52 research outputs found

    Allergen-specific IgA and IgG antibodies as inhibitors of mast cell function in food allergy

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    Food allergy, a group of adverse immune responses to normally innocuous food protein antigens, is an increasingly prevalent public health issue. The most common form is IgE-mediated food allergy in which food antigen-induced crosslinking of the high-affinity IgE-receptor, FcεRI, on the surface of mast cells triggers the release of inflammatory mediators that contribute to a wide range of clinical manifestations, including systemic anaphylaxis. Mast cells also play a critical function in adaptive immunity to foods, acting as adjuvants for food-antigen driven Th2 cell responses. While the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy has improved in recent years, no curative treatments are currently available. However, there is emerging evidence to suggest that both allergen-specific IgA and IgG antibodies can counter the activating effects of IgE antibodies on mast cells. Most notably, both antigen-specific IgA and IgG antibodies are induced in the course of oral immunotherapy. In this review, we highlight the role of mast cells in food allergy, both as inducers of immediate hypersensitivity reactions and as adjuvants for type 2 adaptive immune responses. Furthermore, we summarize current understanding of the immunomodulatory effects of antigen-specific IgA and IgG antibodies on IgE-induced mast cell activation and effector function. A more comprehensive understanding of the regulatory role of IgA and IgG in food allergy may provide insights into physiologic regulation of immune responses to ingested antigens and could seed novel strategies to treat allergic disease

    Immune Sensitization in the Skin Is Enhanced by Antigen-Independent Effects of IgE

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    AbstractContact sensitivity responses require both effective immune sensitization following cutaneous exposure to chemical haptens and antigen-specific elicitation of inflammation upon subsequent hapten challenge. We report that antigen-independent effects of IgE antibodies can promote immune sensitization to haptens in the skin. Contact sensitivity was markedly impaired in IgE−/− mice but was restored by either transfer of sensitized cells from wild-type mice or administration of hapten-irrelevant IgE before sensitization. Moreover, IgE−/− mice exhibited impairment in the reduction of dendritic cell numbers in the epidermis after hapten exposure. Monomeric IgE has been reported to influence mast cell function. We observed diminished contact sensitivity in mice lacking FcϵRI or mast cells, and mRNA for several mast cell-associated genes was reduced in IgE−/− versus wild-type skin after hapten exposure. We speculate that levels of IgE normally present in mice favor immune sensitization via antigen-independent but FcϵRI-dependent effects on mast cells

    Mouse mast cell tryptase mMCP-6 is a critical link between adaptive and innate immunity in the chronic phase of Trichinella spiralis infection

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    Although the innate immune function of mast cells in the acute phase of parasitic and bacterial infections is well established, their participation in chronic immune responses to indolent infection remains incompletely understood. In parasitic infection with Trichinella spiralis, the immune response incorporates both lymphocyte and mast cell-dependent effector functions for pathogen eradication. Among the mechanistic insights still unresolved in the reaction to T. spiralis are the means by which mast cells respond to parasites and the mast cell effector functions that contribute to the immunologic response to this pathogen. We hypothesized that mast cell elaboration of tryptase may comprise an important effector component in this response. Indeed, we find that mice deficient in the tryptase mouse mast cell protease-6 (mMCP-6) display a significant difference in their response to T. spiralis larvae in chronically infected skeletal muscle tissue. Mechanistically, this is associated with a profound inability to recruit eosinophils to larvae in mMCP-6-deficient mice. Analysis of IgE-deficient mice demonstrates an identical defect in eosinophil recruitment. These findings establish that mast cell secretion of the tryptase mMCP-6, a function directed by the activity of the adaptive immune system, contributes to eosinophil recruitment to the site of larval infection, thereby comprising an integral link in the chronic immune response to parasitic infection

    Targeted Inactivation of the IL-4 Receptor α Chain I4R Motif Promotes Allergic Airway Inflammation

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    The insulin/interleukin-4 (IL-4) receptor (I4R) motif mediates the association of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-2 with the interleukin-4 (IL-4)Rα chain and transduces mitogenic signals in response to IL-4. Its physiological functions were analyzed in mice with a germline point mutation that changed the motif's effector tyrosine residue into phenylalanine (Y500F). The Y500F mutation abrogated IRS-2 phosphorylation and impaired IL-4–induced CD4+ T lymphocyte proliferation but left unperturbed Stat6 activation, up-regulation of IL-4-responsive gene products, and Th cell differentiation under Th2 polarizing conditions. However, in vivo the Y500F mutation was associated with increased allergen-induced IgE production, airway responsiveness, tissue eosinophilia, and mucus production. These results define an important role for the I4R motif in regulating allergic inflammation

    A microbiota signature associated with experimental food allergy promotes allergic sensitization and anaphylaxis

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    Background: Commensal microbiota play a critical role in maintaining oral tolerance. The effect of food allergy on the gut microbial ecology remains unknown. Methods: Food allergy–prone mice with a gain-of-function mutation in the IL-4 receptor α chain (Il4raF709) and wild-type (WT) control animals were subjected to oral sensitization with chicken egg ovalbumin (OVA). Enforced tolerance was achieved by using allergen-specific regulatory T (Treg) cells. Community structure analysis of gut microbiota was performed by using a high-density 16S rDNA oligonucleotide microarrays (PhyloChip) and massively parallel pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA amplicons. Results: OVA-sensitized Il4raF709 mice exhibited a specific microbiota signature characterized by coordinate changes in the abundance of taxa of several bacterial families, including the Lachnospiraceae, Lactobacillaceae, Rikenellaceae, and Porphyromonadaceae. This signature was not shared by similarly sensitized WT mice, which did not exhibit an OVA-induced allergic response. Treatment of OVA-sensitized Il4raF709 mice with OVA-specific Treg cells led to a distinct tolerance-associated signature coincident with the suppression of the allergic response. The microbiota of allergen-sensitized Il4raF709 mice differentially promoted OVA-specific IgE responses and anaphylaxis when reconstituted in WT germ-free mice. Conclusion: Mice with food allergy exhibit a specific gut microbiota signature capable of transmitting disease susceptibility and subject to reprogramming by enforced tolerance. Disease-associated microbiota may thus play a pathogenic role in food allergy

    Asthma and the New Millennium

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    Food allergy

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