29 research outputs found

    Geochemical and quality assessment of groundwater in some Nigerian basement complex

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    Soil characterisation for precision agriculture using remotely sensed imagery in southeastern Nigeria

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    Remote sensing techniques have been widely used for spatial assessment of soil properties. Traditional techniques involving soil sampling and laboratory analysis are expensive and labour intensive for large areas.High resolution remote sensing data and geographic information systems (GIS) were used for spatial characterization of soil properties in southeast Nigeria. Thesoil parameters investigated include soil texture, pH and drainage pattern. Thetexture, which indicates the sand, silt and clay content in the soil, showed that sandyclay and loamy sand are predominant for the areas investigated. The soils pH ranged from slightly acidic to strongly alkaline. The study has been specifically conducted to making adequate soil data available and acts as a reference for improving soil quality within the area

    Saline Water Intrusion: Its Management and Control

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    This paper brings to the fore techniques for proper management of saline water intrusion in coastal region because of the hardship its negligence bring upon the public that rely on it for livelihood. Groundwater remains the main source of quality and adequate water supply in the world over from which we get water for domestic, agricultural and industrial usage. One of the factors affecting the quality of water from this source is saline water intrusion, especially in coastal aquifers. This problem affects the potability of the water and the population that depends on it. Therefore, due to the aforementioned problem, measures must be put in place in order to adequately manage and control saline water intrusion so as to protect the dependent population from untold hardship that may result in near future

    Groundwater Quality and Identification of Hydrogeochemical Processes within University of Lagos, Nigeria

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    Water samples from twenty one boreholes were col lected within University of Lagos and analyzed for physical properties. trace elements and cations using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Physical analysis of the samples shows slight acidity and alkalinity with 78% of the samples exceeded recommended standards. They can be classified as fresh water based on TDS and EC. Chloride concentrations fall within water standards in most s<1mples while AI, Na, Pb and Br exceeded·recommended standards in most samples. Gibbs plot, rel ationship between total c<1tions. Na + K . Ca .,. Mg and Cl showed that all the groundwater samples fall in the water-rock interaction field which suggests that the weathering of rocks and influence of sea water primarily controls the major chemistry of groundwater in the area. Sodium Absorpti on Ratio (SAR) for all the water samples was less than 10 and excel lent for irrigntion purpose. Only 33% of water samples were su itable for irrigation based on Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP) and Magnesium A dsorption Ratio (MAR), whereas based on Kellys Ratios (KR) all the water samples were not good for irri.gation purpose having KR greater than I. Fifty percent of the water samples showed pollution index (PI) above I with highest contribution (37.8%) from lead (Pb). Mn, AI, N i, Fe and As contributed 29.3%, 19.13%, 8.66%, 4.25% and 0.8:2% respectivel