30 research outputs found

    Alternative Modes of Financing Higher Education in Nigeria and the Implications for University Governance

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    Under-funding has been identified as one of the major problems presently facing the university system in most of the African nations, Nigeria inclusive. The study documented both financing and expenditure patterns in the Nigerian universities, and found that most monies, which go on direct teaching, are in fact used for the payment of salaries and entitlements of staff


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    The study focused on the comparative evaluation of economic benefits of earthen fish ponds and concrete tanks in aquaculture enterprises in Ibadan, Oyo state. Primary data were collected with the aid of structured interview schedule, administered through personal interviews and observations to elicit information from 100 fish farmers using purposive and convenience sampling procedure. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive, budgetary and inferential statistics. The study revealed that the mean age, male, married, household size, educated and fish farming experience were 41 years, 83.0%, 87.0%, 5 persons, 96.0% and 8 years, respectively. Earthen fish ponds users earned mean revenue of N3,322,189.85 with gross margin of N2,188,397.89 while concrete tank users earned N2,412,271.08 with gross margin of N1,413,299.46. The results showed profitability indices (0.61 and 0.47), Variable Cost ratio (0.35 and 0.30), Benefit Cost Ratio (2.55 and 1.89), Gross ratio (0.40 and 0.54) and Expenses structure ratio (0.13 and 0.23) for both the earthen ponds and concrete fish tanks, respectively. There were significant differences (t = 42.53, p≤0.05) between the profit level of earthen fish ponds and concrete tanks. Major constraints affecting economic status of the respondents were high cost of quality feed, insufficient funds, poaching and poor marketing channel. In conclusion, aquaculture is a more profitable and viable business regardless of the culture system. Government should assist the fish farmers by subsidizing feeds cost, granting and monitoring of loan.Temelj ovog istraživanja bila je usporedba procjene ekonomske koristi zemljanih bazena ribnjaka i betonskih spremnika u akvakulturnim poduzećima grada Ibadana u državi Oyo. U izboru 100 uzgajivača ribe korištena je kombinacija svrsishodnog i praktičnog uzorkovanja, a uzgajivači su bili podvrgnuti strukturiranom intervjuu radi prikupljanja primarnih podataka u svrhu deskriptivne statistike, proračunske tehnike i inferencijalne statistike. Istraživanje je rezultiralo sljedećim podacima: prosječna životna dob bila je 41 godina, muškaraca je bilo 83,0%, oženjenih 87,0%, u većini slučajeva bilo je 5 članova kućanstva, obrazovanih je bilo 96,0%, a iskustvo uzgoja riba kod ispitanika bilo je 8 godina. Korisnici zemljanih bazena ribnjaka imali su srednji prihod od N3,322,189.85 s bruto maržom od N2,188,397.89, dok su korisnici betonskih spremnika zaradili N2,412,271.08 s bruto maržom od N1,413,299.46. Indeks profitabilnosti bio je 0,61 i 0,47, varijabilni omjer troškova 0,35 i 0,30, omjer troškova i koristi 2,55 i 1,89, bruto omjer 0,40 i 0,54, a omjer strukture troškova bio je 0,13 i 0,23. Značajna je razlika između razine profita od zemljanih ribnjaka i betonskih spremnika (t = 42,53, p ≤ 0,05). Glavne prepreke koje utječu na ekonomski status ispitanika bili su visoki troškovi kvalitetne prehrane, neadekvatnost fondova, krivolov i loš marketing. Zaključno, akvakultura je isplativo i održivo područje poduzetništva, bez obzira na kulturni sustav. Vlada bi trebala pomoći uzgajivačima ribe subvencioniranjem troškova prehrane, odobravanjem i praćenjem kredita

    Scientific rationale for study design of community-based simplified antibiotic therapy trials in newborns and young infants with clinically diagnosed severe infections or fast breathing in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

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    Background: Newborns and young infants suffer high rates of infections in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Timely access to appropriate antibiotic therapy is essential for reducing mortality. In an effort to develop community case management guidelines for young infants, 0–59 days old, with clinically diagnosed severe infections, or with fast breathing, 4 trials of simplified antibiotic therapy delivered in primary care clinics (Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria) or at home (Bangladesh and Nigeria) are being conducted. Methods: This article describes the scientific rationale for these trials, which share major elements of trial design. All the trials are in settings of high neonatal mortality, where hospitalization is not feasible or frequently refused. All use procaine penicillin and gentamicin intramuscular injections for 7 days as reference therapy and compare this to various experimental arms utilizing comparatively simpler combination regimens with fewer injections and oral amoxicillin. Conclusion: The results of these trials will inform World Health Organization policy regarding community case management of young infants with clinical severe infections or with fast breathing

    Food taboos in maternal and child health: The views of traditional healers in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    This paper reports the interviews with 82 randomly selected healers in Ile-Ife about food taboos in relation to maternal and child health. The healers were asked to list the childhood ailments they treat most often and the food proscriptions and prescriptions associated with these ailments. Of particular interest in the study was the fact that these food proscriptions and prescriptions form an integral part of traditional medical procedures in that relapses or slow rate of recovery are sometimes attributed to a break of these food norms. Moreover, these proscriptions and prescriptions reflect: 1. (i) the healers' concept of the various childhood diseases and 2. (ii) the healers' belief in the respect for the traditional Yoruba gods in health matters. It was further noted that although these taboos reinforce the beliefs in traditional medicine, their relevance from the point of view of the health of the clientele needs further investigation.taboos Yoruba healers traditional religion social control

    Concepts and management of deafness in the Yoruba medical system: A case study of traditional healers in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    This paper examines the concept and management of deafness among 98 randomly selected healers in Ile-Ife. We are concerned with deafness because in an earlier study mothers of deaf children reported that they had consulted these practitioners. All of the healers distinguished congenital and non-congenital deafness, and in their efforts to cure patients they were guided by experience and specialist knowledge. A higher proportion of the herbalists associated congenital deafness with natural causes than did the other type of healers. The babalawos and indigenous faith healers who mentioned a natural cause of congenital deafness believed that the primary causative agents were supernatural. Half of the indigenous faith healers and more than half of the babalawos we interviewed attributed non-congenital deafness to malevolent forces, while only 12.5% of the herbalists made this attribution. Treatment procedures and preventive techniques were based on conceptions of causality. While the majority of the herbalists prescribed a herbal ear drop, a majority of the babalawos and the indigenous faith healers prescribed sacrifices to appease the aggrieved parties. Some interesting points that emanated from the study include the healers' explanation that a person's essence is transmitted to his personal effects, which are used with incantation to inflict the deaf person. Closely associated with this is the healers' warning that patients need to maintain good-neighbourliness to avoid further harm. The paper further highlights the adherence to pregnancy taboos to avoid congenital deafness.deafness Yoruba healers beliefs social relationships social control