54 research outputs found

    Noise-tolerant quantum speedups in quantum annealing without fine tuning

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    Quantum annealing is a powerful alternative model for quantum computing, which can succeed in the presence of environmental noise even without error correction. However, despite great effort, no conclusive proof of a quantum speedup (relative to state of the art classical algorithms) has been shown for these systems, and rigorous theoretical proofs of a quantum advantage generally rely on exponential precision in at least some aspects of the system, an unphysical resource guaranteed to be scrambled by random noise. In this work, we propose a new variant of quantum annealing, called RFQA, which can maintain a scalable quantum speedup in the face of noise and modest control precision. Specifically, we consider a modification of flux qubit-based quantum annealing which includes random, but coherent, low-frequency oscillations in the directions of the transverse field terms as the system evolves. We show that this method produces a quantum speedup for finding ground states in the Grover problem and quantum random energy model, and thus should be widely applicable to other hard optimization problems which can be formulated as quantum spin glasses. Further, we show that this speedup should be resilient to two realistic noise channels (1/f1/f-like local potential fluctuations and local heating from interaction with a finite temperature bath), and that another noise channel, bath-assisted quantum phase transitions, actually accelerates the algorithm and may outweigh the negative effects of the others. The modifications we consider have a straightforward experimental implementation and could be explored with current technology.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Localization of interacting fermions at high temperature

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    We suggest that if a localized phase at nonzero temperature T>0T>0 exists for strongly disordered and weakly interacting electrons, as recently argued, it will also occur when both disorder and interactions are strong and TT is very high. We show that in this high-TT regime the localization transition may be studied numerically through exact diagonalization of small systems. We obtain spectra for one-dimensional lattice models of interacting spinless fermions in a random potential. As expected, the spectral statistics of finite-size samples cross over from those of orthogonal random matrices in the diffusive regime at weak random potential to Poisson statistics in the localized regime at strong randomness. However, these data show deviations from simple one-parameter finite-size scaling: the apparent mobility edge ``drifts'' as the system's size is increased. Based on spectral statistics alone, we have thus been unable to make a strong numerical case for the presence of a many-body localized phase at nonzero TT

    Theory of dissipationless Nernst effects

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    We develop a theory of transverse thermoelectric (Peltier) conductivity, \alpha_{xy}, in finite magnetic field -- this particular conductivity is often the most important contribution to the Nernst thermopower. We demonstrate that \alpha_{xy} of a free electron gas can be expressed purely and exactly as the entropy per carrier irrespective of temperature (which agrees with seminal Hall bar result of Girvin and Jonson). In two dimensions we prove the universality of this result in the presence of disorder which allows explicit demonstration of a number features of interest to experiments on graphene and other two-dimensional materials. We also exploit this relationship in the low field regime and to analyze the rich singularity structure in \alpha_{xy}(B, T) in three dimensions; we discuss its possible experimental implications.Comment: 4.5 pages, 2 figure

    Phenomenology of fully many-body-localized systems

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    We consider fully many-body localized systems, i.e. isolated quantum systems where all the many-body eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are localized. We define a sense in which such systems are integrable, with localized conserved operators. These localized operators are interacting pseudospins, and the Hamiltonian is such that unitary time evolution produces dephasing but not "flips" of these pseudospins. As a result, an initial quantum state of a pseudospin can in principle be recovered via (pseudospin) echo procedures. We discuss how the exponentially decaying interactions between pseudospins lead to logarithmic-in-time spreading of entanglement starting from nonentangled initial states. These systems exhibit multiple different length scales that can be defined from exponential functions of distance; we suggest that some of these decay lengths diverge at the phase transition out of the fully many-body localized phase while others remain finite.Comment: 5 pages. Some of this paper has already appeared in: Huse and Oganesyan, arXiv:1305.491
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