529 research outputs found
Public Art Advancing Urban Context Transformations: Kreuzberg (Berlin)
The proposed article focuses on an analysis of Berlin as a model for urban intervention, with proposals, both for the urban rehabilitation and for new works. The central district of Kreuzberg, will be studied taking into account that it is nowadays a place of artistic and bohemian focus, considered an integral part of the one of the main enclaves of power and culture in Europe. Local characterization will be carried out from the point of view of urban development and sociocultural transformation, as well as the artistic manifestations that are evident in public space, such as graffiti, which modify a surrounding urban space, either permanently or temporarily. Finally, in a logic of zooming on the city, a proposal will be presented for an urban void in a block at Kreuzberg east neighbourhood, which is associated with several manifestations against the gentrification processes therein. Throughout this study, it should be noted that it is still currently a challenge to define measures for the benefit of its inhabitants, leading the city in a direction that is advantageous and enriching for all, not yielding to economic interests of speculation. Therefore, an urban revitalization can and must motivate creative interventions in relation to public art, making way for the new urban planning models in city centres, pointing to more free and connected alternative lifestyles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Improving the functional properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 piezoceramics by acceptor doping
ZrO2 and TiO2 modified lead-free (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 (KNN) piezoelectric ceramics are prepared by a conventional solid-state reaction. The effect of acceptor doping on structural and functional properties is investigated. A decrease in the Curie temperature and an increase in the dielectric constant values are observed when doping. More interestingly, an increase in the coercive field E-c and remanent polarization P-r is observed. The piezoelectric properties are greatly increased when doping with small concentrations dopants. ZrO2 doped ceramic exhibits good piezoelectric properties with piezoelectric coefficient d(33) = 134 pC/N and electromechanical coupling factor k(p) = 35%. It is verified that nonlinearity is significantly reduced. Thus, the creation of complex defects capable of pinning the domain wall motion is enhanced with doping, probably due to the formation of oxygen vacancies. These results strongly suggest that compositional engineering using low concentrations of acceptor doping is a good means of improving the functional properties of KNN lead-free piezoceramic system. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Postprint (published version
Incidencia de sintomatología no auditiva en trabajadores con trauma acústico en la Empresa E.M.S.A Serviseair.
Este documento contiene archivo en PDF.EMSA / Servisair Ecuador, pertenece a una red internacional con vasta experiencia en los servicios de apoyo terrestre para aviones, entre sus servicios están la recepción, manipuleo, bodegaje, custodia, monitoreo y re-pasaje de las mercaderías de importación y exportación que llegan a los Aeropuertos de Quito y Guayaquil. Por su naturaleza una gran parte de los empleados de la empresa se ven expuestos diariamente a un ruido excesivo producido por los aviones, especialmente en el área de carga. Este ruido que supera los 60db provoca traumas acústicos especialmente cuando se relaciona con el uso inadecuado de Equipos de protección Personal (EPP). Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal analizar la incidencia de la sintomatología NO auditiva en el personal de la Empresa para lo cual se determinaron las principales sintomatologías NO auditivas, se identificaron factores de riesgo asociados al trauma, se evaluaron los indicadores de gestión lo que sirvió de base para proponer una mejora en el control y prevención de traumas acústicos mediante el uso de EPP. El trabajo tuvo una metodología Observacional – Exploratoria con un diseño no experimental. Se pudo observar que uno de los principales problemas fue que os trabajadores no eran conscientes de los peligros a los que se exponen diariamente, debido a la falta de capacitación o a la falta de sanciones. Se observó una prevalencia del 17,1% de trauma acústico y cerca del 90% de incidencia de Sintomatología NO Auditiva en estos pacientes lo que ocasiono vistas al médico o ausentismo laboral. El trauma acústico se relacionó directamente con los años de servicio y con el tiempo diario de exposición al ruido. Con estos parámetros se pudo mejorar el sistema de control, proponiendo una mejor forma de supervisión estableciendo indicadores del uso de EPA, limpieza y mantenimiento, además establecer sanciones de acuerdo a la ley y el cambio de