128 research outputs found

    A importância da actividade física no bem-estar do idoso

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia, Especialização em Psicologia da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve. Departamento de Psicologia e Sociologia, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2009O propósito deste estudo foi investigar se a prática de actividade física regular aumenta o bem-estar subjectivo dos idosos. Participaram neste estudo 80 pessoas de nacionalidade portuguesa. Destes, 40 praticavam uma actividade física regularmente (Grupo 1) e 40 não praticavam (Grupo 2). No Grupo 1, 55% eram do sexo masculino e 45% eram do sexo feminino, com uma média de 69.03 anos. No Grupo 2, 37.5% eram do sexo masculino e 62.5% eram do sexo feminino, com uma média de 68.88 anos. O estudo foi quantitativo, não-experimental (de tipo descritivo e correlacional) e comparativo, transversal, de carácter confirmatório. Os participantes responderam a um questionário sociodemográfico e dados gerais, à Positive and Negative Affect Schedule e à Satisfaction with Life Scale. Verificou-se que: a satisfação com a vida é superior nos idosos que praticam regularmente uma actividade física do que naqueles que não praticam (M = 17.12 vs. M = 12.77, p = = .000); a afectividade positiva é superior nos idosos que praticam regularmente uma actividade física do que naqueles que não praticam (M = 39.27 vs. M = 34.42, p = = .002); a afectividade negativa é menor nos idosos que praticam regularmente uma actividade física do que naqueles que não praticam (M = 14.97 vs. M = 19.85, p = = .000); o bem-estar subjectivo é maior nos idosos que praticam regularmente uma actividade física do que naqueles que não praticam (M = 1.23 vs. M = -1.23, p = = .000); a satisfação com a forma como ocupa o tempo livre é maior nos idosos que praticam regularmente uma actividade física do que naqueles que não praticam (M = = 1.98 vs. M = 1.70, p = .001). Foram encontradas correlações entre: a satisfação com a vida e a afectividade positiva, r (80) = .64, p = .000; a satisfação com a vida e a afectividade negativa, r (80) = -.58, p = .000; a afectividade positiva e a A Importância da Actividade Física no Bem-Estar Subjectivo do Idoso 6 afectividade negativa, r (80) = -.40, p = .000; a afectividade positiva e a idade, r (80) = -.22, p = .041; a afectividade positiva e a satisfação com a forma como ocupa o tempo livre, r (80) = .40, p = .000; a afectividade negativa e a satisfação com a forma como ocupa o tempo livre, r (80) = -.31, p = .005; a satisfação com a vida e a satisfação com a forma como ocupa o tempo livre, r (80) = .31, p = .005; a afectividade positiva e a satisfação em relação à prática de actividade física, r (40) = = .37, p = .016; a afectividade negativa e a frequência da actividade física n.º 1, r (40) = -.33, p = .034; a satisfação com a vida e a frequência da actividade física n.º 1, r (40) = .31, p = .050; a afectividade negativa e a duração da actividade física n.º 1, r (40) = -.57, p = .000. Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre os sexos (amostra total, n = 80), na afectividade negativa, com as mulheres a terem valores mais elevados (M = 18.62 vs. M = 16.00, p = .040). Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o grupo dos participantes que tinham habilitações académicas até ao antigo 2.º ano do liceu ou equivalente e o grupo dos que tinham habilitação superior a esta (amostra total, n = 80), relativamente à satisfação com a vida. Aqueles que tinham menor habilitação académica, revelaram menor satisfação com a vida (M = 14.06 vs. M = 16.14, p = .046). Concluiu-se a prática de actividade física de uma forma regular é um aspecto importante para o bem-estar subjectivo dos idosos de ambos os sexos.The purpose of this study was to investigate if the regular practice of physical activity raises the subjective well-being of the elderly people. 80 people of Portuguese nationality participated in this study. Among these, 40 practised regularly a physical activity (Group 1) and 40 didn’t (Group 2). In Group 1, 55% were males and 45% females, aged on the average 69.03 years old. In Group 2, 37.5% were males and 62.5% were females, aged in average 68.88. The study was quantitative, non-experimental (descriptive and correlational type) and comparative, transversal, of confirmatory feature. The participants answered to a social-demographic questionnaire and general data, to Positive and Negative Affect Schedule and to Satisfaction with Life Scale. It was verified that: the satisfaction with life is superior among the elderly people who practice regularly a physical activity than among those who don’t (M = 17.12 vs. M = 12.77, p = .000); the positive affectivity is superior among the elderly people who practice regularly a physical activity than among those who don’t (M = 39.27 vs. M = 34.42, p = .002); the negative affectivity is minor among the elderly people who practice regularly a physical activity than among those who don’t (M = 14.97 vs. M = 19.85, p = .000); the subjective well- -being is superior among the elderly people who practice regularly a physical activity than among those who don’t (M = 1.23 vs. M = -1.23, p = .000); the satisfaction with the way they occupy their spare time is superior among the elderly people who practice regularly a physical activity than among those who don’t (M = 1.98 vs. M = = 1.70, p = .001). Correlations were found between: satisfaction with life and positive affectivity, r (80) = .64, p= .000; satisfaction with life and negative affectivity, r (80) = -.58, p = .000; the positive affectivity and the negative A Importância da Actividade Física no Bem-Estar Subjectivo do Idoso 8 affectivity, r (80) = -.40, p = .000; positive affectivity and age, r (80) = -.22, p = = .041; the positive affectivity and the satisfaction with the way they occupy their spare time, r (80) = .40, p = .000; the negative positive affectivity and the satisfaction with the way they occupy their spare time, r (80) = -.31, p = .005; the satisfaction with life and the satisfaction with the way they occupy their spare time, r (80) = .31, p = .005; the positive affectivity and the satisfaction with the practice of physical activity, r (40)= .37, p = .016; the negative affectivity and the frequency of the physical activity n.º 1, r (40) = -.33, p = .034; the satisfaction with life and the frequency of physical activity n.º 1, r (40) = .31, p = .050; the negative affectivity and the duration of the physical activity n.º 1, r (40) = -.57, p = .000. A significant difference was found between the sexes degrees (total sample, n = 80) in the negative affectivity, as the women had the higher values (M = 18.62 vs. M = 16.00, p = .040). Significant differences were found between the group of participants who had academic degrees till the ancient 2nd high school year or equivalent and the group of those with higher degrees (total sample, n = 80), about the satisfaction with life (M = 14.06 vs. M = 16.14, p = .046). It can be concluded that the regular practice of physical activity is an important aspect for the subjective well-being of the bot

