5 research outputs found

    Globalization and the Future of Trade Unionism: In the Nigeria Public Service in Perspective

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    Trade unionism is part of workplace activities. It also guarantees industrial harmony if properly practiced. Trade unionism is one of the rights of workers to enable them channel whatever grievances they may have from time to time.  However, the era of globalization tends to impact negatively on trade unionism especially in the Nigerian public service.  Some of the jobs hitherto performed by civil servants have been given out to private organizations while others have been privatized.  Job lose have been the order of the day as a result of this.  The welfare of Nigerian civil servants is not quite guaranteed due to globalization.  The paper sees globalisation as focusing its attention on private businesses while it frowns at public businesses. In order to curb the negative effects of globalization on trade unionism in the Nigerian civil service, the paper recommends, amongst others, that the umbrella bodies of all trade unions in Nigeria should sensitise their members to align themselves to the dictates of globalization while new skills should be acquired so as to adapt to the new realities. Keywords: civil service, globalization, jobs, trade unionism, workers. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-1-0

    Public Policy Failures in Nigeria: Pathway to Underdevelopment

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    This paper discusses public policy failures in Nigeria and the reasons why governments formulate policies, among which is to find solutions to people’s problems. The paper discussed briefly three schools of thought on public policies, that is, the orthodox or neo-classical, radical, and growth-with-equity.  It also enumerated some of the public policies that have failed in the country since 1976 and examined the reasons for their failures. The historical and content analysis method was adopted for the paper. The paper reveals, among other reasons, that regime change and poor funding of policies and clarity of purpose are partly responsible for policy failures in Nigeria.  The implications of public policy failures to the citizens in particular and the country in general were stated, some of which are waste of scarce resources, less patriotism among the populace, and de-motivation of citizens.  In order to avoid policy failures in future, the paper recommends that there should be continuity in policy implementation even where there is regime change as government is a continuum; and parochial and primordial interests should be avoided during policy formulation and implementation in the country. Key words: public, policy, failures, development, pathway, underdevelomen

    Boko Haram Menace: Need for Collective Security for National Development

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    Nigeria has been at war with the terrorist sect known as Boko Haram for quite some time. The insurgency which initially concentrated at the northeast region of the country has spread its activities to many parts of the north of the country, including Abuja.  Many souls have been lost since the insurgency erupted.  The more the Nigeria-state tries to either dwarf the activities of the sect or totally exterminate the sect in its entirety, the more the sect reaffirms insurgency in the country through more heinous crime. This paper therefore identifies the activities of Boko Haram and the cause of insecurity in the country.  The paper also examines the role of collective security system in order to combat crime in the country.  In carrying out this research, the historical and content analysis method was adopted.  It has been discovered, that there are subversive elements and fifth columnists in the country’s armed forces, especially the army and customs service who are thwarting the efforts of government and security agencies.  It is stressed that security is the duty of every citizen hence collective security is desirable at this moment of the country.  In addition, the country should de-emphasise religion in all it does because this is partly responsible for the subversion in the security services hence government efforts are fruitless in spite of the resources put into the war against the Boko Haram menace.  The paper recommends, amongst others, that national security should be a collective efforts rather than leaving it for government alone. Keywords: Boko Haram, Nigeria, Security, Collective security

    Training Policy for Manegement of Human Resources as Fulcrum of Organisational Growth, Productivity and Development

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    This paper examines the importance and needs of training in both public and private organisations.  The paper also identified eight determinants of training in organisations and the need for training policies.  In attempting to further stress the long term benefits to human resource management in organisations, it was discovered that the enunciation of training policy in organisations  in the public and private sectors will not only be the panacea to the growth of organisations but will also enhance on the long run, the productivity and development.  The paper employed the historical and content analysis methodology in this research. It revealed that historically, training has been part of man and his activities, professionally and occupationally hence he cannot do without it, else he will retrogress.  The paper discovered many benefits of training to both organisations and individual employees.  It was further revealed that in the private sector which is largely profit-driven, organisations that institute training policy will not only have long term growth and productivity, but will also have competitive edge in their various industries; while in the public service, the bureaucracy, training policy will enhance quality output in terms of service delivery to members of the public including boosting the morale of workers.  Possible benefits of training policy in organisations include improved job performance and productivity, improved quality product, introduction of new technology, while the benefits to individual employees include increase personal repertoire of skills, job satisfaction and value of employees in the labour market.  The paper recommends that organisations must see training as investment, and training policy must be indirectly embedded in their mission statement. Keywords: Knowledge, Organisational growth, Policy, Trainin