209 research outputs found

    On Sensor-Based Ore Sorting

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    The high cost of mineral processing in mining industries keeps rising. Sensor-based ore sorting is key in helping the mining industries to sort out ore to help reduce the processing and production costs. With the implementation of sensor-based ore sorting at the primary stage, it assures of separating larger volumes of the barren gangue from the conveyor-transported ore before excessive handling and mixing occurs. Hence, this paper investigated and evaluated the deployment of the colour camera and the dual energy X-Ray sensors. The successful operation at 2.8 m/s and 3.2 m/s of conveyor speed, and relatively extreme positions of the air jet-based separation mechanism for the sorting proved robustness in separation of barren gangue from the ore feed

    Defying the gloom: In search of the ‘golden’ practices of small-scale mining operations

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    Data Availability: Data will be made available on request.Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Dominant narratives on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) often portray mining regions as ‘informal’ zones that suffer massively from environmental degradation problems. Such insistence on the poor environmental performance of ASM zones has dovetailed with a lack of scholarly attention to some of the ‘golden’ environmental management practices taking place in some of these mining areas. In this paper, we explore how the operations of a formalised (registered) small-scale mining operator in Ghana, as objectified in its obligatory and ethical functions, contribute to reducing pollution and mine-degraded landscapes, which have long been viewed as the inevitable consequence of ASM. Emphasizing how the dynamic interplay between resources and environmental demands may come to support public policy, our study shows how mutually constituting demands on mining in highly differentiated contexts could translate into productive outcomes. Contrary to the popular perception that ASM operators are not good stewards of the environment, findings from our study suggest that these operators can be caretakers of the environment and local communities through land reclamation mechanisms. Localisation of labour could, however, contribute to more sustainable livelihoods in mining communities and help curb rising community tensions

    Effect of phospho-compost on growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    The effect of phospho-compost on the growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was studied at Juaboso in the Western Region of Ghana. It was a factorial experiment arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Phospho-compost, prepared from phosphate rock, cocoa pod husk, sawdust and poultry manure, was applied at the rate of 560 g plot-1 (875 kg ha-1) and worked into soil before planting. Phosphate rock was applied at the rate of 195 g plot-1 (300 kg ha-1) 1 week before planting. The triple superphosphate was applied as band placement of 90 g plot-1 (130 kg ha-1), 7 days after sowing. These application rates were equal to 60 kg P205 ha-1. Phospho-compost significantly (P < 0.05) increased number of leaves, number of nodules, plant biomass, number of pods per plant, and grain yield more than the control. Grain yield on the phospho-compost-treated plot was 25.8 per cent higher than the control. Phospho-compost treatment had a profit margin of Âą3,295,000.00 (387.65).Thisfigurecomparedfavourablywiththetreatmentusingconventionaltriplesuperphosphatefertilizer,whichrecordedÂą3,422,000.00(387.65). This figure compared favourably with the treatment using conventional triple superphosphate fertilizer, which recorded Âą3,422,000.00 (402.59) profit. The controls had a profit margin of Âą2,515,000.00 (295.88).Theresultsofthestudyindicatethattheuseofphosphocompost(whichislocallyprepared)cansignificantlyincreasetheyieldofcowpea.Resource−poorfarmerscanusephospho−composttoimprovethefertilityofsoilforhigherproductivityofcowpea.UneeˊtudeeˊtaitentrepriseaˋJuabosodanslareˊgiondelâ€ČOuestduGhanapourfairedesrecherchesdelâ€Čeffetdephosphocompostsurlacroissanceetlerendementdedolique.Câ€Čeˊtaituneexpeˊriencefactoriellearrangeˊedansundessindebloccompletchoisiauhasardavecquatrereˊplications.Phospho−compost,preˊpareˊderocheduphosphate,delâ€Čeˊcaledecossedecacao,desciuredeboisetdefumierdevolaille,eˊtaientappliqueˊsaˋraisonde560g/lot(875kg/ha)etmeˊlangeˊsaveclesolavantlaplantation.Larocheduphosphateeˊtaitappliqueˊeaˋraisonde195g/lot(300kg/ha)unesemaineavantlaplantation.Latriplesuperphosphateeˊtaitappliqueˊecommeunplacementenbandede90g/lot(130kg/ha),septjoursapreˋslessemailles.Cestauxdâ€Čapplicationeˊtaienteˊquivalentaˋ60kgP2O5/ha.Phospho−compostaugmentaitconsideˊrablement(P<0.05)lenombredefeuilles,nombredenodules,biomassedeplante,nombredecosseparplanteetlerendementdegraineplusquelecontro^le.Lerendementdegrainesurlelottraiteˊdephospho−composteˊtait25.8295.88). The results of the study indicate that the use of phosphocompost (which is locally prepared) can significantly increase the yield of cowpea. Resource-poor farmers can use phospho-compost to improve the fertility of soil for higher productivity of cowpea.Une Ă©tude Ă©tait entreprise Ă  Juaboso dans la rĂ©gion de l'Ouest du Ghana pour faire des recherches de l'effet de phosphocompost sur la croissance et le rendement de dolique. C'Ă©tait une expĂ©rience factorielle arrangĂ©e dans un dessin de bloc complet choisi au hasard avec quatre rĂ©plications. Phospho-compost, prĂ©parĂ© de roche du phosphate, de l'Ă©cale de cosse de cacao, de sciure de bois et de fumier de volaille, Ă©taient appliquĂ©s Ă  raison de 560 g/lot (875 kg/ ha) et mĂ©langĂ©s avec le sol avant la plantation. La roche du phosphate Ă©tait appliquĂ©e Ă  raison de 195 g/lot (300 kg/ha) une semaine avant la plantation. La triple superphosphate Ă©tait appliquĂ©e comme un placement en bande de 90 g/lot (130 kg/ha), sept jours aprĂšs les semailles. Ces taux d'application Ă©taient Ă©quivalent Ă  60 kg P2 O5/ ha. Phospho-compost augmentait considĂ©rablement (P < 0.05) le nombre de feuilles, nombre de nodules, biomasse de plante, nombre de cosse par plante et le rendement de graine plus que le contrĂŽle. Le rendement de graine sur le lot traitĂ© de phospho-compost Ă©tait 25.8% plus Ă©levĂ© que sur le lot de contrĂŽle. Le traitement de phospho-compost avait une marge bĂ©nĂ©ficiaire de Âą3,295,000.00 (387.65) et ce chiffre se comparait favorablement avec le traitement appliquant l'engrais conventionnel la triple superphosphate, qui donnait un bĂ©nĂ©fice de Âą3,422,000.00 (402.59).Leslotsdecontro^leavaientunemargebeˊneˊficiairedeÂą2,515,000.00(402.59). Les lots de contrĂŽle avaient une marge bĂ©nĂ©ficiaire de Âą2,515,000.00 (295.88). Les rĂ©sultats de l'Ă©tude indiquent que l'application de phospho-compost (qui est prĂ©parĂ© localement) peut augmenter considĂ©rablement le rendement de dolique. Les pauvres agriculteurs ingĂ©nieux peuvent appliquer phospho-compost pour amĂ©liorer la fertilitĂ© du sol pour une productivitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e de dolique. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (2) 2008: pp. 169-17

