555 research outputs found

    Bolezni drevja, ki so bile določene v okviru poročevalske, prognostične in diagnostične službe za gozdove v Sloveniji v obdobju 1982-2012

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    The Reporting, Prognostic and Diagnostic (RPD) service for forests is a legal forest protection organization in Slovenia and part of the public forest service. The aim of our study was to analyse RPD reports from 1982 to 2012. We analysed 120 reports that contained 992 records of tree diseases encompassing 189 species and genera. The most frequently recorded were foliage diseases (351 records, 42 species), needle diseases (162 records, 23 species), rots (111 records, 56 species), cankers (73 records, 9 species), and shoot diseases (72 records, 14 species). Ten most frequently recorded species were the following fungi: Erysiphe alphitoides, Lophodermium spp., Cryphonectria parasitica, Rhytisma acerinum, Sawadaea bicornis, Diplodia pinea, Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus, Mycosphaerella pini, Blumeriella jaapii, and Cronartium ribicola.Poročevalska, prognostična in diagnostična služba za gozdove (RPD) je uradna organizacija varstva gozdov v Sloveniji, ki deluje v okviru javne gozdarske službe. Cilj naše študije je bil analizirati poročila RPD od 1982 do 2012. Analizirali smo 120 poročil, ki so obsegala 992 zapisov in 189 vrst, ki povzročajo bolezni drevja. Najpogosteje so bile zabeležene bolezni listja (351 zapisov, 42 vrst), bolezni iglic (162 zapisov, 23 vrst), trohnobe (111 zapisov, 56 vrst), raki (73 zapisov, 9 vrst) in bolezni poganjkov (72 zapisov,14 vrst). Najpogosteje so bile zabeležene naslednje vrste gliv: Erysiphe alphitoides, Lophodermium spp., Cryphonectria parasitica, Rhytisma acerinum, Sawadaea bicornis, Diplodia pinea, Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus, Mycosphaerella pini, Blumeriella jaapii in Cronartium ribicola

    Dejavniki vetroloma na primeru vetroloma na Pokljuki

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    This paper presents a case study in windthrow. The case study area was 1.7 ha of two forest gaps on the Pokljuka plateau, Slovenia, where strong wind had blown down 44 trees. An additional 44 standing trees closest to the fallen trees were used as a control group for comparative purposes. The following variables were measured for fallen trees: breast diameter, height, crown diameter and height as well, the number and diameter of roots, the volume of the root system, and root rot. Standing trees were measured for breast diameter, height, crown diameter and height, and the number and diameter of roots. The data were analysed using the machine learning methods in the Weka computer program. The most important factors of windthrow in the case study area were: storm wind (speed above 17 m/s), wet shallow soil, and the edges ofthe forest gaps. The results of the case study show that breast diameter, tree height and the presence of root rot can be classified as windthrow factors.V raziskavi smo izdelali študijo primera vetroloma, ki je zajemala dve vrzeli,veliki 1,7 ha. V vrzelih je viharen veter podrl 44 dreves. Za primerjavo smo vzeli še 44 najbližjih stoječih dreves. Podrtim drevesom smo izmerili prsni premer, višino, širino in višino krošnje, število in debelino korenin, izračunali volumen koreninskega sistema ter vzeli izvrtek, s katerim smo ugotavljali trohnobo. Najbližje stoječim drevesom smo izmerili prsni premer, višino, širino in višino krošnje, število in debelino korenin. Analizopodatkov smo poleg statističnih obdelav izvedli tudi z metodami strojnega učenja v računalniškem programu Weka. Najpomembnejši dejavniki za podrtje dreves na mestu študije primera so bili: viharen veter (hitrost nad 17m/s), razmočena in plitva tla ter gozdni rob vrzeli. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so pomembno vplivali k podrtju dreves tudi prsni premer, višina dreves in trohnoba

    Calendar time and work performance of syncrofalke cable cranes in the Tolminsko region

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    Prispevek predstavlja analizo koledarskega asa in delovnih uinkov dveh žinic Syncrofalke na Tolminskem. Koledarski as je obravnavan po mednarodni metodologiji IUFRO. Delimo ga na koledarski as delovnega mesta, to je 261 dni,in na koledarski as zunaj delovnega mesta, ki znaša 104 dni letno. Za vsakdan upoštevamo 8 ur, kar velja tudi v slovenski delovni zakonodaji, zato znaša koledarski asi delovnega mesta 2.088 ur letno. Koledarski as je bil spremljan od zaetka julija 2002 do konca marca 2004, skupaj za dve opazovani žinici 1.270 koledarskih dni. V tem asu sta žinici na 79 linijah obratovali skupaj 709 dni, povpreno 204 dni na leto na žinico. Produktivni delovni as, kamor se šteje le spravilo, je znašal v povpreju 132 dni. Povprena dolžina linije, ki je od stolpa do zadnjega škripca v povpreju merila 336 m, je imela 0,62 vmesne podpore na linijo. Povprena razdalja spravila po nosilni vrvi je 208 m, razdalja zbiranja pa dobrih 34 m. Delež linij za spravilo navzgor je 62%. Povprena koliina lesa na ciklus je 1,04 m3 (1,12 t), na linijo pa 300 m3,od tega 83 % listavcev. Spremljanje koledarskega asa, za kar skrbi delovna skupina pri stroju, je dober pripomoek za dolgorono spremljanje in analiziranje niza parametrov uinkovitosti pri delu, doseganja uinkov stroja inprimerjave med stroji ter tudi za obraunavanje opravljenega dela.The article presents an analysis of calendar times and work performance of twoSyncrofalke cable cranes in Slovenia - the Tolminsko region. Calendar time is dealt with in accordance of the international IUFRO methodology. It is divided into workplace time, i.e. 261 days, and non-workplace time, which is 104 days. For each day, 8 hours are taken into account, which is in fact stipulated in the national work legislation, and the workplace time therefore amounts to 2,088 hours per year. Calendar time for the two cable cranes was monitored from the beginning of July 2002 till the end of March 2004, a total of 1,270 calendar days for both cable cranes. During this time, the cable cranes operated 709 days on 79 lines, or 204 days per cable crane annually, 132 of these for skidding. Average line length, which from the tower to the last tailblock measured 305 m on average, had 0.62 intermediate support per line. Average yarding distance per skyline was 208 m, the bunching distance 34m. The share of uphill yarding lines was 62 %. Average volume of wood was 1.04 m3 (1.12 t) per cycle and 300 m3 per line, 83 % of which went to deciduous trees. Calendar time monitoring, which was carried out by the cable crane crew, is a good expedient for long-term monitoring and analyses of a series of parameters of work performance, of the effects achieved by the machine, for comparisons between different machines, and for the final assessment of work payment