    Validation of the French version of Children's Chronotype Questionnaire in school-aged children: a study in Luxembourgish population.

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    Human behaviour differences are determined by factors such as the circadian phase preference. Adults have been well examined concerning performance variation during the work schedules depending on chronotype. However there is a serious gap on research with children respecting the evaluation and understanding of their sleep patterns, specifically referring the chronotype variability. The main goal was to validate the Children’s Chronotype Questionnaire (CCTQ, Werner, LeBourgeois, Geiger et al., 2009) for French language and to identify and to determine chronotype and specific sleep habits differences of young children of Luxembourgish schools, according to age and regarding different school schedules

    Investigação em enfermagem de saúde mental e psiquiatria: uma análise documental

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    CONTEXTO: A investigação constitui uma área de ação estratégica definida no Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental 2007-2016. A Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiatria apresenta-se como uma área de investigação com um campo de ação significativo, considerando a emergência insidiosa de patologias como a depressão ou a demência. OBJETIVO: Tendo em conta a importância atribuída à investigação em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiatria, o presente estudo teve como objetivo perceber quais as tendências da investigação em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiatria, ao longo dos últimos cinco anos, no contexto de Portugal. METODOLOGIA: Foi conduzida uma análise documental dos títulos e abstracts de artigos científicos publicados entre os anos 2009 e 2013 (inclusive) na Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental. Tanto para analisar o paradigma de investigação utilizado como a área temática abordada foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo lato sensu com categorização a posteriori. Após estar concluída a categorização foi realizada análise quantitativa dos dados, tendo o tratamento dos mesmos sido de âmbito descritivo. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se um predomínio do paradigma quantitativo de investigação (46%). Quanto às áreas de investigaçã

