11 research outputs found

    Health research and systems' governance are at risk: should the right to data protection override health?

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    The European Union (EU) Data Protection Regulation will have profound implications for public health, health services research and statistics in Europe. The EU Commission's Proposal was a breakthrough in balancing privacy rights and rights to health and healthcare. The European Parliament, however, has proposed extensive amendments. This paper reviews the amendments proposed by the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and their implications for health research and statistics. The amendments eliminate most innovations brought by the Proposal. Notably, derogation to the general prohibition of processing sensitive data shall be allowed for public interests such as the management of healthcare services,but not health research, monitoring, surveillance and governance. The processing of personal health data for historical, statistical or scientific purposes shall be allowed only with the consent of the data subject or if the processing serves an exceptionally high public interest, cannot be performed otherwise and is legally authorised. Research, be it academic, government,corporate or market research, falls under the same rule.The proposed amendments will make difficult or render impossible research and statistics involving the linkage and analysis of the wealth of data from clinical,administrative, insurance and survey sources, which have contributed to improving health outcomes and health systems performance and governance; and may illegitimise efforts that have been made in some European countries to enable privacy-respectful data use for research and statistical purposes. If the amendments stand as written, the right to privacy is likely to override the right to health and healthcare in Europe

    Health research and systems' governance are at risk: should the right to data protection override health?

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    The European Union (EU) Data Protection Regulation will have profound implications for public health, health services research and statistics in Europe. The EU Commission's Proposal was a breakthrough in balancing privacy rights and rights to health and healthcare. The European Parliament, however, has proposed extensive amendments. This paper reviews the amendments proposed by the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and their implications for health research and statistics. The amendments eliminate most innovations brought by the Proposal. Notably, derogation to the general prohibition of processing sensitive data shall be allowed for public interests such as the management of healthcare services,but not health research, monitoring, surveillance and governance. The processing of personal health data for historical, statistical or scientific purposes shall be allowed only with the consent of the data subject or if the processing serves an exceptionally high public interest, cannot be performed otherwise and is legally authorised. Research, be it academic, government,corporate or market research, falls under the same rule.The proposed amendments will make difficult or render impossible research and statistics involving the linkage and analysis of the wealth of data from clinical,administrative, insurance and survey sources, which have contributed to improving health outcomes and health systems performance and governance; and may illegitimise efforts that have been made in some European countries to enable privacy-respectful data use for research and statistical purposes. If the amendments stand as written, the right to privacy is likely to override the right to health and healthcare in Europe

    Assessing data protection and governance in health information systems: A novel methodology of Privacy and Ethics Impact and Performance Assessment (PEIPA)

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    Background: Data processing of health research databases often requires a Data Protection Impact Assessment to evaluate the severity of the risk and the appropriateness of measures taken to comply with the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We aimed to define and apply a comprehensive method for the evaluation of privacy, data governance and ethics among research networks involved in the EU Project Bridge Health. Methods: Computerised survey among associated partners of main EU Consortia, using a targeted instrument designed by the principal investigator and progressively refined in collaboration with an international advisory panel. Descriptive measures using the percentage of adoption of privacy, data governance and ethical principles as main endpoints were used for the analysis and interpretation of the results. Results: A total of 15 centres provided relevant information on the processing of sensitive data from 10 European countries. Major areas of concern were noted for: data linkage (median, range of adoption: 45%, 30%–80%), access and accuracy of personal data (50%, 0%–100%) and anonymisation procedures (56%, 11%–100%). A high variability was noted in the application of privacy principles. Conclusions: A comprehensive methodology of Privacy and Ethics Impact and Performance Assessment was successfully applied at international level. The method can help implementing the GDPR and expanding the scope of Data Protection Impact Assessment, so that the public benefit of the secondary use of health data could be well balanced with the respect of personal privacy.</p

    Data Rich, Information Poor: Can We Use Electronic Health Records to Create a Learning Healthcare System for Pharmaceuticals?

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    Judicious use of real-world data (RWD) is expected to make all steps in the development and use of pharmaceuticals more effective and efficient, including research and development, regulatory decision making, health technology assessment, pricing, and reimbursement decisions and treatment. A "learning healthcare system" based on electronic health records and other routinely collected data will be required to harness the full potential of RWD to complement evidence based on randomized controlled trials. We describe and illustrate with examples the growing demand for a learning healthcare system; we contrast the exigencies of an efficient pharmaceutical ecosystem in the future with current deficiencies highlighted in recently published Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports; and we reflect on the steps necessary to enable the transition from healthcare data to actionable information. A coordinated effort from all stakeholders and international cooperation will be required to increase the speed of implementation of the learning healthcare system, to everybody's benefit