    Performance of rice under different water regimes and plant nutrient sources

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    Field experiment was carried out at the Soil and Irrigation Research Centre, University of Ghana, Kpong in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons to evaluate the effect of different soil water condition and plant nutrient sources on the growth and yield of rice. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Water regime and nutrient source were the main and sub-plot factors, respectively. Water regimes included; continuous flooding (CS), alternate wetting and drying (AWD) and moist soil condition between field capacity and permanent wilting point (MC) while the nutrient fertilizer treatments included no fertilizer (N0), 90 kg N/ha mainly from urea fertilizer (N1), 90 kg N/ha from 12.8 tons of compost (N2) and 45 kg N/ha from urea fertilizer + 45 kg N/ha from 6.4 tons of compost (N3). Results from the study revealed that keeping the soil periodically in aerobic and anaerobic condition through AWD method of water management recorded similar growth and grain yield of rice as with complete submergence of paddy field. Combination of inorganic fertilizer and compost for each to supply 45 kg N/ha under AWD produced the highest rice growth and grain yield. There was a positive and significant correlation between grain yield and growth parameters (plant height, chlorophyll content and above ground biomass accumulation).

    Gender and artisanal and small-scale mining: Exploring women’s livelihood and occupational roles in formalised settings

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    Data availability: Data will be made available on request.Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) has often been touted as an employment-creation avenue for millions of operators worldwide, including women. This employment-generation narrative has, however, been occasioned by the immense scholarly focus on the informal and labour-intensive segments of ASM operations. Exploring the livelihood and occupational roles of women in formalised ASM settings, data for our inquiry comes mainly from employees of two formalised ASM firms in Ghana. Our study suggests that contrary to the dominant narrative, women's employment avenues remain minimal in formalised settings through capital-labour substitution mechanisms. Our findings further indicate that women play differentiated, high positional roles in formalised settings, contrary to their lower-to-middle-rung roles in ASM labour structures in informal settings. In addition, occupational health and safety mechanisms differ from those at informal ASM sites. Disaggregation of employment figures in relation to female workers in ASM would help to tailor specific policies that encapsulate the duality of operations and attract more women into formalised settings where employment conditions are better
