3 research outputs found

    Dual-Sim Phones路 A Disruptive Technology?

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    /)uul-.\'1;\f mnhile pllfmes U!ili::e lr:chnologv thut;Jennits the use olt>l'O SlAts ur u lime The leclmulogJ路 pamits simultaneous uccess to !hi! muhile ne111:ork Sr.!rvices. Its di.ITIIJilil鈥 nuture is with re(erencc路 !o the mohile phone market in Nigeria and other parts o/lhe Jrorld Earlier murket trend was inclinution to "nnver" and "better .. phones. inj{tvour ofestahlished sin;;;le-SJAJnwhile phone monll/ucturcr:. like Nokia and Samsung: lntroduclion ~~ldual-S"'-1 pizones mainlv manuj(JL'!llred bv Chinese mohile rhone manulacturingfirms propelled userprejerenceforphones acquis.irionl,rhich permits dual and simuitwwous access to mohi/e m:flFork. This technologv has compelled its culoption hy estuh/isiJCd monufucwring names in order thutthc1路 1110)' remoin competitive. it is a c/eur case ofa disrupt ire technology, and this clwplerlocuses on it need. cftixts. uml disrupt in: natur

    VOIP vs GSM Technology: The Way of the Future for Communication

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    This chopter presents ~路(;/?as o disruptive lechnology to GSM technnfog_1路 as \l'c/1 os the issues. controFersies, and problems surmunding its deployment. It gin鈥 o gent'ral introduction oftlze evolution o/ communication svsten1s fim11 thE! POTS. /u (}SAf, and IWW ~'(J/P Se1鈥r~.d issues that swTound the deployment of Voir such tiS [Jrovision of PSTN equivalent sen ices hy Voir scf'l'i<:c pml'iclers. regulation ofthe service. introduction (~{latency and other counter measures bv some operators. threat posed io PSTN providers due to eme1gence ol T-iJ!P. the needfin路 technical stundardi:::ation of Vu!P. securill' issues, different cost structure, and cjuality ofservh:e pruvided H'<:'re alsu discussed in details Solutions and recommendations wei路e suggested to overcome rheclwllenges outlined. Tli)[P is eri!sented us the trul路 o/the.fillurcj(n' communication T1'hen thisfinallv happens depends 011 how .fits! I he choll<'llges outlined in this chapter are addressed Fulurc and ell/crging re.\'Curdltrends in the dep/ovmenl of Vn!P such cts locating users in a st!cure a11d reliahle wuy, monitoring IIJ!P 11Cllt'ork.1路. as ll;elf us inrrusion derecriun and prevention on SIP tt鈥re also considered. alter whic/1. conc/usiun ti'US made This dWjJ/er is hnth informative and interestin

    An Impact Assessment of the Nigerian Power Sector Reforms

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    This paper examines the various reforms carried out in the Nigerian power sector between the year 1999 and 2007 and its impact on the life of the average citizens. Efforts were made to review relevant literatures, questionnaires were administered and forty-nine responses were received and the result was analyzed through the use of simple percentages and correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient method, r (the product moment of the correlation was negative and of magnitude -1, implying a perfect correlation in the negative direction ( deregulations and reforms are not improving the power sector of Nigeria yet). The research hypothesis, HR. stated that the deregulation and reforms did not evidently improve the power sector. It was recommended that the government should continue the rehabilitation of the various power systems in a guided manner to allow a core Nigerian investor, consider alternative sources of energy like solar, tide, biomass, win