25 research outputs found

    Newspaper Readership in Port Harcourt

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    This study among other things looked at how variables like sex, educational qualification and income influence newspaper readership. It also sought general information on newspaper readership in Port Harcourt. Two major hypotheses were tested. These are that majority of the people in Port Harcourt will read at least one newspaper daily and that majority of the people in Port Harcourt prefer to read a newspaper from their state of origin to a national newspaper. Three minor hypotheses were also tested. The survey research method was employed and the questionnaire was used as instrument to elicit information from respondents. Simple percentages were used to analyse data collected. The first major hypothesis was supported by findings of the study, while the second major hypothesis was not supported. The three minor hypotheses were all supported. The study recommended more comprehensive studies on newspaper readership in Port Harcourt and other parts of the country

    News Analysis as a Media Content for Public Opinion Formation and Moulding

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    The mass media perform certain roles to the sustenance of the society. Crucial among these roles are surveillance and correlation. The former involves routine journalistic function of monitoring events and reporting such in news while the latter deals with interpreting issues in the news for the purpose of building knowledge and coordinating opinions. There is an overlap between the two roles as opinions cannot be formed without information. In fact, informed opinions are based on adequate, accurate and authoritative information. Thus, by disseminating news and further engaging in discussion and analysis of major issues in the news, the media shape or influence public opinion. This paper examines news analysis as a means of shaping public opinion. It establishes that the mass media engage in construction and reconstruction of public opinion through agenda setting and framing. It presents a model depicting a cyclical process by which the media set agenda, through selective news presentation and treatment; and frame issues, through discussions and analyses, thereby giving direction for public opinion. The opinion so formed could result into actions and events, which are further reported in the news, based on their news values

    Evaluation of the Impact of Students' Industrial Training on Journalistic Skills Acquisition among Polytechnic Students in Delta State, Nigeria

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    Good professional practice in journalism is a function of quality training. Good journalistic training must integrate the teaching of theory with exposure to practical skills to ensure adequate transition of students into employable graduates. However, there is a gap between theoretical training offered by various institutions of journalism and mass communication training and the demands for practical skills required for industry practice industry in Nigeria. This study evaluated the impact of students' industrial training, coordinated by the Students' Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) supervised by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) among other things in Nigeria, on the acquisition of professional skills in journalism. It carried out a questionnaire survey on 292 purposively selected Polytechnic students of mass communication in Delta State, Nigeria who have observed or are observing the industrial training. Findings showed that industrial training had a significant effect on journalism education, contributed significantly to the employability status of the students and significantly influenced acquisition of professional skills in journalism. It recommended an extension of the approved four-month duration for the training programme and regular evaluative research for possible improvement of the programme

    Urban solid waste management: the role of strategic communication

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    In Nigeria, the challenges of urban solid waste management are palpable. The volume of solid waste that is visible at the urban centres is a measure of the failure of the current practices. The declaration of one of the Saturdays of every month by various state governments as environmental sanitation day and the use of radiojungles has notyielded the expected results. It is on this basis that this paper proposed a methodological shift from conventional approaches of mere radiol television announcement to strategic communications planning. The study pointed out the role of strategic communication in addressing the challenges posed by urban solid waste management. Thesix-step pyramid of strategic communication plan (communication infrastructure, establishment ofgoals, target audience. frame the issue, crafting ofmessage and media tactics) was proposed

    Electricity consumers attitudes, knowledge and behaviour towards the use of energy saving bulbs in Warri, Nigeria: Implications for governmental action

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    This paper studies the electricity consumers attitudes, knowledge and behaviour towards the use of energy saving bulbs in Warri, Nigeria using the survey method. The survey randomly selected 400 respondents for the study, and information on their energy consumption and willingness to use energy saving bulbs were solicited using a well structured questionnaire. Results indicate a large majority (77%) of respondents agree that they do not practice any energy saving behaviour in their homes whilst 23% agreed that they practice energy saving in their homes. With respect to their willingness to use energy saving bulbs, 51% of the respondents are extremely willing to consume the product, and 49% were extremely unwilling to use energy saving bulbs. If energy saving bulbs costs consumers 10% more than candescent bulbs, 91% of respondents indicated they are extremely unwilling to consume it, while 53% were willing to consume same. Thus, it appears that respondents will respond to a price differential between energy saving bulbs and non-energy saving bulbs. The findings of this paper spells out the implications for governmental policy and action


