7 research outputs found

    Influence of Mass Media Campaigns in Controlling Water Pollution in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State

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    This study examined the influence of mass media campaigns in controlling water pollution in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. The study also employed survey research method, utilizing questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. Findings show that: (i) relevant government agencies should sponsor the mass media campaigns more and encourage the presenters. (ii) More programmes of developmental benefit should be aired on private, State and National television and Radio. (iii) More platforms should be created for the awareness of the residents of this Local Government Area of water pollution (iv) There should be press freedom, not just as a law but as a practice, to allow media practitioners to effectively carryout their duties without fear or inference from anybody. (v) More of audience enlightenment programmes such as "Man Around Town" to inform them of the dangers associated with consumption of polluted water (vi) More specialized personnel should be employed to anchor such programmes (vii) Medical personnels should be encouraged to participate in mass media programmes on the control of water pollution and some preventive measures to avoid diseases outbreaks associated with consumption of polluted water. (viii) The audience of "Man Around Town" should be educated so as to make meaningful contributions since the programme is a phone-inprogramme in which the audience can call and lay their complains, ask questions and make contributions

    Print Media Framing of Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria: A Content Analytical Study of the Guardian, Daily Sun, Vanguard and Thisday Newspapers

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    This study set out to identify the pattern of frames adopted by Nigerian newspapers in the coverage of Boko Haram insurgency. Four newspapers (The Guardian, Daily Sun, the Vanguard and ThisDay) were analysed to find out the framing patterns in the reportage of Boko Haram insurgency. The research method was content analysis. Inter-coder reliability was tested using Holsti’s formula which showed an overall 0.86 percent agreement. Findings indicate that Nigerian newspapers reported the Boko Haram insurgency in a predominantly policy response frame. This pattern was conspicuously manifest in The Guardian, ThisDay and Vanguard newspapers. However, this contrasted with the pattern identified in the Daily Sun newspaper, which emphasized ethnic and religious frames. Findings also showed that there was 60% prevalence out of the 10 frame categories used in the study. From these findings, it is clear that Nigerian newspapers reported government interventions in positive terms. Such positive framings are germane to minimizing insurgencies like that of Boko Haram, while on the other hand, coverage which emphasize ethnic and religious frames are negative and are detrimental to peace initiatives in a secular and multi-cultural State like Nigeria. We therefore recommend the optimization of positive frames to promote the peace media initiative which forms the critical plank of positive media interventions. Keywords: Frames, Newspapers, News coverage, Boko Haram, Framing Categories

    Navigating the Social Media Marketing Strategies during the Covid-19 Era in Nigeria

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    COVID-19 is the worst pandemic in human history in on the scale and extent of global spread, casualties, economic impact, and negative impact on public health. The COVID-19 crisis has also had an impact integrated marketing communication implementation method (IMC) and related costs in the enterprise. Digital Marketing, as part of IMC, has received more attention and investment during this crisis. Most of Customers have moved online and are spending more time on the internet. Customers are at the heart of all marketing activities. digital marketing strategies adopted by organizations to connect with customers also changed during this pandemic. This study focuses on digital marketing practices in the post-COVID-19 period. The study analyzed digital marketing strategies, growth drivers, changing approaches, challenges and strategies, Social Media Trends during COVID19

    Patterns of Exposure to Communication Interventions on Obstetric Fistula among Men In Ebonyi State, Nigeria

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    Male involvement in maternal health issues continues to draw the attention of all stakeholders in Nigeria. Obstetric vesico vagina fistula is a maternal health outcome in developing countries like Nigeria, where social and economic factors combine to perpetuate the situation. Communication interventions in obstetric fistula remain core eradication agenda strategy and exposure to intervention messages among men, may facilitate increased men’s involvement in eradication initiatives. While there are empirical evidences showing women’s obstetric fistula communication intervention exposure patterns, men’s perspectives in this regard, is largely unknown. As a result, the study assessed patterns of exposure to obstetric fistula communication interventions among men in Ebonyi State, south-east, Nigeria. From a population of 1,064,156 as estimated by National Bureau of Statistics, a randomized total sample of 480 respondents was studied in a structured questionnaire survey with the aid of the Cochran sampling technique.  Pearson’s   r correlation coefficient of 0.75 confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire instrument. Data were analyzed in simple percentages and mean values with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 17.0. Findings showed that: (i) majority (n= 361, 80.4%; N= 449) of the respondents were exposed to intervention messages, (ii) radio remained the highest medium (n= 94, 26%, x? = 9.0) of exposure among respondents, (iii) audio related formats (songs) were the major genre (n= 77, 21.3%, x? = 14.2) in which exposure occurred. These outcomes suggest a strong role for mass media communication interventions in support of investments in obstetric vesico vaginal fistula campaign for men’s involvement in the eradication of obstetric fistula in Ebonyi State. Among others, recommendations include the need for Advertisers and health care practitioners to find better ways of improving song related advert messages/campaigns so as to improve men’s participation in the prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula

