42 research outputs found

    Central melanocortin receptors regulate insulin action

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    The v-Ki-Ras Oncogene Alters cAMP Nuclear Signaling by Regulating the Location and the Expression of cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase IIβ

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    The v-Ki-Ras oncoprotein dedifferentiates thyroid cells and inhibits nuclear accumulation of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. After activation of v-Ras or protein kinase C, the regulatory subunit of type II protein kinase A, RIIbeta, translocates from the membranes to the cytosol. RIIbeta mRNA and protein were eventually depleted. These effects were mimicked by expressing AKAP45, a truncated version of the RII anchor protein, AKAP75. Because AKAP45 lacks membrane targeting domains, it induces the translocation of PKAII to the cytoplasm. Expression of AKAP45 markedly decreased thyroglobulin mRNA levels and inhibited accumulation of C-PKA in the nucleus. Our results suggest that: 1) The localization of PKAII influences cAMP signaling to the nucleus; 2) Ras alters the localization and the expression of PKAII; 3) Translocation of PKAII to the cytoplasm reduces nuclear C-PKA accumulation, resulting in decreased expression of cAMP-dependent genes, including RIIbeta, TSH receptor, and thyroglobulin. The loss of RIIbeta permanently down-regulates thyroid-specific gene expression


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    Adipose-derived resistin and gut-derived resistin-like molecule–β selectively impair insulin action on glucose production

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    The adipose-derived hormone resistin is postulated to link obesity to insulin resistance and diabetes. Here, the infusion of either resistin or the resistin-like molecule–β (RELMβ) rapidly induced severe hepatic but not peripheral insulin resistance. In the presence of physiologic hyperinsulinemia, the infusion of purified recombinant resistin, increasing circulating resistin levels by approximately twofold to 15-fold, inhibited glucose metabolism such that lower rates of glucose infusion were required to maintain the plasma glucose concentration at basal levels. The effects of resistin and RELMβ on in vivo insulin action were completely accounted for by a marked increase in the rate of glucose production. These results support the notion that a novel family of fat- and gut-derived circulating proteins modulates hepatic insulin action