69 research outputs found

    The current status of sexually transmitted infections in South Korean children in the last 10 years

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    Objectives This study aimed to review the status of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in children in South Korea between 2010 and 2019, as well as to establish guidelines for the prevention and management to reduce the incidence of STIs in children. Methods Data reports from 590 STI surveillance institutions in local health center, hospital-level medical institutions with urology or obstetrics/gynecology departments and public hospitals between 2010 and 2019 in the integrative disease management system of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency as of December 2020 were analyzed. Results A total of 172,645 cases of STIs were reported over the 10-year period (2010–2019), of which 2,179 cases (1.26%) represented STIs in children below the age of 18 years. A higher incidence of infections was observed in girls (1,499 cases, 68.79%) than in boys (680 cases, 31.21%). The STIs that had the highest incidence were, in descending order, chlamydial infections (997 cases, 45.75%), gonorrhea (592 cases, 27.17%), condyloma acuminata (338 cases, 15.51%), genital herpes (250 cases, 11.47%), and chancroid (2 cases, 0.09%). In adolescents aged 14 to 17 years, chlamydial infections, genital herpes, and gonorrhea were most frequently reported. Condyloma acuminata, in particular, have been consistently reported in children below the age of 14 years. Conclusion Children must be protected legally and institutionally from sexual abuse. Specific management protocols for STIs in children must be established by local governments and associated organizations. National human papillomavirus vaccination programs should be expanded to include boys, and anti-STI educational efforts using modern media should be more activated

    Glutathione Suppresses Cerebral Infarct Volume and Cell Death after Ischemic Injury: Involvement of FOXO3 Inactivation and Bcl2 Expression

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    Ischemic stroke interrupts the flow of blood to the brain and subsequently results in cerebral infarction and neuronal cell death, leading to severe pathophysiology. Glutathione (GSH) is an antioxidant with cellular protective functions, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging in the brain. In addition, GSH is involved in various cellular survival pathways in response to oxidative stress. In the present study, we examined whether GSH reduces cerebral infarct size after middle cerebral artery occlusion in vivo and the signaling mechanisms involved in the promotion of cell survival after GSH treatment under ischemia/reperfusion conditions in vitro. To determine whether GSH reduces the extent of cerebral infarction, cell death after ischemia, and reperfusion injury, we measured infarct size in ischemic brain tissue and the expression of claudin-5 associated with brain infarct formation. We also examined activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, inactivation of FOXO3, and expression of Bcl2 to assess the role of GSH in promoting cell survival in response to ischemic injury. Based on our results, we suggest that GSH might improve the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke by attenuating cerebral infarction and cell death

    Combined blockade of polo-like kinase and pan-RAF is effective against NRAS-mutant non-small cell lung cancer cells

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    NRAS mutation is rarely observed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, and there are no approved treatments for NRAS-mutant NSCLC. Here, we evaluated the effect of pan-RAF inhibitors on human NRAS-mutant NSCLC cell lines and performed high-throughput screening using human kinome small interfering (si) RNA or CRISPR/Cas9 libraries to identify new targets for combination NSCLC treatment. Our results indicate that human NRAS-mutant NSCLC cells are moderately sensitive to pan-RAF inhibitors. High-throughput kinome screenings further showed that G2/M arrest, particularly following knockdown of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1), can inhibit the growth of human NRAS-mutant NSCLC cells and those treated with the type II pan-RAF inhibitor LXH254. In addition, treatment with volasertib plus LXH254, resulting in dual blockade of PLK1 and pan-RAF, was found to be more effective than LXH254 monotherapy for inhibiting long-term cell viability, suggesting that this combination therapeutic strategy may lead to promising results in the clinic

    Depression and suicide risk prediction models using blood-derived multi-omics data

