2 research outputs found

    Identificaci贸n de riesgos geoambientales y su valoraci贸n en la zona de hundimiento del buque Prestige

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    Potential geological hazard assessment has been carried out in the area where the Prestige vessel was sunk using a broad database that comprises: multibeam, high and ultra-high resolution seismic profiles, gravity cores, onland seismicity stations and Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS). The main results of this study indicate that among the geologic factors that can be considered as potential hazards, four main categories can be differentiated based on their origin: morphologic, sedimentary, tectonic, and seismicity. Hazards of morphologic origin include steep gradients; the morphologic features suggest the occurrence of mass-wasting instabilities. Hazards of sedimentary origin also includes the occurrence of slope instability processes in form of single slides and a great variety of erosive and depositional gravity flows (debris and turbidity flows). Hazards of tectonic and seismic origin are important because the sinking area straddles the Calida Bank which is a structural seamount with a moderate tectonic activity that results in a latent seismicity of low to moderate magnitude. The interaction of these factors leads to consider to the risk as medium, and the degree of exposure of the bow and stern as high. Several general and specific recommendations are made in order to increase the geological and geophysics knowledgement in the Prestige sinking area and Spanish continental margins and deep sea areas. These recommendations also should be used to elaborate the options for reducing the hazard and loss

    Aplicaci贸n m贸vil para escuelas de educaci贸n ambiental del Ayuntamiento de Madrid

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    H谩bitat Madrid es un proyecto integral para la gesti贸n de las escuelas tem谩ticas del programa de Educaci贸n Ambiental del Ayuntamiento de Madrid [1]. El programa propo-ne trimestralmente la realizaci贸n de distintas actividades a trav茅s de cuatro escuelas: Primavera, Verano, Oto帽o e Invierno. El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una soluci贸n basada en dispositivos m贸viles que permita la transferencia de informaci贸n entre el ciudadano y el programa de Educaci贸n Ambiental citado. Por ello, adem谩s de desarrollar una aplicaci贸n m贸vil (Android) que facilita la comunicaci贸n con cualquier ciudadano, tambi茅n se han des-arrollado los elementos necesarios para el mantenimiento de una base de datos que almacene y gestione tanto los cursos y talleres como los datos de los ciudadanos ins-critos. Para conseguir un sistema sostenible en este proyecto se incluye la implementa-ci贸n de un Web Service que permite la comunicaci贸n entre el servidor de datos y los terminales, y el desarrollo de las aplicaciones web (basadas en formularios) que permi-ten la actualizaci贸n desde la intranet de los datos protegidos que son las fuentes de informaci贸n y desde las que se actualiza al menos trimestralmente toda la oferta educa-tiva de las cuatro escuelas. Uno de los objetivos m谩s interesantes desde el punto de vista del ciudadano (usua-rio final de la aplicaci贸n m贸vil) es el sistema de acceso a la informaci贸n mediante con-sultas (usuario a sistema), avisos (sistema a usuario) y posibilidad de reservas con noti-ficaci贸n de estado (bidireccional). Aunque el proyecto est谩 finalizado desde el punto de vista comercial (listo para explotaci贸n), el cliente (Ayuntamiento de Madrid) tiene previs-to ponerlo a disposici贸n del ciudadano al cabo de unos meses a la espera de su im-plementaci贸n en multiplataforma. Por esta raz贸n, podemos decir que este proyecto se encuentra en su fase final de pruebas. [ABSTRACT] Habitat Madrid is an integral project for the management of thematic schools for the En-vironmental Education Program of the City of Madrid. The program proposes the quar-terly execution of different activities through four schools: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The objective of this project is the development of a solution based on mobile de-vices that allows the transfer of information between citizens and this Environmental Education Program. Besides developing a mobile application (Android) that facilitates the communication with any citizen, it has also been developed the necessary elements for the maintenance of a database that stores and manages information about the pro-posed activities and citizens registered data. To obtain a sustainable system this project includes the implementation of a web service that allows the communication between the data server and terminals, and the development of web applications (based on forms) to update, at least quarterly, the protected data through Intranet. The entered information, stored in the database, defines the educational offer of the four environ-mental schools. One of the most interesting objectives from the point of view of the citizen (end user of the mobile application) is the system access to the information by means of inquiries (user to system), advises (system to user) and possibility of reserves with status notification (bi-directional). Although the project is finalized from the industrial point of view (ready for exploitation), the client (City of Madrid) plans to make it available to the citizen in the coming months waiting for its implementation in multi-platforms. Therefore, we can say that this project is found in its final phase of tests