3 research outputs found

    Treatment of landfill leachate by constructed wetlands

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    The performance of three constructed wetlands systems treating landfill leachate is described. Two are located in northern Poland (Szadolki near Gdansk and Gatka near Miastko) and one in southern Sweden (Örebro). The constructed wetlands in Szadolki consists of two parallel silty soil beds planted with reed with sub-surface horizontal flow of sewage. The constructed wetland in Gatka is a willow plantation on sandy soil, receiving leachate after preliminary sedimentation in a retention pond. The system in Örebro consists of a series of ponds with a surface flow of leachate, preceded by pre-treatment in an aerated tank with nitrogen stripping. The best treatment efficiencies were observed at Örebro. At the sub-surface flow wetlands in Szadolki and Gatka clogging problems occurred due to the unsatisfactory pre-treatment and low soil hydraulic conductivity resulting in lower treatment efficiencies