    La forêt en tant qu’habitat pour les coléoptères saproxyliques sur les sites Natura 2000 en Slovénie

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    Natura 2000 sites represent almost 36% of the Slovenian area; a large part of the area is overgrown with forests (nearly 70%), a big share is without vegetation, an important part is grassland. The areas of Natura 2000 under the Wild Birds Directive include 26 SPA (Special Protection Areas) sites with an area of 461 819 ha and under the Habitat Directive 260 pSCI (potential Sites of Community Interest) sites with an area of 639,735 ha. Slovenia proposed ten forest habitat types and they include nearly 265,485 ha of forests or 21.62% of our forest areas. The number of species from the list of plant and animal species from Appendix II of the Habitat Directive amounts to 138 species, there are 16 species of beetles: 13 more or less forest dependent species (Bolbelasmus unicornis, Buprestis splendens, Carabus variolosus, Cerambyx cerdo, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Limoniscus violaceus, Lucanus cervus, Morimus funereus, Osmoderma eremita, Phryganophilus rufi collis, Rosalia alpina, Rhysodes sulcatus and Stephanopachys substriatus) and three not forest dependent species (Carabus menetriesi pacholei, Graphoderus bilineatus, Leptodirus hochenwartii). More than 80% of all Natura 2000 beetles were found to be forest dependent. Four of them are EU priority species (Carabus menetriesi pacholei, Osmoderma eremita, Phryganophilus rufi collis, Rosalia alpina)Les sites Natura 2000 représentent presque 36% de la Slovénie ; une grande partie de leur superficie est recouverte de forêts (près de 70%), une grosse portion est dépourvue de végétation et une importante partie consiste en prairies. Les zones Natura 2000 incluent, au titre de la Directive Oiseaux 26 ZPS (zones de protection spéciale) représentant une superficie de 461 819 ha et, au titre de la Directive Habitat, 260 SPIC (sites potentiels d'intérêt communautaire) sur 639 735 ha. La Slovénie a proposé dix types d'habitats forestiers qui incluent près de 265 485 ha de forêts soit 21,62% des forêts du pays. La liste des plantes et des animaux inscrits à l'Annexe II de la Directive Habitat concerne 136 espèces parmi lesquelles on compte 16 espèces de coléoptères: 13 dépendant plus ou moins des forêts (Bolbelasmus unicornis, Buprestis splendens, Carabus variolosus, Cerambyx cerdo, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Limoniscus violaceus, Lucanus cervus, Morimusfunereus, Osmoderma eremita, Phryganophilus ruficollis, Rosalia alpina, Rhysodes sulcatus et Stephanopachys substriatus) et trois non forêt-dépendantes (Carabus menetriesi pacholei, Graphoderus bilineatus, Leptodirus hochenwartii). Plus de 80% des coléoptères Natura 2000 sont donc forêt-dépendants. Quatre d'entre eux sont des espèces prioritaires de l'Union européenne (Carabus menetriesi pacholei, Osmoderma eremita, Phryganophilus ruficollis, Rosalia alpina); ils représentent 25% des coléoptères Natura 2000. Nous présentons la répartition actuelle de six coléoptères (C. cerdo, C. cinnaberinus, L. cervus, M. funereus, O. eremita and R. alpina) sur la base de données récemment accessibles. Une majorité des localisations (145 données) se situe dans 21 ZPS, 99 localisations sont dans 32 SPIC. Même si une majorité des localisations se trouvent dans des ZPS, les SPIC sont un habitat relativement fréquent pour quelques coléoptères, e.g. M. funereus et R. alpina. 21 sur 26 ZPS sont importantes pour 6 espèces prises en compte dans l'analyse. Il y a aussi 32 SPIC sur les 260 qui hébergent quelques espèces également incluses dans l'analyse. L. cervus, M. funereus et R. alpina se rencontrent plus souvent dans les SPIC que dans les ZPS. Nous présentons les exigences d'une sélection de coléoptères forestiers en particulier pour les communautés végétales et les milieux qu'ils occupent