    Macroinvertebrates responses based on chemical and physical variables in urban streams

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    The Land uses and occupations around small watersheds generate negative impacts such as deterioration of water quality, environmental simplification, reduced availability of habitats for species, and loss of biodiversity. Benthic macroinvertebrates are an important aquatic community and are widely used in environmental monitoring actions in aquatic ecosystems, including urban streams, which are still little studied in Brazil. In our study, an urban headwater basin (Monjolinho River Basin) was studied on the benthic community structure, together with the physical and chemical variables of the water, as an environmental monitoring tool calculated by RHDEP, TSI, BMWP indexes and abundance-biomass curves. The results showed a gradient of environmental quality, where the best environments are a consequence of preserving the vegetation cover. These environments (Espraiado and Canchim) present groups sensitive to environmental degradation (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera), greater diversity and a better structure in the respective benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Among the streams sampled, one is very clean, four are moderately polluted, and one is severely polluted. Thus, considering that these streams’ waters are essential for public supply, actions to clean up and recover degraded environments are urgent and a priority

    Diversity of aquatic invertebrates in rice fields in southern Brazil

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    As lavouras de arroz irrigado são sistemas cultivados há milênios, e uma alta diversidade de espécies de invertebrados tem sido associada com essas áreas agrícolas. Estudos sobre a estrutura e a diversidade de invertebrados aquáticos em arrozais são escassos no Sul do Brasil. Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral desse estudo foi realizar um inventário da diversidade de invertebrados aquáticos em lavouras de arroz e em canais de irrigação em uma importante região orizícola do Rio Grande do Sul, visando à conservação da biota nesses agroecossistemas. Foram realizadas seis coletas ao longo de um ciclo de cultivo (junho de 2005 a junho de 2006) em seis lavouras de arroz e quatro canais de irrigação na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul. Um total de 26.579 indivíduos em 119 táxons de invertebrados distribuídos em sete Filos foi coletado durante o ciclo de cultivo estudado nas lavouras de arroz e canais de irrigação. Os artrópodes foram os invertebrados com o maior número de táxons amostrados. Os coletores, predadores e generalistas foram os grupos tróficos funcionais que predominaram dentre os invertebrados registrados neste estudo. As famílias Naididae, Chironomidae, Spongillidae, Libellulidae e Tubificidae foram as que apresentaram o maior número de gêneros ou espécies. A composição de invertebrados foi diferente entre lavouras de arroz e canais de irrigação ao longo do ciclo de cultivo estudado. Além disso, alguns táxons foram mais frequentes no período de cultivo do arroz, enquanto outros estiveram mais associados ao período não cultivado. As lavouras de arroz e canais de irrigação são sistemas colonizados por uma variedade de invertebrados aquáticos e terrestres, apresentando uma alta diversidade biológica dificilmente encontrada em outras áreas agrícolas. Palavras-chave: áreas úmidas artificiais, artrópodes, biodiversidade, grupos tróficos funcionais.Irrigated rice fields have been cultivated for thousands of years, and a high diversity of invertebrate species has been associated with these agricultural areas. Investigations on the structure and diversity of aquatic invertebrates in rice fields are scarce in southern Brazil. Thus, the main goal of this study was to conduct an inventory of the aquatic invertebrate diversity in rice fields and irrigation canals in an important rice  ultivation area in Rio Grande do Sul to preserve the biota in these agroecosystems. Six collections were carried out along a cultivation cycle (June 2005 – June 2006) in six rice fields and four irrigation canals in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul. A total of 26,579 individuals in 119 invertebrate taxa distributed among seven Phyla were collected over the cultivation cycle investigated in rice fields and irrigation canals. The arthropods were the invertebrates which showed the greatest amount of sampled taxa. Collectors, predators, and omnivores were the prevalent functional feeding groups in this study. Naididae, Chironomidae, Spongillidae, Libellulidae, and Tubificidae families were those which showed the highest number proof genera and species. The invertebrate composition was different between rice fields and irrigation canals over the rice cultivation cycle. Besides, some ere more frequent over the rice cultivation period whereas other ones were more associated with the non-cultivation period. Rice fields and irrigation canals are systems colonized by a variety of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, and they present a high biologic diversity which can be hardly found in other cultivation areas.Key words: artificial wetlands, arthropods, biodiversity, functional feeding groups

