434 research outputs found

    Colour connection structure of (supersymmetric) QCD (2→22\to2) processes

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    The colour connection structure of QCD (2→22\to2) processes is discussed, with emphasis on its application to the supersymmetric 2 parton →\to 2 sparton processes, which are currently being implemented in the HERWIG Monte Carlo event generator. The procedure described by Marchesini and Webber is found to be inadequate, and a new method is proposed. However, this alteration is unlikely to significantly affect the theoretical predictions for soft gluon radiation. A complete list of supersymmetric QCD 2→22\to2 matrix elements and their colour decompositions is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2

    The processes e+e−→bbˉW±H∓e^+e^-\to b\bar bW^\pm H^\mp and e+e−→bbˉH+H−e^+e^-\to b\bar bH^+H^- at the Next Linear Collider in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    The complete matrix elements for e+e−→bbˉW±H∓e^+e^-\to b\bar bW^\pm H^\mp and e+e−→bbˉH+H−e^+e^-\to b\bar bH^+H^- are computed at tree-level within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Rates of interest to phenomenological analyses at the Next Linear Collider are given. In particular, we analyse: (i) ttˉt\bar t pair production followed by the top decays into bbˉW±H∓b\bar bW^\pm H^\mp and bbˉH+H−b\bar b H^+H^- final states; (ii) H+H−H^+H^- signals in which H±→hW±→bbˉW±H^\pm\to h W^\pm \to b\bar b W^\pm and H±→tb→bbˉW±H^\pm\to tb\to b\bar b W^\pm. Top and Higgs finite width effects are included as well as all those due to the irreducible backgrounds.Comment: 34 pages, latex, epsfig, 15 postscript figures bitmapped at 1000dpi, complete paper including high resolution plots available at ftp://axpa.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/moretti/cavendish_9701 and at http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/theory/papers

    Regge-cascade hadronization

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    We argue that the evolution of coloured partons into colour-singlet hadrons has approximate factorization into an extended parton-shower phase and a colour-singlet resonance--pole phase. The amplitude for the conversion of colour connected partons into hadrons necessarily resembles Regge-pole amplitudes since qq-bar resonance amplitudes and Regge-pole amplitudes are related by duality. A `Regge-cascade' factorization property of the N-point Veneziano amplitude provides further justification of this protocol. This latter factorization property, in turn, allows the construction of general multi-hadron amplitudes in amplitude-squared factorized form from (1->2) link amplitudes. We suggest an algorithm with cascade-decay configuration, ordered in the transverse momentum, suitable for Monte-Carlo simulation. We make a simple implementation of this procedure in Herwig++, obtaining some improvement to the description of the event-shape distributions at LEP.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Heavy charged Higgs boson production at next generation e±γe^\pm\gamma colliders

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    We assess the potential of future electron-positron linear colliders operating in the e±γe^\pm\gamma mode in detecting charged Higgs bosons with mass around and larger than the top quark mass, using Compton back-scattered photons from laser light. We compare the pair production mode, e−γ→e−H+H−e^-\gamma\to e^- H^+H^-, to a variety of channels involving only one charged Higgs scalar in the final state, such as the tree-level processes e−γ→νeH−Φ0e^-\gamma\to \nu_e H^- \Phi^0 (Φ0=h0,H0\Phi^0=h^0,H^0 and A0A^0) and e−γ→νeffˉH−e^-\gamma\to \nu_e f\bar f H^- (f=b,τf=b,\tau and ντ\nu_\tau) as well as the loop-induced channel e−γ→νeH−e^-\gamma\to \nu_e H^-. We show that, when the charged Higgs boson mass is smaller than or comparable to half the collider energy, \sqrt s_{ee}\gsim 2M_{H^\pm}, single production cross sections are of the same size as the pair production rate, whereas, for charged Higgs boson masses larger than see/2\sqrt s_{ee}/2, all processes are heavily suppressed. In general, production cross sections of charged Higgs bosons via e±γe^\pm\gamma scatterings are smaller than those induced at an e+e−e^+e^- collider and the latter represents a better option to produce and analyse such particles.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 9 figure

    MadEvent: Automatic Event Generation with MadGraph

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    We present a new multi-channel integration method and its implementation in the multi-purpose event generator MadEvent, which is based on MadGraph. Given a process, MadGraph automatically identifies all the relevant subprocesses, generates both the amplitudes and the mappings needed for an efficient integration over the phase space, and passes them to MadEvent. As a result, a process-specific, stand-alone code is produced that allows the user to calculate cross sections and produce unweighted events in a standard output format. Several examples are given for processes that are relevant for physics studies at present and forthcoming colliders.Comment: 11 pages, MadGraph home page at http://madgraph.physics.uiuc.ed
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