729 research outputs found

    Duality and Superconvergence Relation in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We investigate the phase structures of various N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories including even the exceptional gauge group from the viewpoint of superconvergence of the gauge field propagator. Especially we analyze in detail whether a new type of duality recently discovered by Oehme in SU(Nc)SU(N_c) gauge theory coupled to fundamental matter fields can be found in more general gauge theories with more general matter representations or not. The result is that in the cases of theories including matter fields in only the fundamental representation, Oehme's duality holds but otherwise it does not. In the former case, superconvergence relation might give good criterion to describe the interacting non-Abelian Coulomb phase without using some information from dual magnetic theory.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Infinite reduction of couplings in non-renormalizable quantum field theory

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    I study the problem of renormalizing a non-renormalizable theory with a reduced, eventually finite, set of independent couplings. The idea is to look for special relations that express the coefficients of the irrelevant terms as unique functions of a reduced set of independent couplings lambda, such that the divergences are removed by means of field redefinitions plus renormalization constants for the lambda's. I consider non-renormalizable theories whose renormalizable subsector R is interacting and does not contain relevant parameters. The "infinite" reduction is determined by i) perturbative meromorphy around the free-field limit of R, or ii) analyticity around the interacting fixed point of R. In general, prescriptions i) and ii) mutually exclude each other. When the reduction is formulated using i), the number of independent couplings remains finite or slowly grows together with the order of the expansion. The growth is slow in the sense that a reasonably small set of parameters is sufficient to make predictions up to very high orders. Instead, in case ii) the number of couplings generically remains finite. The infinite reduction is a tool to classify the irrelevant interactions and address the problem of their physical selection.Comment: 40 pages; v2: more explanatory comments; appeared in JHE

    Analytic Approach to Perturbative QCD

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    The two-loop invariant (running) coupling of QCD is written in terms of the Lambert W function. The analyticity structure of the coupling in the complex Q^2-plane is established. The corresponding analytic coupling is reconstructed via a dispersion relation. We also consider some other approximations to the QCD beta-function, when the corresponding couplings are solved in terms of the Lambert function. The Landau gauge gluon propagator has been considered in the renormalization group invariant analytic approach (IAA). It is shown that there is a nonperturbative ambiguity in determination of the anomalous dimension function of the gluon field. Several analytic solutions for the propagator at the one-loop order are constructed. Properties of the obtained analytical solutions are discussed.Comment: Latex-file, 19 pages, 2 tables, 51 references, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Phase structure of lattice QCD for general number of flavors

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    We investigate the phase structure of lattice QCD for the general number of flavors in the parameter space of gauge coupling constant and quark mass, employing the one-plaquette gauge action and the standard Wilson quark action. Performing a series of simulations for the number of flavors NF=6N_F=6--360 with degenerate-mass quarks, we find that when NF≥7N_F \ge 7 there is a line of a bulk first order phase transition between the confined phase and a deconfined phase at a finite current quark mass in the strong coupling region and the intermediate coupling region. The massless quark line exists only in the deconfined phase. Based on these numerical results in the strong coupling limit and in the intermediate coupling region, we propose the following phase structure, depending on the number of flavors whose masses are less than Λd\Lambda_d which is the physical scale characterizing the phase transition in the weak coupling region: When NF≥17N_F \ge 17, there is only a trivial IR fixed point and therefore the theory in the continuum limit is free. On the other hand, when 16≥NF≥716 \ge N_F \ge 7, there is a non-trivial IR fixed point and therefore the theory is non-trivial with anomalous dimensions, however, without quark confinement. Theories which satisfy both quark confinement and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the continuum limit exist only for NF≤6N_F \le 6.Comment: RevTeX, 20 pages, 43 PS figure

