6 research outputs found

    Problems and prospects of investment in Nigeria economy

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    Article describes the main opportunities and obstacles of investing in Nigeria, analyzing the challenges faced by one of the oil foreign companies using their company annual data report from 2011 to the end of 2014 and the authors recommendations in dealing with these challenges

    Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy: the European experience

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    Most countries in Europe have started using renewable energy source for electricity over decades now even though it's not investment friendly. That is why most countries have introduced different types of measures or mechanism to support investors and household consumer who are interested in using these polluted free renewable energy source. Recently, Russia was among the countries that signed the Paris Agreement contract and are hoping to execute their part in reducing the emissions greenhouse gas in the country even though Russians are oil producing country and most of the energy come from this. The article analyzes the mechanisms of tax incentives for renewable energy and energy efficiency currently used in European countries. Also the possibilities of investing in in research studies pertaining to energy. The article also analyse the reason for stimulating demand for electricity companies for energy-efficient equipment. Conclusions were made about disseminating their experience for effectiveness and ability for adaption in Russia

    Correct evaluation of Social Policy

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    The problem surrounding Social Policy in Russia is due to internal and external factors. The aauthors analyse the challenges of effective social policy evaluation with different analytical materials by first given the definition of effectiveness with the aid of formula, then describe the types of social policy presented by Esping-Andersen and Abrahamson. The authors also analyze three main factors (inflation rate of oil, the rate of dollars against rubles and the pulling out of foreign investors) that lead to crises in Russia. In conclusion, the authors decide that the insufficient effectiveness of Russia's social policy is primarily associated with tight budget constraints due to the crisis

    Developed Programs of Research into Corporate Social Responsibility in Relation to Older Adults (the Case of Petroleum Companies)

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    Evaluation of corporate social responsibility in relation to older adults, due to its weak theoretical elaboration, demands course for research. In this paper the authors develop a research program: the factors of well-being of older adults, which may affect the company; develop analytical procedure and indicator’s system to measure the social responsibility of business. Calculation of some indicators of corporate responsibility on the example of the companies Rosneft (Russia) and Shell (Nigeria) was made

    The Idea of Subsidies in the New Russian State Policy

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    The main goals of social and economic modernization, manifested by the Russian government in social policy have been studied. The basic cause of Russia losing its advantages in the social policy implementation is outlined. The Federal Law on the reform in the public sector has been analyzed. The shortcomings and problems affecting the introduction of this law into effect have been detected

    The Impact Of Education Level On Some Aspects Of Wellbeing

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    This research studies the influence/effect of the education level on various aspects of human wellbeing. From the official statistics of the OECD countries, we conclude that a number of important characteristics of wellbeing (level of interpersonal trust, subjective health assessments, confidence in the government) have a steady tendency to increase in practically all the analyzed countries as the level of education increases among employable citizens (25-64 years). In this paper, we identify the countries, in which various aspects of citizens' wellbeing have been found to reach minimum and maximum values. This analysis accounts for the education levels in accordance with the international description: below upper secondary, upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary, and tertiary. The estimated influence of the education level on various aspects of wellbeing appear to be a very promising direction of research for Russia: a country with a traditionally high level of education (of the population). Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a comparative analysis of the impact of education level of the population in Russia on certain wellbeing parameters using the data given in the collected volume Education at a Glance. OECD Indicators 2014. Russia has not joined this group of countries yet. However, the problem of measuring the relationship between the education level of the population and the subjective perception of wellbeing is very important for Russia. In particular, this stems/results from the need to develop a reliable system of indexes that would allow specialists to assess the continuous (lifelong) wellbeing as objectively as possible