    Diversidade de macrófitas aquáticas do Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe

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    Floristic surveys are significant tools to get to know species diversity and distribution. Little is known about the diversity of aquatic macrophytes in the palustrine wetlands of the Lagoa do Peixe National Park. The goal of this study was to survey aquatic macrophytes in the park wetlands. It identified 176 aquatic macrophyte species distributed in 98 genera and 44 families. Families with the largest number of species included Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Juncaceae, and Asteraceae. The most diverse genera were Eleocharis (14 species), Juncus (10 species), Cyperus (7 species), Utricularia (7 species), Rhynchospora (6 species), and Ludwigia (6 species). The most frequent species were Hydrocotyle bonariensis, Centella asiatica, Ischaemum minus,  Nymphoides indica. The predominant biological forms were amphibious (45% of the species) and emergent (28% of the species) macrophytes. The floating ones represented 16% of the species, and the submerged macrophytes represented 11% of the species. The diversity of the palustrine wetlands is high and comparable to other extensive wetlands in Brazil, such as Pantanal and Taim. The information in this study is important to improve the knowledge about the biological diversity of the National Park.Key words: Lagoa do Peixe, floristic survey, aquatic plants, biological forms.Levantamentos florísticos são ferramentas importantes para o conhecimento da diversidade e distribuição das espécies. Pouco se conhece sobre a diversidade de macrófitas aquáticas de áreas úmidas palustres do Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe. O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar um levantamento de macrófitas aquáticas em áreas úmidas do parque. Foram identificadas 176 espécies de macrófitas aquáticas, distribuídas em 98 gêneros e 44 famílias. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Juncaceae e Asteraceae. Os gêneros mais diversos foram Eleocharis (14 espécies), Juncus (10 espécies), Cyperus (7 espécies), Utricularia (7 espécies), Rhynchospora (6 espécies) e Ludwigia (6 espécies). As espécies mais frequentes foram: Hydrocotyle bonariensis, Centella asiatica, Ischaemum minus, Nymphoides indica. As formas biológicas predominantes foram anfíbias (45% das espécies) e emergentes (28% das espécies). As macrófitas flutuantes representaram 16% das espécies e as macrófitas submersas representaram 11%. A diversidade das áreas úmidas palustres é alta e comparável a outras extensas áreas úmidas do Brasil, tais como o Pantanal e o Taim. A informação contida nesse estudo vem no sentido decomplementar o conhecimento sobre a diversidade biológica do parque.Palavras-chave: Lagoa do Peixe, levantamento florístico, plantas aquáticas, tipos biológicos

