2 research outputs found

    Određivanje trans-resveratrola u pokožici grožđa tijekom sazrijevanja i u vinu pomoću metode HPLC

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    Trans-resveratrol (3,5,4’-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is naturally present in the skin of grapes and therefore is expected to occur in grape products. Recently, there has been a renewal of interest in wine as medical treatment for various disorders. In this study, berry skins of five red grape varieties were analysed at weekly intervals for trans-resveratrol production, during 2012 and 2013 harvest. The obtained wines were also evaluated. Quantification of trans resveratrol in grape skin extracts and wines was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography. Favourable viticultural climate during harvest in 2012 resulted in a higher content of trans-resveratrol. The highest trans-resveratrol content was in Pinot Noir and Feteasca Neagra grape varieties, both in berry skins and wines, while the lowest amounts were identified in Cabernet Sauvignon variety. We can conclude that there was a significant correlation between the content of trans-resveratrol in grape skins and that in the respective wine.Trans-resveratrol (3,5,4\u27-trihidroksi-trans-stilben) je prirodni fenol, koji se nalazi u pokožici grožđa i iz nje dospijeva u proizvode od grožđa. U novije se vrijeme ponovno javlja interes za primjenu vina u liječenju različitih zdravstvenih poremećaja. U ovom je radu tjedno praćen udjel trans-resveratrola u pokožici pet sorata crnog grožđa tijekom uzgoja 2012. i 2013. godine. Nakon toga su analizirana i vina proizvedena iz tih sorata. Za određivanje količine trans-resveratrola u ekstraktu pokožice i vinu upotrijebljena je viskodjelotvorna tekućinska kromatografija. Veći je udjel trans-resveratrola pronađen u grožđu i vinu iz 2012. godine, i to zbog povoljnijih klimatskih uvjeta. Najviše je trans-resveratrola bilo u grožđu i vinu sorata Pinot Noir i Feteasca Neagra, a najmanje u onima sorte Cabernet Sauvignon. Zaključeno je da postoji značajna korelacija između količine trans-resveratrola u pokožici grožđa i u vinu, i to kod svih sorata