6 research outputs found

    Subocclusive thrombus at the origin of LSA

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    Optimal treatment of patients with intracranial subocclusive thrombus remains unclear. Such a rare case successfully managed with endovascular mechanical thrombectomy is presented. A 71-year-old man experienced a sudden onset of dysarthria and motor deficits. At the time of admission his National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was 4. DWI demonstrated incomplete infarction within the left lenticulostriate artery (LSA) territory, MRA showed partial flow defect in the distal left M1 segment and non-visualization of the LSA, and ECG revealed atrial fibrillation, thus ischemic stroke caused by cardiogenic embolism was diagnosed. Tissue plasminogen activator was administered, but symptoms progressed and NIHSS score increased up to 8. Diagnostic angiogrpahy confirmed presence of the subocclusive thrombus within the distal left M1 segment and complete occlusion of LSA at its origin. Since conservative therapy was ineffective, mechanical thrombectomy utilizing ADAPT (a direct aspiration first-pass thrombectomy) technique was performed resulting in compete recanalization of the LSA accompanied by the prompt regress of neurological symptoms. Eventally, the patient demonstrated nearly full recovery (modified Rankin Scale score 1). Thus, mechanical thrombectomy should be considered as a reasonable option in cases of acute cerebral stroke caused by subocclusive thrombus and progressive neurological deficits despite standard conservative therapy

    Trigonal cavernous malformation with intraventricular hemorrhage : A case report and literature review

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    We reported a case of trigonal cavernous malformation (CM) with intraventricular hemorrhage. This 67-year-old woman experienced sudden onset of loss of consciousness and her Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was 5 points (E1V1M3) on admission. CT scan demonstrated intraventricular hemorrhage and acute hydrocephalus. Angiography did not demonstrate any vascular abnormality. Ventricular drainage was performed for acute hydrocephalus and the postoperative course was good. CT showed a hyperdense lesion in the left trigone, which was contrast-enhanced on T1-weighted MR. Removal of CM was performed via the left middle temporal sulcus. We conducted a Pub Med search for trigonal CM and found 17 cases. Herein we discuss the symptoms, CT and MR findings and treatment

    Sensitivity of CT perfusion for the diagnosis of cerebral infarction

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    We aimed to determine the sensitivity of CT perfusion (CTP) for the diagnosis of cerebral infarction in the acute stage. We retrospectively reviewed patients with ischemic stroke who underwent brain CTP on arrival and MRI-diffusion weighted image (DWI) after hospitalization between October 2008 and October 2011. Final diagnosis was made from MRI-DWI findings and 87 patients were identified. Fifty-five out of 87 patients (63%) could be diagnosed with cerebral infarction by initial CTP. The sensitivity depends on the area size (s) : 29% for S<3 cm2, 83% for S≥3 cm2-<6 cm2, 88% for S≥6 cm2-<9 cm2, 80% for S≥9 cm2-<12 cm2, and 96% for S≥12 cm2 (p<0.001). Sensitivity depends on the type of infarction : 0% for lacunar, 74% for atherothrombotic, and 92% for cardioembolism (p<0.001). Sensitivity is not correlated with hours after onset. CT perfusion is an effective imaging modality for the diagnosis and treatment decisions for acute stroke, particularly more serious strokes

    Hemifacial Spasm Caused by Veins Confirmed by Intraoperative Monitoring of Abnormal Muscle Response

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    Background: Hemifacial spasm (HFS) is a benign disease caused by the hyper excitement of facial nerves owing to vessel compression. The offending vessels are usually arteries, such as anterior and posterior inferior cerebellar or vertebral arteries, but there are few reports of vein involvement cases. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate veins as offending vessels in patients with HFS confirmed by abnormal muscle response (AMR). Methods: We analyzed 5 patients with HFS caused by veins among 78 patients with HFS over the past 10 years. All patients underwent microvascular decompression (MVD) with AMR monitoring, whereas 3 of them underwent a second MVD. The mean follow-up time was 97 months. Results: Arteries were thoroughly decompressed in 3 patients with a failed first MVD surgery who received a second surgery, during which veins at the root exit point (RExP) were decompressed with the disappearance or a significant decrease in the amplitude of AMR. Two patients showed spasm resolution after the first surgery when veins were decompressed together with the disappearance of AMR. The location of veins was RExP and the cisternal portion. All patients had excellent outcomes within 3 months, and no complications were observed. Conclusions: Veins can be offending vessels in HFS patients. AMR is useful to determine the endpoint in these cases. Once arteries are decompressed thoroughly with residual AMR, surrounding veins at unusual sites, such as the RExP or the cisternal portion, must be checked to prevent persistent HFS. Complete decompression of veins leads to a good clinical outcome. Key words: Abnormal muscle response, Hemifacial spasm, Vei