multivariate analysis of variance is introduced.

    Multivariate L1 Statistical Methods: The Package MNM

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    In the paper we present an R package MNM dedicated to multivariate data analysis based on the L_1 norm. The analysis proceeds very much as does a traditional multivariate analysis. The regular L_2 norm is just replaced by different L_1 norms, observation vectors are replaced by their (standardized and centered) spatial signs, spatial ranks, and spatial signed-ranks, and so on. The procedures are fairly efficient and robust, and no moment assumptions are needed for asymptotic approximations. The background theory is briefly explained in the multivariate linear regression model case, and the use of the package is illustrated with several examples using the R package MNM.

    Semiparametrically efficient rank-based inference for shape II. Optimal R-estimation of shape

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    A class of R-estimators based on the concepts of multivariate signed ranks and the optimal rank-based tests developed in Hallin and Paindaveine [Ann. Statist. 34 (2006)] is proposed for the estimation of the shape matrix of an elliptical distribution. These R-estimators are root-n consistent under any radial density g, without any moment assumptions, and semiparametrically efficient at some prespecified density f. When based on normal scores, they are uniformly more efficient than the traditional normal-theory estimator based on empirical covariance matrices (the asymptotic normality of which, moreover, requires finite moments of order four), irrespective of the actual underlying elliptical density. They rely on an original rank-based version of Le Cam's one-step methodology which avoids the unpleasant nonparametric estimation of cross-information quantities that is generally required in the context of R-estimation. Although they are not strictly affine-equivariant, they are shown to be equivariant in a weak asymptotic sense. Simulations confirm their feasibility and excellent finite-sample performances.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000948 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Fourth Moments and Independent Component Analysis

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    In independent component analysis it is assumed that the components of the observed random vector are linear combinations of latent independent random variables, and the aim is then to find an estimate for a transformation matrix back to these independent components. In the engineering literature, there are several traditional estimation procedures based on the use of fourth moments, such as FOBI (fourth order blind identification), JADE (joint approximate diagonalization of eigenmatrices), and FastICA, but the statistical properties of these estimates are not well known. In this paper various independent component functionals based on the fourth moments are discussed in detail, starting with the corresponding optimization problems, deriving the estimating equations and estimation algorithms, and finding asymptotic statistical properties of the estimates. Comparisons of the asymptotic variances of the estimates in wide independent component models show that in most cases JADE and the symmetric version of FastICA perform better than their competitors.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-STS520 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On asymptotics of ICA estimators and their performance indices

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    Independent component analysis (ICA) has become a popular multivariate analysis and signal processing technique with diverse applications. This paper is targeted at discussing theoretical large sample properties of ICA unmixing matrix functionals. We provide a formal definition of unmixing matrix functional and consider two popular estimators in detail: the family based on two scatter matrices with the independence property (e.g., FOBI estimator) and the family of deflation-based fastICA estimators. The limiting behavior of the corresponding estimates is discussed and the asymptotic normality of the deflation-based fastICA estimate is proven under general assumptions. Furthermore, properties of several performance indices commonly used for comparison of different unmixing matrix estimates are discussed and a new performance index is proposed. The proposed index fullfills three desirable features which promote its use in practice and distinguish it from others. Namely, the index possesses an easy interpretation, is fast to compute and its asymptotic properties can be inferred from asymptotics of the unmixing matrix estimate. We illustrate the derived asymptotical results and the use of the proposed index with a small simulation study