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    More than 300 million people worldwide experience depression; annually, ~800,000 people die by suicide. Unfortunately, conventional interview-based diagnosis is insufficient to accurately predict a psychiatric status. We developed machine learning models to predict depression and suicide risk using blood methylome and transcriptome data from 56 suicide attempters (SAs), 39 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), and 87 healthy controls. Our random forest classifiers showed accuracies of 92.6% in distinguishing SAs from MDD patients, 87.3% in distinguishing MDD patients from controls, and 86.7% in distinguishing SAs from controls. We also developed regression models for predicting psychiatric scales with R2 values of 0.961 and 0.943 for Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression???17 and Scale for Suicide Ideation, respectively. Multi-omics data were used to construct psychiatric status prediction models for improved mental health treatment

    Spectroscopy of the Young Stellar Association Price-Whelan 1: Origin in the Magellanic Leading Arm and Constraints on the Milky Way Hot Halo

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    We report spectroscopic measurements of stars in the recently discovered young stellar association Price-Whelan 1 (PW 1), which was found in the vicinity of the Leading Arm (LA) of the Magellanic Stream. We obtained Magellan+MIKE high-resolution spectra of the 28 brightest stars in PW 1 and used The Cannon to determine their stellar parameters. We find that the mean metallicity of PW 1 is [Fe/H]=-1.23 with a small scatter of 0.06 dex and the mean radial velocity is Vhelio=276.7 km/s with a dispersion of 11.0 km/s. Our results are consistent in Teff, logg, and [Fe/H] with the young and metal-poor characteristics (116 Myr and [Fe/H]=-1.1) determined for PW 1 from our discovery paper. We find a strong correlation between the spatial pattern of the PW 1 stars and the LA II gas with an offset of -10.15 deg in L_MS and +1.55 deg in B_MS. The similarity in metallicity, velocity, and spatial patterns indicates that PW 1 likely originated in LA II. We find that the spatial and kinematic separation between LA II and PW 1 can be explained by ram pressure from Milky Way gas. Using orbit integrations that account for the LMC and MW halo and outer disk gas, we constrain the halo gas density at the orbital pericenter of PW 1 to be n_halo (17 kpc) = 2.7 (3) x 10^-3 atoms/cm^3 and the disk gas density at the midplane at 20 kpc to be n_disk (20 kpc,0) = 6.0 (1.8) x 10^-2 atoms/cm^3. We, therefore, conclude that PW 1 formed from the LA II of the Magellanic Stream, making it a powerful constraint on the Milky Way-Magellanic interaction.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 1 table, submitted to Ap

    Effects of Walking Promotion Using Smart Mobile Activity Meter on Changes in Metabolic Health

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    Background: Regular physical exercise can increase insulin sensitivity, improve good cholesterol levels, reduce body weight, and ameliorate cardiovascular risk factors. Over the past decade, e-health technologies using mobile applications were proven to be an effective delivery method for educational interventions. No e-health tools were designated specifically for patients with metabolic syndrome. Methods: Final analysis subjects were 7,234 as a result of excluding cases with missing values according to the variables used. We mediated the subjects to walk in advance, 3 months, and 6 months through smart mobile health care, and the level of improvement in the metabolic syndrome index was repeatedly measured. RM ANOVA & Path analysis & Sobel test was conducted to determine whether there was a mediating effect. Results: Subjects who practiced walking for up to 3 months tended to use smart mobile health care devices better for 6 months, and the walking practice rate increased. This confirmed that there was a significant partial mediating effect as a result of the Sobel test. after 6 months, WC and TG decrease. Conclusion: It was found that the more programs that provide advice and interventions on physical activity through smart mobile healthcare devices were used, the more helpful it was to promote walking exercise practice

