120 research outputs found
Mechanické vlastnosti oceli DC01 tvářené metodou DRECE
The main goal of the paper is a review of current achieved results given by processing of steel DC01 by DRECE (Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion) forming process, whose prototype equipment has been put in service in the end of 2009 at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Mechanical Technology. The paper analyses the effect of the DRECE forming process on the mechanical properties and deep – drawing sheet metal formability of the steel DC01.Příspěvek uvádí současné výsledky ze zpracování oceli DC01 tvářecím procesem DRECE, jehož prototype byl na konci roku 2009 uveden do provozu pod záštitou VŠB – Technické university Ostrava, Fakulty strojní, Katedry mechanické technologie. Příspěvek analyzuje vliv tvářecí metody DRECE na mechanické vlastnosti a hlubokotažnost oceli DC01
Enhancing Use Cases with Screen Designs. A Comparison of Two Approaches
This paper presents a language called ScreenSpec that can be used to quickly specify screens during the requirements elicitation phase. Experiments and case studies presented in this paper show that it is easy to learn and effective to use. ScreenSpec was successfully applied in 9 real projects. Visual representation generated from ScreenSpec can be attached to requirements specification (e.g. as adornments to use cases)
Přístup k big data na základě "refusal to supply" judikatury Soudního dvora EU
Přístup k big data na základě "refusal to supply" judikatury Soudního dvora EU Abstrakt Tato diplomová práce se věnuje tématu přístupu k tzv. big data z pohledu soutěžního práva EU. Práce se zabývá tím, zda a do jaké míry je možné využít tzv. "refusal to supply" judikaturu vytvořenou Soudním dvorem EU k tomu, aby bylo možno získat přístup k big data, která jsou v dispozici dominantního podniku. Práce shledává, že za určitých podmínek je možné, aby byly naplněny všechny nezbytné kroky k tomu, aby mohl podnik od dominantního podniku žádat přístup k big data pod kontrolou tohoto podniku. Tato práce se proto nejprve zabývá tím, jaké faktory působí na tzv. online platformy, které se v postavení dominantních podniků z hlediska přístupu k big data mohou ocitnout velmi často. Práce analyzuje působení tzv. síťových efektů, vlivu analýzy dat na jejich efektivitu a problematiku tzv. vícestranných trhů v souvislosti s postavením online platforem. Následně je předmětem práce posouzení jednotlivých kroků, které v souhrnu vedou ke klasifikaci chování dominantního podniku jako zneužití jeho dominantního postavení skrze odepření přístupu k big data. Z hlediska definice relevantních trhů v soutěžním právu je zásadní rozdělení na tzv. downstream a upstream trhy, jelikož v případech "refusal to supply" posuzovaných Soudním...Access to big data under the "refusal to supply" case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU Abstract This thesis deals with the topic of access to the so-called big data from the perspective of EU competition law. The thesis deals with the question whether and if so, to what extent it is possible to use the so-called "refusal to supply" case-law created by the Court of Justice of the EU to gain access to big data held by a dominant undertaking. The thesis finds that, under certain conditions, it is possible for all necessary steps to be fulfilled to allow one undertaking to request access from a dominant undertaking to big data under the control of that undertaking. This thesis therefore firstly discusses what factors affect the so-called online platforms, which can often find themselves in the position of dominant undertakings in terms of access to big data. The thesis analyses the effects of the so-called network effects, the impact of data analysis on their efficiency and the issue of the so-called multi-sided markets in connection with the position of online platforms. Subsequently, an assessment of the individual steps which, in summary, lead to the classification of the behavior of a dominant undertaking as an abuse of its dominant position by refusing access to big data is conducted. From the point...Department of European LawKatedra evropského právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult
Technické aspekty výroby elektřiny a tepla ze zplynění odpadní biomasy z jihomoravské pily
The paper presents results of tests on a pilot plant using waste from the process timber. Experiments presented were obtained from the gasification of different biomass fuels, as well as various types of reactors. Presented biomass gasification technology shows the optimization process of converting fuel to its energy use in cogeneration unit. Installation requires few refinements of various gas purification components and the preparation of a long work to obtain the best possible economic effects.Příspěvek prezentuje výsledky testů na pilotním zařízení určeném pro využití odpadního dřeva z pilařského průmyslu. Prezentovány experimenty byly získány ze zplyňování různých paliv, v různých typech reaktorů. Prezentovaná technologie zplyňování biomasy ukazuje optimalizaci procesu přeměny pevného paliva na plyn a jeho energetické využití v kogenerační jednotce. Instalace vyžaduje vylepšení systému čištění plynu a přípravu dlouhodobého provozu pro získání co nejlepších ekonomických výsledků
Contemporary Problems in Combustion—Fuels, Their Valorisation, Emissions, Flexibility and Auxiliary Systems
This Special Issue is dedicated to the XXIV Symposium on Combustion Processes (23–25 September 2019, Wrocław, Poland), which is an official symposium of the Polish Section of the Combustion Institute that takes place every two years [...
