3 research outputs found

    Can The Mercenary from James Bond Shoot Through A Train Coupling?

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    This paper discusses the possibility of the mercenary from Skyfall, Patrice, being able to shoot through the link between two train carriages to attempt to get away from the secret agent, James Bond. During an altercation atop a train in Istanbul, Patrice shoots through the coupling with ease, separating the two carriages. This paper shows that the required force to shoot through a steel alloy coupling would be 148285N, as the bullet would only exert around a third of the force required, 52099.2N, and this paper proves that this cannot be done with such ease as portrayed in the film

    Can Nyan Cat Escape The Moon?

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    This paper discusses the possibility of Nyan Cat’s capabilities to escape the moon. The dimensions and nutritional values, provided by the Kellogg’s Company, of a Pop-Tart were used, and applied to the model of an average adult cat. It was concluded that Nyan Cat would not be able to escape from the moon. However, if the rainbow that he excretes has some magical powers that would provide him the extra 8.42x10^6J needed to escape the moon

    Would the Demolition Man become the Demolished Man?

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    In the 1993 film Demolition Man, starring Sylvester Stallone, the main character falls from a helicopter suspended by a wire of steel. The fall would generate a G-force of 14.03G and since the wire is attached to his waist it would most likely be terminal but a further, more in depth look into the problem is required