    Estorvo e outros estorvos burquianos: representações e fragmentos identitários

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós- Graduação: Mestrado em Estudos Literários - MEL, da Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR) como requisito final para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Estudos Literários. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Hélio Rodrigues da Rocha.Nesta dissertação versamos sobre as crises do sujeito em Estorvo. Defendemos que em Estorvo há um narrador-personagem em crises constantes, sejam elas identitária, social, histórica e de gênero. Objetivamos demonstrar onde, como e por que isso ocorre. Nossa hipótese é que, provavelmente, todas essas crises estejam relacionadas a fatores psicológicos e sociais, resultantes de um processo contínuo de modernização dos espaços urbanos, rurais e industriais, característicos das últimas décadas do século XX. Com as novas e incessantes invenções tecnológicas, com as diásporas (deslocamentos temporais e espaciais; com as transformações políticas e econômicas ocorridas na modernidade), com as abissais desigualdades sociais, o indivíduo torna-se problemático, descentrado e fragmentado, solapando suas convicções pessoais, suas interações com os demais sujeitos e com mundo a sua volta. Assim crendo, lançamos um olhar perscrutativo em Estorvo, visando destacar a inter-relação deste sujeito, protagonista buarquiano, com os diferentes estratos sociais que o margeiam. Porém, buscamos não menosprezar alguns aspectos de natureza formal, uma vez que eles tornam o romance verossímil e plurissignificativo. Para tanto, transcorremos disciplinas variadas; elencamos, entre outras, noções teóricas advindas de Antonio Candido (2011), Walter Benjamin (1996), Theodor Adorno (2003), Stuart Hall (2014) e Zygmunt Bauman (2005)

    Rates of Filtration and Ingestion of a Microalga by Philodina roseola (Rotifera: Bdelloidea)

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    Rotifers play an important role in biogeochemical cycles and organic productivity of freshwater ecosystems due to their high metabolic rates. Information on filter feeding, their main process of energy acquisition, are relevant and still scarce for tropical regions. The rotifers of the class Bdelloidea feed by filtration or scraping consuming small food items, such as bacteria, algae, yeasts or particulate organic matter. We know little of their role in the trophic dynamics in the habitats they occupy and so the aim of this study was to quantify laboratory filtration and ingestion rates of the rotifer Philodina roseola, fed with Raphidocelis subcapitata. The experiment consisted of 10 adult exposure treatment at five concentrations approximately in the range between 104 and 107 cells mL-1, at the temperature of 25 ± 1 °C. The experiments lasted one hour and initial and final concentrations of the algal suspensions were determined by counting the number of cells in a Neubauer chamber. There were no significant differences between the initial and final concentrations of cells in the control group indicating that algal growth did not occur. Philodina roseola filtration rates varied between 0.09 and 0.25 mL ind-1 h-1. Given that filtration is the main process of energy acquisition by Philodina roseola, as well as for most other rotifers, and that it comprises important issues related to trophic dynamics of aquatic ecosystems, additional experimental information is especially important and need to be extended to other types of food and combinations of experimental conditions.Rotíferos possuem um importante papel nos ciclos biogeoquímicos e na produtividade orgânica dos ecossistemas de água doce em decorrência de suas elevadas taxas metabólicas. Informações sobre a filtração, seu principal processo de aquisição de energia, são relevantes e ainda escassos para a região tropical. Os rotíferos da Subclasse Bdelloidea alimentam-se por filtração ou raspagem consumindo pequenos itens alimentares, como bactérias, algas, leveduras ou matéria orgânica particulada. Sabemos pouco sobre o papel que desempenham na dinâmica trófica dos habitats que ocupam e por isso o objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar em laboratório as taxas de filtração e ingestão do rotífero Philodina roseola, alimentado com Raphidocelis subcapitata. O delineamento experimental consistiu na exposição de 10 rotíferos adultos por tratamento, em cinco concentrações que variaram entre 104 e 107 cels mL-1, mantidos sob temperatura de 25 ± 1 °C. Os experimentos tiveram a duração de 1 hora e as concentrações iniciais e finais da suspensão algal foram quantificadas por contagem numérica das células em câmara de Neubauer. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as concentrações iniciais e finais de células nos controles indicando não ter ocorrido crescimento algal. As taxas de filtração de P. roseola variaram entre 0,09 e 0,25 mL ind-1 h-1. Tendo em vista que a filtração é o principal processo de aquisição de energia de Philodina roseola, assim como dos demais rotíferos, e que está relacionada a questões importantes da dinâmica trófica dos ecossistemas aquáticos, informações adicionais são desejáveis mas necessitam, no entanto, ser ampliadas para outros tipos de alimento e para diferentes combinações de condições experimentais


