4 research outputs found

    Analiza mogućnosti povećanja energetske efikasnosti rada postrojenja za fluidni katalitički kreking u sekundarnoj preradi nafte

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    Oil refinery spends significant amount of different forms of energy in order to produce oil derivates. This self consumption of energy, beside ecological effect, has significant influence on efficiency and economy of operation or performance. This work, in the case of fluid catalytic cracking plant, provides an analysis of the energy efficiency of the plant and possibility of improving, through the replacement of energy efficient devices as well as better control. Also, this work presents examples of increasing the energy efficiency of the plant in some European and worldwide refineries.Da bi proizvela naftne derivate rafinerija nafte troÅ”i značajne količine različitih oblika energije. Ova sopstvena energetska potroÅ”nja u rafineriji nafte, pored ekoloÅ”kog efekta, značajno utiče na efikasnost i ekonomičnost rada odnosno uspeÅ”nost poslovanja. U ovom radu, na primeru postrojenja fluidnog katalitičkog krekinga, data je analiza energetske efikasnosti postrojenja i mogućnosti njenog poboljÅ”anja i to kroz zamenu energetski efikasnijim uređajima kao i boljom kontrolom. Takođe, u radu su dati primeri povećanja energetske efikasnosti ovog postrojenja u nekim evropskim i svetskim rafinerijama

    Whether integrating refining and petrochemical business can provide opportunities for development of petrochemical industry in Serbia

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    Since the beginning of 90s of last century both the petroleum industry and petrochemical industry have operated in difficult circumstances. In particularly, margins of petroleum and petrochemical industry were exacerbated during global economic crisis in 2008-2009 years. At that time, as one option that could be the solution, the global analysts had started to more intense investigate the benefits of Refining-Petrochemical Integration. Shortly afterwards, more and more petroleum refineries and petrochemical manufacturers began to see the future in this kind of operational, managerial, marketing and commercial connection. This paper evaluates, in particular, the achieved level of integration of refinery and petrochemical businesses in Central and South-Eastern Europe. And specifically, the paper identifies current capabilities and future chances of linking this kind of integration between Serbian refining and petrochemical players. The viability of integration between possible actors and benefits of every single refining-petrochemical interface in Serbia depend on many factors, and therefore each integrated system is unique and requires prior serious Cost Benefit Analysis

    Energetsko i ekonomsko poboljŔanje procesa sinteze metanola primenom Pinch tehnologije

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    A heat exchanger network (HEN) for the process of methanol synthesis has been studied by pinch design analysis. Great economic and energy savings were realized by the pinch analysis in comparison to the existing plant. Also, it was found that it is possible to reduce the requirements for the consumption of utilities. The HEN was reconstruded by adding new heat exchangers. In order to produce new HEN, the capital costs had to be increased, but the total cost trade-off between the capital and energy costs will be decrease by 30 %.U ovom radu je pokazano kako se primenom Pinch metodologije na rekonstrukciju postojeće mreže razmenjivača toplote, u posmatranom industrijskom postrojenju mogu dobiti znatne energetske i ekonomske uÅ”tede. Proučavan je proces sinteze metanola i prikazana je mogućnost smanjenja troÅ”kova vezanih za energetske zahteve u procesu pre svega vezanih za koriŔćewe pomoćnih toplotnih izvora. Dobijeni rezultat ukazuje da je za rekonstrukciju neophodno uvođenje novih razmenjivača toplote, Å”to povećava kapitalne troÅ”kove same mreže ali ukupni troÅ”kovi, koji obuhvataju kapitalne i energetske troÅ”kove, su smanjeni za oko 30 %

    Waste reduction algorithm used as the case study of simulated bitumen production process

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    Waste reduction algorithm - WAR is a tool helping process engineers for environmental impact assessment. WAR algorithm is a methodology for determining the potential environmental impact (PEI) of a chemical process. In particular, the bitumen production process was analyzed following three stages: a) atmospheric distillation unit, b) vacuum distillation unit, and c) bitumen production unit. Study was developed for the middle sized oil refinery with capacity of 5000000 tones of crude oil per year. Results highlight the most vulnerable aspects of the environmental pollution that arise during the manufacturing process of bitumen. The overall rates of PEI leaving the system (PEI/h) - Iout PEI/h are: a) 2.14105, b) 7.17104 and c) 2.36103, respectively. The overall rates of PEI generated within the system - Igen PEI/h are: a) 7.75104, b) -4.31104 and c) -4.32102, respectively. Atmospheric distillation unit have the highest overall rate of PEI while the bitumen production unit have the lowest overall rate of PEI. Comparison of Iout PEI/h and Igen PEI/h values for the atmospheric distillation unit, shows that the overall rate of PEI generated in the system is 36.21% of the overall rate of PEI leaving the system. In the cases of vacuum distillation and bitumen production units, the overall rate of PEI generated in system have negative values, i.e. the overall rate of PEI leaving the system is reduced at 60.11% (in the vacuum distillation unit) and at 18.30% (in the bitumen production unit). Analysis of the obtained results for the overall rate of PEI, expressed by weight of the product, confirms conclusions