    Frames in News Discourse on Nelson Mandela’s illness and Hospitalisation: A Study of Nigerian and Zimbabwean Newspapers

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    This study is a cross-national investigation in the use of frames in news coverage of an event which has international significance-the flashpoint of Nelson Mandela’s illness and hospitalization in South Africa. The study is anchored on the framing theory as espoused by Erving Goffman (1974). While studies examining frames in news coverage have gained significant ground in literature, there is paucity of studies examining news frames of events with health-cum-political undertones and how differences in national communication policies may influence frames in media discourse on such issues. To meet this gap, this present study analyses the news report of the illness and hospitalization of Nelson Mandela in leading newspapers in Nigeria and Zimbabwe. The study will also examine if major differences in frame choice emerged in the coverage between the countries. Qualitative content analysis methods will be employed in analyzing the coverage in the year 2013. The reliability of the inter-coded data will be tested using the Holsti’s index. The categories for measuring frames in the coverage are based on frames found in extant literatures. The expected contribution of this study would be an understanding of the congruence or disparity in the pattern of frames in the news coverage of similar events cross nationally. Understanding cross-national news discourse on the issue might be important for situating communication policy matters within health-cum-political contexts. Keywords: Frames, News, Discourse, Nelson Mandela, Illness and Hospitalization, Newspapers, Political, Policy, Cross-nationa

    Analysis of Editorial Discourse on Environmental Challenges in Nigerian Newspapers: the Case of 2012 Flooding

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    Researches on editorials examine the discursive strategy or pattern as a response to issues of public significance by newspapers. One of the major issues that had serious public environmental and health significance in the year 2012 was flooding. The devastating impact of the flood on different aspect of Nigeria’s life is well documented in extant literature. However, there is a gap in studies examining the editorial discourse on the issue. Such a lacuna has serious implications for understanding how the media as an institution debated on the issue and contributed to policy decision on environmental challenges. The study content analysed a sample of four Nigerians newspapers. The following categories were examined: ‘source attribution’, ‘attribution of blame’, advocacy’ and the ‘articulation of solution’. The entries coded were subjected to inter-coder reliability test, using Holsti’s reliability index. The inter-coder reliability was 89.1percent index.   Findings showed that the newspapers use source attribution in their editorials to give credibility to debates on environmental issues. The study also found that experts sources were the major attributions. Also, blame for the issues surrounding the editorial and advocacy for attitude change, were systemic. Finding also showed that policy solution was the most articulated variable. It is recommended that, since editorial discourse on public risk are seen as crucial drivers of environmental policies and government response; editorials should develop constructive discourses on environmental sustainability. Keywords: Analysis, Editorials, Discourses Environmental health, Challenges, Floodin

    Visual News Patterns and the Boko Haram Insurgence in Nigerian Newspapers

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    Visuals, also known as news photographs, are communication channels which constitute critical components in news dissemination in the print genre. Visuals are used in communicating issues of serious implications like the Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria. However, while studies have examined textual news coverage of the Boko Haram, studies analyzing visual coverage are lacking. The present study examines visuals in the coverage of the Boko Haram insurgence. The content analysis research method was used to analyse news photographs of four national newspapers. Categories were based on related visual analysis literature. The visual contents of the newspapers were analysed using quantitative approach. Data and findings were discussed in relation to their implications for political communication in a multi-ethnic society like Nigeria. Keywords: Visuals, Frames, Newspaper Coverage, Boko Haram, Political Communication, News photographs, visual techniques