Building Benchmarks for Use Cases
This paper presents how the use-cases benchmark has been built and how it can be applied by researchers. Set of 16 industrial projects (with 524 use cases in total) has been analysed in order to obtain quantitative and qualitative profile of a typical use-case-based requirements specification. Based on the analysis, two types of referential use-case-based requirements specifications have been created, one taking only quantitative data into account and second considering qualitative data. Researchers who analyse use cases can utilise these specifications in order to validate their methods and tools before applying them to real projects. Moreover, such referential specification can be used as a benchmark and allows comparing accuracy and efficiency of tools for use-case analysis
NO2 pollution of the atmosphere and the influence of industrial processes
Among nitrogen oxides in atmosphere, the concentration of N2O is the highest (about 306 ppm) and due to the high global warming potential (GWP = 320) nitrous oxide belongs to important greenhouse gases. Moreover, N2O contributes also to the ozone layer depletion. Nitrous oxide is produced by both natural processes and anthropogenic activities, where combustion plays an important role. Two analytical methods ( IR spectrophotometry and gas chromatography) have been used for the analysis of N2O emissions from various industrial sources. Carbon monooxide at the concentration above 500 ppm interferes the IR analysis. The emission factors for combustion processes typical for Czech Republic have been calculated. Emission concentrations depend on the type of the combustion process (the highest is for the fluid-bed combustion) as well as on the output of the combustion unit. In an identical unit, the emission factor increases when the output decreases. A high concentration of nitrous oxide have been found in emissions from the chemical industry where catalytic denitrification is used
Selective Regression Testing based on Big Data: Comparing Feature Extraction Techniques
Regression testing is a necessary activity in continuous integration (CI) since it provides confidence that modified parts of the system are correct at each integration cycle. CI provides large volumes of data which can be used to support regression testing activities. By using machine learning, patterns about faulty changes in the modified program can be induced, allowing test orchestrators to make inferences about test cases that need to be executed at each CI cycle. However, one challenge in using learning models lies in finding a suitable way for characterizing source code changes and preserving important information. In this paper, we empirically evaluate the effect of three feature extraction algorithms on the performance of an existing ML-based selective regression testing technique. We designed and performed an experiment to empirically investigate the effect of Bag of Words (BoW), Word Embeddings (WE), and content-based feature extraction (CBF). We used stratified cross validation on the space of features generated by the three FE techniques and evaluated the performance of three machine learning models using the precision and recall metrics. The results from this experiment showed a significant difference between the models\u27 precision and recall scores, suggesting that the BoW-fed model outperforms the other two models with respect to precision, whereas a CBF-fed model outperforms the rest with respect to recall
The increase of silver grass ash melting temperature using additives
Some types of biomass have a high content of alkali oxides and salts and, thanks to it they feature a low ash melting temperature which may result in various combustion problems. Slag and sintered particles that are formed prevent the fuel from being supplied, restrict the access of combustion air, heat transfer in the heat exchanger and can cause corrosions. One possibility of increasing the ash melting temperature is to add additives. Some additives can change chemical composition of fuel ash, thus changing also the ash melting temperature. The paper deals with the adding of 2 % additives - kaolin, talc, lime, limestone, dolomite, bentonite to silver grass. The tested additives increased the ash content but they also changed its chemical composition, which resulted in the increase of the ash melting temperature. Best positive results were achieved with kaolin and lime which increased the ash melting temperature by approx 300 degrees C.Web of Science5126525
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