    A Case of Infantile Fungal Urinary Tract Infection

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    Urinary tract infection is common in the pediatric population. The most common causative agents are bacteria, among which Escherichia coli is the most frequent uropathogen. Although fungal urinary tract infection is rare in the healthy pediatric population, it is relatively common among hospitalized patients. Fungus may be isolated from the urine of immunocompromised patients or that of patients with indwelling catheters. The most common cause of funguria is Candida albicans. Although more than 50% of Candida isolates belong to non-albicans Candida , the prevalence of non-albicans candiduria is increasing. Herein, we report a case of community-acquired candiduria in a 4-month-old immunocompetent male infant who had bilateral vesicoureteral reflux and was administered antibiotic prophylaxis. He was diagnosed with urinary tract infection caused by Candida lusitaniae and was managed with fluconazole

    The Effects of Mechanical Stress on the Growth, Differentiation, and Paracrine Factor Production of Cardiac Stem Cells

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    Stem cell therapies have been clinically employed to repair the injured heart, and cardiac stem cells are thought to be one of the most potent stem cell candidates. The beating heart is characterized by dynamic mechanical stresses, which may have a significant impact on stem cell therapy. The purpose of this study is to investigate how mechanical stress affects the growth and differentiation of cardiac stem cells and their release of paracrine factors. In this study, human cardiac stem cells were seeded in a silicon chamber and mechanical stress was then induced by cyclic stretch stimulation (60 cycles/min with 120% elongation). Cells grown in non-stretched silicon chambers were used as controls. Our result revealed that mechanical stretching significantly reduced the total number of surviving cells, decreased Ki-67-positive cells, and increased TUNEL-positive cells in the stretched group 24 hrs after stretching, as compared to the control group. Interestingly, mechanical stretching significantly increased the release of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-1Ξ² as well as the angiogenic growth factors VEGF and bFGF from the cells in 12 hrs. Furthermore, mechanical stretching significantly reduced the percentage of c-kit-positive stem cells, but increased the expressions of cardiac troponin-I and smooth muscle actin in cells 3 days after stretching. Using a traditional stretching model, we demonstrated that mechanical stress suppressed the growth and proliferation of cardiac stem cells, enhanced their release of inflammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors, and improved their myogenic differentiation. The development of this in vitro approach may help elucidate the complex mechanisms of stem cell therapy for heart failure

    RNA-Binding Protein Musashi1 Modulates Glioma Cell Growth through the Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Notch and PI3 Kinase/Akt Signaling Pathways

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    Musashi1 (MSI1) is an RNA-binding protein that plays critical roles in nervous-system development and stem-cell self-renewal. Here, we examined its role in the progression of glioma. Short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-based MSI1-knock down (KD) in glioblastoma and medulloblastoma cells resulted in a significantly lower number of self renewing colony on day 30 (a 65% reduction), compared with non-silencing shRNA-treated control cells, indicative of an inhibitory effect of MSI1-KD on tumor cell growth and survival. Immunocytochemical staining of the MSI1-KD glioblastoma cells indicated that they ectopically expressed metaphase markers. In addition, a 2.2-fold increase in the number of MSI1-KD cells in the G2/M phase was observed. Thus, MSI1-KD caused the prolongation of mitosis and reduced the cell survival, although the expression of activated Caspase-3 was unaltered. We further showed that MSI1-KD glioblastoma cells xenografted into the brains of NOD/SCID mice formed tumors that were 96.6% smaller, as measured by a bioluminescence imaging system (BLI), than non-KD cells, and the host survival was longer (49.3Β±6.1 days vs. 33.6Β±3.6 days; P<0.01). These findings and other cell biological analyses suggested that the reduction of MSI1 in glioma cells prolonged the cell cycle by inducing the accumulation of Cyclin B1. Furthermore, MSI1-KD reduced the activities of the Notch and PI3 kinase-Akt signaling pathways, through the up-regulation of Numb and PTEN, respectively. Exposure of glioma cells to chemical inhibitors of these pathways reduced the number of spheres and living cells, as did MSI1-KD. These results suggest that MSI1 increases the growth and/or survival of certain types of glioma cells by promoting the activation of both Notch and PI3 kinase/Akt signaling
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