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    Small ponds are vital inland water bodies, recognized as small repositories of freshwater biodiversity, but neglected in terms of conservation. Although high-elevation ponds are difficult to sample and monitor, it is important to extend their study, in view of their importance to aquatic biodiversity. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, size structure biomass and diversity of zooplankton community in a temporary pond (Lagoa Seca) of a low-alpine area in the southern part of Serra do Espinhaço mountain in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three ecological aspects were analyzed: (I) the taxonomic composition of the zooplankton assemblage, (II) the size structure and biomass of the main groups in the zooplankton community and (III) whether the morphometric characteristics and biomass of the zooplankton result from the dominance of the microzooplankton, as expected in habitats subjected to frequent and strong disturbances, such as temporary ponds. Zooplankton samples were taken during the rainy period (Oc­tober 2010 to January 2011) in different mesohabitats, from the shallowest areas covered by emergent macrophytes to the open water area covered mainly by submerged macrophytes. The zooplankton community consisted of a small number of taxa (29). Rotifera showed the highest richness, with 21 taxa recorded, of which the most constant species were the cosmopolitan Lecane lunaris, L. obtusa and Lepadella patella. Among the Cladocera, Bosmina freyi and Moina minuta were the pelagic species recorded. The other cladoceran species observed are associated with littoral vegetation, and represented mainly by Alona ossiani, Chydorus pubescens, Ephemeroporus tridentatus and Ilyocryptus spinifer. The zooplankton biomass was very low (the maximum dry weight, observed at the peak of the rainy period in January was 62 ?g.m-3). The zooplankton community was dominated by the microzooplankton, with the maximum body length below 900 ?m. This assemblage was very changeable in the short term, both in numerical density and size structure, probably because of the highly variable hydrological regime of the pond. The results from zooplankton composition, including the first record of the rotifer Microcodon clavus to Minas Gerais state and the second in Brazil, highlighted the important role that high-elevation temporary ponds can play as aquatic biodiversity reserves. These unique ecosystems deserve greater efforts of research and monitoring, including studies of their hydrological pat­terns, biological diversity, and adaptive mechanisms of the zooplankton community.Small ponds are vital inland water bodies, recognized as small repositories of freshwater biodiversity, but neglected in terms of conservation.  Although high-elevation ponds are difficult to sample and monitor, it is important to extend their study, in view of their importance to aquatic biodiversity. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, size structure biomass and diversity of zooplankton community in a temporary pond (Lagoa Seca) of a low-alpine area in the southern part of Serra do Espinhaço mountain in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three ecological aspects were analyzed: (I) the taxonomic composition of the zooplankton assemblage, (II) the size structure and biomass of the main groups in the zooplankton community and (III) whether the morphometric characteristics and biomass of the zooplankton result from the dominance of the microzooplankton, as expected in habitats subjected to frequent and strong disturbances, such as temporary ponds. Zooplankton samples were taken during the rainy period (October 2010 to January 2011), in different mesohabitats, from the shallowest areas covered by emergent macrophytes to the open water area, covered mainly by submerged macrophytes. The zooplankton community consisted of a small number of taxa (29). Rotifera showed the highest richness, with 21 taxa recorded, of which the most constant species were the cosmopolitan: Lecane lunaris, L. obtusa and Lepadella patella. Among the Cladocera, Bosmina freyi and Moina minuta were the pelagic species recorded. The other cladoceran species observed are associated with littoral vegetation, and represented mainly by Alona ossiani, Chydorus pubesceus, Ephemeroporus tridentatus and Ilyocryptus spinifer. The zooplankton biomass was very low (the maximum dry weight, observed at the peak of the rainy period in January was 62 µg.m-3). The zooplankton community was dominated by the microzooplankton, with the maximum body length below 900 µm. This assemblage was very changeable in the short term, both in numerical density and size structure, probably because of the highly variable hydrological regime of the pond.  