personal a otras área cuando el trauma es grave (grado III) o en otros casos la jubilación por invalidez. Se concluyó que - Un adecuado control del uso de EPP, permite que los trabajadores cumplan con la seguridad laboral reduciendo los problemas causados por esta patología mejorando la productividad.EMSA / Servisair Ecuador, belongs to an international network with vast experience in ground support services for aircraft, among its services are receiving, handling, storage, keeping, monitoring and re-passage of import and export goods arriving the airports in Quito and Guayaquil. By its very nature much of the company's employees are exposed daily to excessive noise produced by aircraft, especially in the cargo area. This noise exceeding 60dB acoustic trauma causes especially when related to the improper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This study's main objective was to analyze the incidence of symptoms auditory NO staff of the Company to which identified major symptomatology hearing NO, we identified risk factors associated with the trauma, we evaluated the performance indicators which served basis for proposing an improvement in the control and prevention of acoustic trauma by using PPE. The study was observational methodology - Exploratory with a nonexperimental design. It was observed that one of the main problems was that workers were not you aware of the dangers they are exposed daily, due to lack of training or lack of sanctions. There was a prevalence of 17.1% of acoustic trauma and about 90% incidence of Hearing NO Symptoms in these patients what caused medical views or absenteeism. Acoustic trauma was directly related to years of service and the daily time of exposure to noise. With these parameters could improve the control system, offering a better way of establishing monitoring indicators EPA use, cleaning and maintenance, and establish penalties under the law and change of personnel to other area when the trauma is severe ( grade III) or other disability retirement cases. It was concluded that - Adequate control the use of PPE, allows workers to comply with occupational safety and reducing the problems caused by this pathology improving productivity
La determinación del mercado relevante en los procedimientos administrativos por conductas anticompetitivas
Desde la promulgación de la Ley Orgánica de Control de Poder de Mercado en 2011, una de las falencias de la Superintendencia de Control de Poder de Mercado está en la aplicación de la metodología correcta para la determinación del mercado relevante. La correcta definición del mercado relevante permite establecer y precisar los límites de la competencia entre operadores económicos, así como establecer el marco de actuación de la superintendencia. Además, la determinación el mercado relevante es un requisito necesario para establecer si una conducta de un operador económico es anticompetitiva de acuerdo a la legislación ecuatoriana. El objeto de investigación de esta tesis es establecer si los criterios utilizados por la superintendencia para determinar el mercado relevante son los adecuados de acuerdo a la legislación ecuatoriana y las instituciones básicas del derecho de competencia. Por lo tanto, en primer lugar, se realizará un análisis teórico del mercado relevante, los elementos que lo compone, como el mercado de producto y el mercado geográfico y los principios básicos para la definición del mercado relevante. En segundo lugar, se analizará trece casos en los que la superintendencia definió el mercado relevante. En particular, en dos conductas de abuso de poder de mercado, una conducta de abuso de posición de dominio en situación de dependencia, en tres concentraciones económicas, en tres prácticas restrictivas, y cuatro practicas prácticas desleales. Los métodos que se utilizaron en este trabajo son el método dogmático y el análisis de texto con la finalidad de establecer un marco teórico general sobre el mercado relevante, y contrastar la teoría con la actuación de la superintendencia en cada caso en concreto. Por último, se hace algunos comentarios respecto de la actuación de la superintendencia
Modelo para optimizar variables críticas de inventarios en el sector retail de alimentos mediante el uso de diseño de experimentos
En la actualidad, el retail (minorista) es de los sectores más dinámicos en Ecuador y el
mundo, pues existe contacto directo con los consumidores finales, ha evolucionado con
estabilidad en los últimos años y con gran proyección a futuro. En Latinoamérica en 2017
las ventas ascendieron a 2.35 billones.
La problemática se presenta en cómo las empresas minoristas relacionan las variables:
disposición y ubicación de los productos en un estante y número de sucursales existentes
con la variable respuesta “precio de venta”, esta surge puesto que, gran parte de los
comerciantes minoristas no están conscientes del impacto de estos factores en sus negocios.