    Glueballs in a Hamiltonian Light-Front Approach to Pure-Glue QCD

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    We calculate a renormalized Hamiltonian for pure-glue QCD and diagonalize it. The renormalization procedure is designed to produce a Hamiltonian that will yield physical states that rapidly converge in an expansion in free-particle Fock-space sectors. To make this possible, we use light-front field theory to isolate vacuum effects, and we place a smooth cutoff on the Hamiltonian to force its free-state matrix elements to quickly decrease as the difference of the free masses of the states increases. The cutoff violates a number of physical principles of light-front pure-glue QCD, including Lorentz covariance and gauge covariance. This means that the operators in the Hamiltonian are not required to respect these physical principles. However, by requiring the Hamiltonian to produce cutoff-independent physical quantities and by requiring it to respect the unviolated physical principles of pure-glue QCD, we are able to derive recursion relations that define the Hamiltonian to all orders in perturbation theory in terms of the running coupling. We approximate all physical states as two-gluon states, and use our recursion relations to calculate to second order the part of the Hamiltonian that is required to compute the spectrum. We diagonalize the Hamiltonian using basis-function expansions for the gluons' color, spin, and momentum degrees of freedom. We examine the sensitivity of our results to the cutoff and use them to analyze the nonperturbative scale dependence of the coupling. We investigate the effect of the dynamical rotational symmetry of light-front field theory on the rotational degeneracies of the spectrum and compare the spectrum to recent lattice results. Finally, we examine our wave functions and analyze the various sources of error in our calculation.Comment: 75 pages, 17 figures, 1 tabl

    An Algebraic Criterion for the Ultraviolet Finiteness of Quantum Field Theories

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    An algebraic criterion for the vanishing of the beta function for renormalizable quantum field theories is presented. Use is made of the descent equations following from the Wess-Zumino consistency condition. In some cases, these equations relate the fully quantized action to a local gauge invariant polynomial. The vanishing of the anomalous dimension of this polynomial enables us to establish a nonrenormalization theorem for the beta function βg\beta_g, stating that if the one-loop order contribution vanishes, then βg\beta_g will vanish to all orders of perturbation theory. As a by-product, the special case in which βg\beta_g is only of one-loop order, without further corrections, is also covered. The examples of the N=2,4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories are worked out in detail.Comment: 1+32 pages, LaTeX2e, typos correcte

    Reduction of Couplings in Quantum Field Theories with applications in Finite Theories and the MSSM

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    We apply the method of reduction of couplings in a Finite Unified Theory and in the MSSM. The method consists on searching for renormalization group invariant relations among couplings of a renormalizable theory holding to all orders in perturbation theory. It has a remarkable predictive power since, at the unification scale, it leads to relations between gauge and Yukawa couplings in the dimensionless sectors and relations involving the trilinear terms and the Yukawa couplings, as well as a sum rule among the scalar masses and the unified gaugino mass in the soft breaking sector. In both the MSSM and the FUT model we predict the masses of the top and bottom quarks and the light Higgs in remarkable agreement with the experiment. Furthermore we also predict the masses of the other Higgses, as well as the supersymmetric spectrum, both being in very confortable agreement with the LHC bounds on Higgs and supersymmetric particles.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of LT-10, Varna. Based on invited talks given at: LT-10, Varna; PACT-2013, Madrid; SQS'2013, Dubna; CORFU 2013, Corfu, and in several invited seminar

    Wilsonian Matching of Effective Field Theory with Underlying QCD

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    We propose a novel way of matching effective field theory with the underlying QCD in the sense of a Wilsonian renormalization group equation (RGE). We derive Wilsonian matching conditions between current correlators obtained by the operator product expansion in QCD and those by the hidden local symmetry (HLS) model. This determines without much ambiguity the bare parameters of the HLS at the cutoff scale in terms of the QCD parameters. Physical quantities for the pi and rho system are calculated by the Wilsonian RGE's from the bare parameters in remarkable agreement with the experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Minor corrections. This is the version to appear in Physical Review

    Bulk fields with general brane kinetic terms

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    We analyse the effect of general brane kinetic terms for bulk scalars, fermions and gauge bosons in theories with extra dimensions, with and without supersymmetry. We find in particular a singular behaviour when these terms contain derivatives orthogonal to the brane. This is brought about by δ(0)\delta(0) divergences arising at second and higher order in perturbation theory. We argue that this behaviour can be smoothed down by classical renormalization.Comment: 31 pages, v2 few typos correcte
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