The results from zooplankton composition, including the first record of the rotifer Microcodon clavus to Minas Gerais state and the second in Brazil, highlightedt the important role that high-elevation temporary ponds can play as aquatic biodiversity reserves. These unique ecosystems deserve greater efforts of research and monitoring, including studies of their hydrological patterns, biological diversity and adaptive mechanisms of the zooplankton community.Small ponds are vital inland water bodies, recognized as small repositories of freshwater biodiversity, but neglected in terms of conservation.  Although high-elevation ponds are difficult to sample and monitor, it is important to extend their study, in view of their importance to aquatic biodiversity. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, size structure biomass and diversity of zooplankton community in a temporary pond (Lagoa Seca) of a low-alpine area in the southern part of Serra do Espinhaço mountain in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three ecological aspects were analyzed: (I) the taxonomic composition of the zooplankton assemblage, (II) the size structure and biomass of the main groups in the zooplankton community and (III) whether the morphometric characteristics and biomass of the zooplankton result from the dominance of the microzooplankton, as expected in habitats subjected to frequent and strong disturbances, such as temporary ponds. Zooplankton samples were taken during the rainy period (October 2010 to January 2011), in different mesohabitats, from the shallowest areas covered by emergent macrophytes to the open water area, covered mainly by submerged macrophytes. The zooplankton community consisted of a small number of taxa (29). Rotifera showed the highest richness, with 21 taxa recorded, of which the most constant species were the cosmopolitan: Lecane lunaris, L. obtusa and Lepadella patella. Among the Cladocera, Bosmina freyi and Moina minuta were the pelagic species recorded. The other cladoceran species observed are associated with littoral vegetation, and represented mainly by Alona ossiani, Chydorus pubesceus, Ephemeroporus tridentatus and Ilyocryptus spinifer. The zooplankton biomass was very low (the maximum dry weight, observed at the peak of the rainy period in January was 62 µg.m-3). The zooplankton community was dominated by the microzooplankton, with the maximum body length below 900 µm. This assemblage was very changeable in the short term, both in numerical density and size structure, probably because of the highly variable hydrological regime of the pond.  The results from zooplankton composition, including the first record of the rotifer Microcodon clavus to Minas Gerais state and the second in Brazil, highlightedt the important role that high-elevation temporary ponds can play as aquatic biodiversity reserves. These unique ecosystems deserve greater efforts of research and monitoring, including studies of their hydrological patterns, biological diversity and adaptive mechanisms of the zooplankton community

    Intercontinental invasion dynamics of Cercopagis pengoi, an IUCN-listed planktonic invasive species

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    Predicting the spread of invasive species and understanding the role of niche dynamics in niche transferability are critical challenges in the management of biological invasions, both theoretically and practically. We used complementary species distribution modelling approaches, such as multivariate niche analysis and reciprocal distribution models, to test the niche conservatism hypothesis and to predict the potential distribution of the fishhook waterflea, Cercopagis pengoi. Our analysis indicated a significant similarity between its native and invasive ranges, suggesting that a subset of the Ponto-Caspian propagules may have been the founders of European populations. However, our results contradict the niche conservatism hypothesis, showing that C. pengoi has not fully occupied the available niche within its current invasive ranges. Moreover, we observed a notable niche expansion, reflecting a significant shift in niche following its intercontinental introduction in North America. Given the suitability of new environments for the expansion of C. pengoi and its tendency to evade detection prior to population surges, we recommend a focus on early detection through monitoring of both water columns and bottom sediments. This should be complemented by strict enforcement of ballast water regulations to curtail its spread in North America, Europe, and other suitable non-native regions globally