Debido a esto, se desarrolló un modelo general basado en diseño de experimentos que
analice la relación de una variable con los factores mencionados, con el fin de encontrar
optimización a las misma, maximice las ventas minoristas y a la vez permita mejorar la
gestión, procesos de los inventarios, asociación y disposición de los artículos, para lo cual
se utilizó el diseño de experimentos multivariados. La revisión literaria se llevó a cabo
mediante la técnica de investigación documental. Los datos de estudio analizados se
recopilaron de ensayos académicos realizados con anterioridad, en donde se trataron y
analizaron mediante un software estadístico que contiene módulo de Diseño de
Experimentos e interpretaron los resultados obtenidos, los cuales demostraron que, si bien
individualmente la disposición y ubicación de los productos en un estante y número de
sucursales de la empresa son esenciales para lograr el máximo de ventas en una tienda
retail, la relación entre estos dos factores no existe. Así mismo, se demostró que el factor
más significativo fue la disposición de los artículos, contrariamente al número de
sucursales, donde se pudo evidenciar que es un factor de ajuste, el cual es necesario
mejorar.Currently, retail is one of the most dynamic sectors in Ecuador and the world, as there is
direct contact with the final consumers, this has evolved with stability in recent years and
with great projection for the future. In Latin America in 2017 sales amounted to 2.35 billion. The problem arises in how retail
companies relate the variables: arrangement and location of products on a shelf and number
of existing branches with the variable response “selling price”, this arises since most
retailers are not aware of the impact of these factors on their business. For this reason, a
general model based on the experimental design was developed to analyze the relationship
of a variable with the mentioned factors in order, to find optimization to maximize retail
sales and at the same time to improve the management, inventory processes, association
and arrangement of the ítems, for which the design of multivariate experiments was used.
The literature review was conducted using the documentary research technique. The
analyzed study data were collected from previously conducted academic essays, where they
were treated and analyzed using statistical software with its Design of Experiments module
where the results were interpreted, which showed that, although individually the
arrangement and location of products on a shelf and number of branches of the company
are essential to achieve maximum sales in a retail store, the relationship between these two
factors does not exist. Likewise, it was shown that the most significant factor was the
arrangement of the articles, as opposed to the number of branches, which was possible to
show that it is an adjustment factor, which needs to be improved.Ingeniero IndustrialCuenc
Reputation, loneliness, satisfaction with life and aggressive behavior in adolescence
The present study analyses the relationship between adolescents’ perception of reputation and aggressive behavior among peers. The sample is made up of 1319 adolescents aged 11 to 16 years old. Statistical analyses with structural equation modeling were carried out to examine the direct and indirect effect of perception of reputation (real and ideal) on aggressive behavior. Results indicate that adolescents’ real and ideal reputations are related both directly and indirectly to aggressive behavior. The indirect effects suggest that loneliness and life satisfaction mediate the relationship between adolescents’ reputation and their aggressive behavior. These findings and their implications are [email protected]; [email protected]
High-precision time-of-flight determination algorithm for ultrasonic flow measurement
© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Commercial time-of-flight (TOF) ultrasonic flowme-
ters are rapidly expanding in the general industry. Among the
different techniques that can be applied to determine the TOF of
ultrasonic waves, the cross-correlation method presents numerous
advantages, such as robustness for weak signals and noise
suppression. However, the selection of an appropriate reference
wave is presumably a key element in the precise measurement
of TOF. In the present paper, an algorithm to compute an
accurate TOF is proposed. The form of the electric signal
received by the transducer is obtained from an acoustically-forced
underdamped oscillator model, and the analytical solution of the
model is proposed as a reference wave. In order to validate the
effectiveness of this procedure, an ultrasonic flowmeter system
is designed and tested in a flowmeter calibration test rig. It is
demonstrated that the use of the presented scheme overcome the
average method limitations, and turns out to be a convenient
solution in a wide range of conditions. Robust measurements of
near-zero flow values are acquired, which allow the achievement
of a high dynamic range. The error curve of the proposed system
have been obtained, revealing that the absolute value of the
relative errors are lower than 2% within all the spectrum of
flow rates considered (from 0.2 to 150 m
/h). Results demonstrate
that the algorithm provides high-precision measurements within
a wide dynamic range. The algorithm is portable and versatile:
it can be adapted to different types of transducers without the
need of additional measurements, allowing to adjust parameters
on-the-fly for an optimal performance of the ultrasonic flowmeter
system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Microstructure and Defect Formation in BaTiO3 Ceramics Obtained by Flash Sintering of Micro and Nanopowders
Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstrac
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