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    Abstract in the past few decades, Nigeria has been confronted with a number of unsustainable depletion of natural resources resulting lo; i mountain of environmental problems that has the potential of eroding earth's web of fife (air, water and soil) and can also promote poverty. Efforts by government in promoting sustainable development have not yielded the expected results. The paper concludes that the incorporation of environmental science education into our educational curriculum whereby environmental issues are incorporated into the learning process of each generation will help to achieve the objectives of sustainable development-Keyword: Environmental science education, sustainable development, environmental degradation, awareness, unsustainable practices

    Community Radio As A Tool For Rural Development

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    For any development programme to succeed, the people it is intended for must be actively engaged. To reach the people, there has to be communication. To effectively communicate with the people, the use of the mass media is inevitable. Governments, the world over, needs the mass media for dissemination of information to be able to mobilise their people for development purpose. This article therefore dwelt on the importance of mass media in the dissemination of information by the government to the people. Employing an analytical approach, the article recommended community radio as a medium through which the government can effectively disseminate information to the rural populace. For effectiveness message should be well prepared for specific audience to be able to effectively reach them

    Public Perception of the Corporate Image of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH)

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    Abstract People in the medical profession who are generally accused of being apathetic to public opinion now seem to be concerned about public criticisms. The result is that they are now coming to accept public relations as an essential part of health care delivery system. This study is therefore focused on how the public (patients/relations) perceives and rates the corporate image and public relations efforts of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH). The survey research method was employed in this study and the questionnaire was used as instrument to elicit information from respondents. Data were analyzed by simple percentages. Findings suggest that the corporate image and patients relations are rated very high and public oriented. Based on these findings, the study recommended more enhanced patients friendly measures that will alleviate the suffering of patients

    Media Management: An Overview

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    When was the last time you spent 24 hours without the media? , asked Biaga (2005). From the moment you get up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, the media are waiting to keep you company. This underscores the importance of the mass media in our lives. A lot of people are in the employment of media organisations, there are some people investing in media business. Media is now a big business and for any business to succeed it has to be well managed

    Origin, Definition and Guidelines for the Practice of Public Relations in Nigeria

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    Public relations is the act of reputation building and it is as old as man. The real meaning of public relations (the relationship between organisations and the public) and the promotion of public relations as a profession and career were not very clear until the recent past when public relations practice, programmes and activities were considered as powerful tools for coordinating human and business image (Achison, 2005). Public relations is generally believed to influence public opinion or attitudes in such a positive direction, as it ensures goodwill, understanding and acceptance. The main purpose of public relations, therefore, is to establish and maintain a two-way communication in order to continuously ensure understanding, or resolve conflicts eel' interests between individuals, institutions, organisations and its public. According to Achison (ibid.) public relations is alien used in the following senses: i. relationship with individuals or groups, which comprises an organisation's publics; ways and means used to achieve favourable relationship with any of the sub-publics; or iii. the quality of an institution's relationship with its publics. However, there are general misconceptions about what public relations is or is not. People who have these misconceptions include directors ofcompanies, the general public, and students of mass communication. These people, according to Ajala (1993:7-8) often regard public relations as: • publicity given to political aspirants, business executives, military leaders; and others; • a series of free meals and gifts for journalists, prospective supporters, clients and others; • a simple means of gaining media coverage; • a collection of publicity-seeking events; • a means of covering-up for mistakes; and a mechanism for personal empire-building. The concept, public relations is often confused with other fields of life. It is often confused with marketing, advertising, publicity, product promotion and propaganda. Advertising is concerned with the sale of products and services through the commercial media. This actually could be part of public relations, but it is not what public relations is all about. Marketing and product promotion arc to enhance the distribution and sales of products and services. Publicity on the other hand, is a vital tool in public relations and provides information about an organisation or a body. It is not a term that is, however, synonymous with public relations. Markcting, product promotion and publicity are also not alternative terms for public relations except that they are related