192 research outputs found

    An explicit Skorokhod embedding for functionals of Markovian excursions

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    We develop an explicit non-randomized solution to the Skorokhod embedding problem in an abstract setup of signed functionals of Markovian excursions. Our setting allows to solve the Skorokhod embedding problem, in particular, for diffusions and their (signed, scaled) age processes, for Azema's martingale, for spectrally one-sided Levy processes and their reflected versions, for Bessel processes of dimension smaller than 2, and for their age processes, as well as for the age process of excursions of Cox-Ingersoll-Ross processes. This work is a continuation and an important generalization of Obloj and Yor (SPA 110) [35]. Our methodology, following [35], is based on excursion theory and the solution to the Skorokhod embedding problem is described in terms of the Ito measure of the functional. We also derive an embedding for positive functionals and we correct a mistake in the formula in [35] for measures with atoms.Comment: 50 page

    Fine-tune your smile: Correction to Hagan et al

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    In this small note we use results derived in Berestycki et al. to correct the celebrated formulae of Hagan et al. We derive explicitly the correct zero order term in the expansion of the implied volatility in time to maturity. The new term is consistent as β1\beta\to 1. Furthermore, numerical simulations show that it reduces or eliminates known pathologies of the earlier formula.Comment: Typos and reference corrected. Eq (3) valid for all x no

    A complete characterization of local martingales which are functions of Brownian motion and its maximum

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    We prove the max-martingale conjecture given in recent article with Marc Yor. We show that for a continuous local martingale (N_t:t0)(N\_t:t\ge 0) and a function H:RxR_+RH:R x R\_+\to R, H(N_t,sup_stN_s)H(N\_t,\sup\_{s\leq t}N\_s) is a local martingale if and only if there exists a locally integrable function ff such that H(x,y)=_0yf(s)dsf(y)(xy)+H(0,0)H(x,y)=\int\_0^y f(s)ds-f(y)(x-y)+H(0,0). This implies readily, via Levy's equivalence theorem, an analogous result with the maximum process replaced by the local time at 0

    On local martingale and its supremum: harmonic functions and beyond

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    We discuss certain facts involving a continuous local martingale NN and its supremum Nˉ\bar{N}. A complete characterization of (N,Nˉ)(N,\bar{N})-harmonic functions is proposed. This yields an important family of martingales, the usefulness of which is demonstrated, by means of examples involving the Skorokhod embedding problem, bounds on the law of the supremum, or the local time at 0, of a martingale with a fixed terminal distribution, or yet in some Brownian penalization problems. In particular we obtain new bounds on the law of the local time at 0, which involve the excess wealth order

    Robust estimation of superhedging prices

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    We consider statistical estimation of superhedging prices using historical stock returns in a frictionless market with d traded assets. We introduce a plugin estimator based on empirical measures and show it is consistent but lacks suitable robustness. To address this we propose novel estimators which use a larger set of martingale measures defined through a tradeoff between the radius of Wasserstein balls around the empirical measure and the allowed norm of martingale densities. We establish consistency and robustness of these estimators and argue that they offer a superior performance relative to the plugin estimator. We generalise the results by replacing the superhedging criterion with acceptance relative to a risk measure. We further extend our study, in part, to the case of markets with traded options, to a multiperiod setting and to settings with model uncertainty. We also study convergence rates of estimators and convergence of superhedging strategies.Comment: This work will appear in the Annals of Statistics. The above version merges the main paper to appear in print and its online supplemen

    Efficient discretisation of stochastic differential equations

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    The aim of this study is to find a generic method for generating a path of the solution of a given stochastic differential equation which is more efficient than the standard Euler-Maruyama scheme with Gaussian increments. First we characterize the asymptotic distribution of pathwise error in the Euler-Maruyama scheme with a general partition of time interval and then, show that the error is reduced by a factor (d+2)/d when using a partition associated with the hitting times of sphere for the driving d-dimensional Brownian motion. This reduction ratio is the best possible in a symmetric class of partitions. Next we show that a reduction which is close to the best possible is achieved by using the hitting time of a moving sphere which is easier to implement

    An explicit Skorokhod embedding for spectrally negative Levy processes

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    We present an explicit solution to the Skorokhod embedding problem for spectrally negative L\'evy processes. Given a process XX and a target measure μ\mu satisfying an explicit admissibility condition we define functions \f_\pm such that the stopping time T = \inf\{t>0: X_t \in \{-\f_-(L_t), \f_+(L_t)\}\} induces XTμX_T\sim \mu. We also treat versions of TT which take into account the sign of the excursion straddling time tt. We prove that our stopping times are minimal and we describe criteria under which they are integrable. We compare our solution with the one proposed by Bertoin and Le Jan (1992) and we compute explicitly their general quantities in our setup. Our method relies on some new explicit calculations relating scale functions and the It\^o excursion measure of XX. More precisely, we compute the joint law of the maximum and minimum of an excursion away from 0 in terms of the scale function.Comment: This is the final version of the paper that has been accepted for publication in J. Theor. Probab. In this new version several typos were corrected and Lemma 6(iii) [now Lemma 5(iii)] was modified. The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Computational Methods for Martingale Optimal Transport problems

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    We establish numerical methods for solving the martingale optimal transport problem (MOT) - a version of the classical optimal transport with an additional martingale constraint on transport's dynamics. We prove that the MOT value can be approximated using linear programming (LP) problems which result from a discretisation of the marginal distributions combined with a suitable relaxation of the martingale constraint. Specialising to dimension one, we provide bounds on the convergence rate of the above scheme. We also show a stability result under only partial specification of the marginal distributions. Finally, we specialise to a particular discretisation scheme which preserves the convex ordering and does not require the martingale relaxation. We introduce an entropic regularisation for the corresponding LP problem and detail the corresponding iterative Bregman projection. We also rewrite its dual problem as a minimisation problem without constraint and solve it by computing the concave envelope of scattered data

    The robust superreplication problem: a dynamic approach

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    In the frictionless discrete time financial market of Bouchard et al.(2015) we consider a trader who, due to regulatory requirements or internal risk management reasons, is required to hedge a claim ξ\xi in a risk-conservative way relative to a family of probability measures P\mathcal{P}. We first describe the evolution of πt(ξ)\pi_t(\xi) - the superhedging price at time tt of the liability ξ\xi at maturity TT - via a dynamic programming principle and show that πt(ξ)\pi_t(\xi) can be seen as a concave envelope of πt+1(ξ)\pi_{t+1}(\xi) evaluated at today's prices. Then we consider an optimal investment problem for a trader who is rolling over her robust superhedge and phrase this as a robust maximisation problem, where the expected utility of inter-temporal consumption is optimised subject to a robust superhedging constraint. This utility maximisation is carrried out under a new family of measures Pu\mathcal{P}^u, which no longer have to capture regulatory or institutional risk views but rather represent trader's subjective views on market dynamics. Under suitable assumptions on the trader's utility functions, we show that optimal investment and consumption strategies exist and further specify when, and in what sense, these may be unique