199 research outputs found

    Near-colorings: non-colorable graphs and NP-completeness

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    A graph G is (d_1,..,d_l)-colorable if the vertex set of G can be partitioned into subsets V_1,..,V_l such that the graph G[V_i] induced by the vertices of V_i has maximum degree at most d_i for all 1 <= i <= l. In this paper, we focus on complexity aspects of such colorings when l=2,3. More precisely, we prove that, for any fixed integers k,j,g with (k,j) distinct form (0,0) and g >= 3, either every planar graph with girth at least g is (k,j)-colorable or it is NP-complete to determine whether a planar graph with girth at least g is (k,j)-colorable. Also, for any fixed integer k, it is NP-complete to determine whether a planar graph that is either (0,0,0)-colorable or non-(k,k,1)-colorable is (0,0,0)-colorable. Additionally, we exhibit non-(3,1)-colorable planar graphs with girth 5 and non-(2,0)-colorable planar graphs with girth 7

    Avoidability of formulas with two variables

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    In combinatorics on words, a word ww over an alphabet Σ\Sigma is said to avoid a pattern pp over an alphabet Δ\Delta of variables if there is no factor ff of ww such that f=h(p)f=h(p) where h:Δ∗→Σ∗h:\Delta^*\to\Sigma^* is a non-erasing morphism. A pattern pp is said to be kk-avoidable if there exists an infinite word over a kk-letter alphabet that avoids pp. We consider the patterns such that at most two variables appear at least twice, or equivalently, the formulas with at most two variables. For each such formula, we determine whether it is 22-avoidable, and if it is 22-avoidable, we determine whether it is avoided by exponentially many binary words
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