397 research outputs found

    Resonant Leadership: A Catalyst for Job Empowerment Among Palestine Technical University Kadoorie Employees

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    The study aimed to identify the role of resonant leadership in promoting job empowerment among the employees of Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, with different variables: educational qualification, gender, staff, and experiences. The researcher designed a questionnaire addressed to employees consisting of 32 items distributed on four domains: resonant leadership (mindfulness, hope, empathy) and (career empowerment). The study used descriptive method. The sample consisted of 73 employees from PTUK, Ramallah branch, who were chosen randomly. The results showed that the employees' responses were moderately on all domains. The results showed that there are no differences in the employees' point of view according to the educational qualification variable in all domains, and there are differences in the employees' opinions according to the gender variable in the domains of mindfulness, hope, and job empowerment in favor of male. The existence of differences in the opinions of employees, according to the variable of staff, in the domain of hope, empathy, and job empowerment in favour of academic employees. There are differences in the opinions of employees according to their experiences in the domains of (mindfulness and hope (in favour of employees with mindfulness (less than 5 years). The results also showed that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between resonant leadership and job empowerment. The study suggests that senior leaders and employees at PTUK should prioritize the use of resonant leadership to achieve job empowerment. It suggests ways to implement this approach among senior leaders and employees, which can benefit organizations seeking to enhance employee empowerment through effective leadership practices

    Infrared Spectroscopy of Ge:Mn Thick Films Prepared by Ion Implantation and Post-annealing

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    An infrared transmission study of Ge:Mn systems is presented in this work. Various Ge:Mn samples have been prepared by both single (Mn2+ ion energy 4.76 MeV, dose 2x10^16 /cm^2) or multiple (dose 1x10^16 /cm^2) into high resistivity (100) Ge substrates. Both conventional and flash lamp annealing procedures have been used to prepare a set of samples that were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and magnetometry as well as infrared transmission spectroscopy (60-8000 cm^-1). After implantation, the Ge:Mn layers are about 3 mm thick and amorphous as revealed by XRD. Samples conventionally annealed at temperatures below 250C maintained their amorphous structure. Samples annealed at temperature above 330C recrystallized into a polycrystalline structure. SIMS measurements show that the diffusion of Mn is greatly affected by the starting distribution and that diffusion is much higher in samples prepared with the lower total Mn dose. The presence of multiple magnetic phases in all the annealed samples was indicated by field and temperature dependent measurements of the total moment. Our diverse preparations suggest that the formation of secondary phases in Ge:Mn system in unavoidable. Magnetic measurements suggest that the maximum volume fraction of metallic Mn5Ge3 inclusions is of the order of 1x10^-3, much lower than the percolation threshold of metallic inclusions in an insulating matrix. Infrared transmission measurements on the same samples show the presence of a low frequency Drude like absorption with high hole concentration (p~10^ 18 /cm^3) which is greater than the critical density for metal-insulator (MI) transition in Ge. This observation suggests Mn has crystallized in substitutional sites to a far greater degree than was achieved with traditional equilibrium crystal growth. The MI transition has been investigated in the Ge:Mn system by studying the temperature dependent transmission between 4K and 300K and comparing to similar measurements on a sample of Ga-doped Ge with p = 1.5x10^16 /cm^3 which is on the insulating side of the MI transition. Finally, absorption was observed that may possibly be attributed to Mn5Ge3 inclusions in the Ge:Mn matrix

    The Difference between Gifted and Ordinary Children in Jordan in their Use of Intuitive Rules "Everything can be divided".

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    The primary purpose of this study was to examine  the difference between gifted and ordinary students in Jordan in their use of intuitive rule "Everything can be divided". Participants of the study consisted of (240) students divided into two groups (120 gifted, and 120 ordinary students),   I used a questionnaire including 4 tasks relate to the  rule " Everything can be divided". An analysis of variance was carried out for correct responses for intuitive rule " Everything can be divided" with the factors giftedness (ordinary, gifted) and grade level (10th 11th 12th grades).  Results indicate that the percentages of the correct responses are similar in the two groups, and also the percentages of correct responses were given by the gifted students to one of the tasks is even lower than that given by the ordinary groups. Keywords: Gifted, Ordinary Children, Intuitive Rule "Everything can be divided"

    Detection of Histoplasma capsulatum in Bats Dropping by using Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) at the First Time in Iraq

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    In the present we isolated the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum as a first time from bats dropping in AL-Qadisiyah province .Results show that the macro and micro characteristics referred that these characteristics was related to the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum ,also this result  was confirmed by PCR technique. Keywords: Histoplasma capsulatum , bats dropping, PC

    Performance Measurement and CG: New Perspective in Management Accounting

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    This study manages the required changes in PMSs to apply CG using Institutional Theory. The present study extends the scope of Institutional Theory by explaining how the change mechanisms impact to create and modify existing PMS. Therefore, a better understanding of the relationships between performance dimensions and CG factors in manufacturing companies is a key issue in this paper.Using Institutional Theory, this paper provides three change mechanisms result from CG; fairness, transparency, and responsibility. As well, a three factor model; Input-Process-Output is posited that comprises 15 measures of inputs, 13 measures of process and 12 measures of outputs. A questionnaire survey of 128 individuals was analyzed using statistical techniques. Furthermore, a case study is performed in an Egyptian company.The results show that there is a strong positive relationship between PMS and CG factors. Most of the individual measures in the proposed PMS have high importance. Further, there are significant differences between the degree of importance of input and output measures according to CG applying. Finally, the results of the case study prove the ability of the proposed model to shed light on the strength and weakness of organizational performance.This paper contributes to the performance measurement debate in manufacturing companies that implement CG practices. This study contributes to theory and practice by introducing a new perspective of PMS that explains the relationships between CG practices and the main dimensions of performance. Keywords: PMS, CG factors, institutional theory, Input-process-output approach, Quality-Will, Egyp
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