1 research outputs found

    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among First Responders: Role of Personality Traits and Category of Responder

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    This study explored the roles of Personality traits and categories of first responders in predicting Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among First responders in Ibadan, south-west Nigeria. A purposive sample of 128 male and female first responders cutting across Fire fighters, Policemen, Federal road safety corps and volunteers participated in the study which utilized a simple questionnaire in assessing the presence of PTSD symptoms and personality traits. Multiple regression analysis showed a significant independent influence of Neuroticism (β=0.19; t=2.06; p˂.05) on PTSD. Furthermore, fire fighters scored significantly higher (M= 32.52) on the symptoms of PTSD than other responders. The implications of these results for policies, provision of adequate paraphernalia to first responders and future research are highlighted and discussed. Keywords: Posttraumatic stress disorder, First responders, Personality trait