53 research outputs found

    The meaning and issues about community development with civic collaboration in provincial city -Case study of Eco-net Higashi-Hiroshima

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    This research introduces an attempt at the meaning and issues about community development with civic collaboration in provincial city through “Eco-net Higashi-Hiroshima (Eco-net)” in Higashi-Hiroshima city, Hiroshima. Eco-net is an organization, established by local government in 2010, which aims to build a sustainable society in partnership with the citizens and businesses and city of Higashi-Hiroshima. The discussion about issues and measures of eco-net held in 2015 clarifies that it makes better communication between citizen society and local governments, but it is difficult to conducts practical activities, because local government which leading initiatives need to hold big festival and it took most of time of their activity. This collaboration of citizen, businesses and local governments is indispensable to change social structure to sustainable society. It may therefore be an effective means of constructing sustainable society, to increase community development with civic collaboration from every corner of the world.本稿は、平成23年度広島大学地域連携事業B-9「広大生の生活エコ化でCO2削減!!」(代表:小倉亜紗美)の成果の一部である

    Roles for ESD played by Environmental NGOs: Case study of an attempt to connect Japan and Malaysia throughout rain forests reforestation by community participation

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    This study introduces an attempt to apply the roles of NGOs for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) by connecting Japan and Malaysia through rainforest reforestation by community participation conducted by the Japan Malaysia Association (JMA). The JMA employs natives to plant and maintain the forest, and has devoted a research field to ecology at UNIMAS University since 1995. During this time, they began to connect these activities and ESD for school students from Japan and Malaysia. In the activity, the JMA plays important role as a hub of activity in connecting schools, the university, and natives of Japan and Malaysia as well as conserving the environment. In addition, some Japanese companies cooperate with the JMA in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities that indirectly support environmental conservation and students’ education, thereby increasing the company’s value.本稿は、公益社団法人日本マレーシア協会が地球環境基金の助成によって実施した「マレーシア・サラワク州における地域住民参加による持続的な熱帯雨林再生システムの構築を通じてのESDの可能性の検証」(2012年度~2014年度)の研究成果の一部である。また、本稿は筆者が平成26 年度広島大学女性研究者奨励賞の助成によって実施した「ボルネオ島(マレーシア・サラワク州)における地域住民参加による熱帯雨林再生活動を通じた日本とボルネオ島をつなぐESDの試み」の研究成果の一部である

    Sustainability of the Small Coffee Farmers in Sri Lanka: A Study from the Viewpoint of Distribution Structure

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    To investigate the sustainability of small coffee farmers in a developing country, the interview survey for small coffee farmers in Sri Lanka and the non-governmental organization (NGO) “Japan Fair Trade Committee (JFTC),” which imports and sells Sri Lankan coffee in Japan, were studied. Accordingly, it was elucidated that JFTC is involved in building the total distribution structure of Sri Lankan coffee, from buying coffee beans from farmers to selling it in Japan by setting up some affiliated companies Sri Lanka and Japan. Moreover, they endeavor to develop the coffee market not only in Japan but also in Sri Lanka. This new distribution channels and jobs, and enhances the sustainability of small coffee farms in Sri Lanka. It also promotes womenʼs role and economic empowerment in a developing economy. Therefore, increasing fair trade this way enhances sustainability of small farmers in developing countries. To facilitate this, consumers need to buy products imported via fair trade, which will increase the number of NGOs and companies conducting fair trade.本報告の一部は、一般社団法人日本フェアトレード委員会(2016)「実践フェアトレードと草の根交流の10年間『共笑(ともえ)』」にて報告済みである


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    IPSHU Research Report Series No.32 : 2016年度第2回広島大学平和科学研究センター主催国際シンポジウム, 移民・難民―国際社会は人権の危機にいかに立ち向かうのか―, 後半部分 : 日本語版, Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editors: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Asami OGURA

    Executive Summary

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    IPSHU Research Report Series No.32 : 2nd International Symposium 2016 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University, “Migration and Refugee: How the International Society Tackles the Human Rights Crisis”, The first half: English Version, Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editors: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Asami OGURA

    Causes of long-term changes in organic pollution of a river system with increasing population : a case study in the Kurosegawa River, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima

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    The Kurosegawa River, a polluted small river, flows through Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, where the population has increased steadily within the last decade. In order to clarify the impact of urbanization on the quality of the river water, changes in the state of organic pollution were studied in relation to population, construction of sewers and septic tanks in a recent 13-year period (1989-2001). Improvement in water quality (as indicated by BOD) was observed in the central area of the city, possibly as a result of the co11struction of sewers and septic tanks. In contrast, the BOD tended to increase in the lower reaches of the river. The pollutant flow analysis indicated that inflow of pollutant from a sewage treatment plant contributed to a significant proportion of the load. A simulation suggested that, with increasing population and sewage water, the BOD in the lower reaches of the river would be higher in the future because of the increase in the load from the plant. Based on the pollutant flow analysis, some solutions for reducing organic pollution are suggested.本研究の一部は学園都市づくり交流会議の地域課題研究事業の補助を受けて行われたものである

    Periphyton contribution to nitrogen dynamics in the discharge from a wastewater treatment plant

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    To evaluate the importance of periphyton to nitrogen dynamics in the discharge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), we examined changes in total and inorganic nitrogen content downstream from a WWTP on the Kurose River in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. At 0.7 km downstream of the WWTP (point A), NH4+-N was the dominant form of inorganic nitrogen, but concentrations decreased rapidly to 5 km downstream (point B). In contrast, no significant change in the [NO2– + NO3–]-N concentration was observed between the two points. Total nitrogen (TN) load decreased significantly between the two points, suggesting that sorption and/or denitrification occurred in the river channel. Potential rates of nitrogen sorption and transformation by periphyton were determined in a laboratory experiment in which changes in the nitrogen content of river water were examined in an acrylic chamber with periphyton. Nitrification and nitrogen removal occurred mainly in the periphyton. The contributions of periphyton activity to TN and NH4+-N decrease in the field, as estimated from the results of the laboratory experiments, were 6%–18% and 23%–72%, respectively. These results suggest that periphyton plays an important role in decreasing NH4+-N concentration in the discharge from wastewater treatment plants

    Temporal and spatial fluctuations of populations of the freshwater snail Kawanina (Semisulcospira libertina) in streams: A survey using the “Kawanina trap”

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    カワニナを個体サイズや底質に関わらず採取できるトラップを作成し,それを用いて広島県東広島市を流れる二つの小河川を対象に,カワニナ個体群の時空間的変動に及ぼす環境要因について検討を行った。半自然河川の角脇川にトラップを仕掛け,5月~ 11月の経時変化を調べたところ,採取された個体数は期間を通じ地点により大きく異なっていた。この差は,水温や流速,BOD,pH では説明できず,河床材料との関係も明瞭ではなかったが,礫質の地点では個体数変動が少なく,殻径3mm未満の稚貝が多く捕獲された。コンクリート三面護岸化された半尾川では,角脇川に比べ非常に少数のカワニナしか捕獲されず,稚貝も1匹しか捕獲されなかったため,ほとんど繁殖が行われていないと考えられた。カワニナの生息に適した環境を評価するためには,個体サイズを考慮した調査を行うことが重要であり,本調査で用いたようなトラップは有効な手段となりうると思われる。This study aimed to elucidate the environmental factors that determine spatiotemporal fluctuations of populations of the freshwater snail Kawanina (Semisulcospira libertina) in two streams in Higashi-Hiroshima City based on a field survey using a trap designed for sampling regardless of the individual snail size or sediment. The changes from May to November in the semi-natural stream Kadowakigawa were investigated, and the number of individual snails captured by traps varied greatly depending on the site throughout the period. Differences in the numbers of captured snails could not be explained by differences in water temperature, water flow, BOD, pH, or riverbed materials between sites. However, the number of snails tended to be stable, and small individuals (< 3 mm) were frequently captured in the site with a stony riverbed. In the Hannogawa, a concrete-lined stream, only a very small number of Kawanina were captured by the trap compared to the Kadowakigawa, and only one young snail was captured by the trap during the investigation period, so the snail reproduction in this stream was considered to be unsuccessful. Quantitative studies considering the size structure of the population are important in assessing the suitability of a stream for the habitat of the snail. The “Kawanina trap” can be a useful tool for such research

    Environmental condition and residents’ awareness of the Hannoogawa River, a concrete-lined stream in Higashi-Hiroshima City, Japan

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    半尾川(はんのをがわ)は,広島県東広島市中心部の西条地区を北から南に流れるコンクリート三面護岸化された小河川である。この川の環境に関する状況と将来の環境改善に向けた課題を明らかにするために,水質調査,水生生物調査,周辺住民の半尾川に対する認識についてのアンケート調査を実施した。水質調査の結果,BODは1.1~3.7 mg L-1の範囲にあり,やや汚染されていることが示唆された。しかし,トラップによる生物調査では全国水生生物調査で指定されている指標生物8種が確認され,この中には比較的きれいな水の指標生物も含まれていた。住民の意識調査の結果,最近10年以内に転入してきた住民は,それ以前から住んでいる住民にくらべ,半尾川の環境に関心が薄い傾向が認められた。今後,環境改善を進めていくためには,住民の関心を高めることが不可欠と考えられる。The Hannoogawa River in the western part of central Saijo town, Higashi-Hiroshima City, is a concrete-lined stream flowing north to south. To clarify its current environmental state and identify challenges for future environmental improvement, we surveyed the water quality, aquatic animals, and the local residents’ awareness of the stream. The biochemical oxygen demand of the stream water ranged between 1.1 and 3.7 mg L-1, indicating that the water was moderately polluted. However, several aquatic species that prefer oligotrophic water were recorded in a trap survey. An awareness questionnaire survey showed that newer residents who had moved to the area within the last 10 years tended to have little interest in the stream environment as compared with the responses of older residents. The results suggest a need for social outreach to increase residents’ awareness of the stream and thus fulfil the requirements for environmental improvements