4 research outputs found


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    Obesity is a public health problem, with an important increase in prevalence in the last decades, pediatric population also fi ts these characteristics. Among the systemic complications of obesity is included the sleep – related respiratory pathology. The association obstructive sleep apnea – obesity is suspected in a child who snores, has sleep fragmentation and breathing pauses, but the diagnosis is confi rmed using polysomnography. Obstructive sleep apnea has many kinds of complications (increased by the association with obesity) – cardiac, metabolic, neurocognitive, all of them affecting the quality of life. The treatment of obstructive sleep apnea includes weight loss, adenotonsillectomy and CPAP ventilation


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    Obiectiv. Studiul de faţă şi-a propus evaluarea unor parametri epidemiologici şi psiho-sociali într-un eşantion de copii supraponderali şi obezi spitalizaţi pentru diverse patologii. Durata studiului a fost de 12 luni. Material şi metodă. S-a efectuat un studiu prospectiv, fiind incluşi 78 de copii (6-18 ani) supraponderali (IMC peste percentila 85) şi obezi (IMC peste percentila 95). Criteriul de excludere din studiu a constat în prezenţa unei patologii corelate cu obezitatea secundară. S-a aplicat un chestionar complex care a cuprins factorii de risc familiali şi personali, evaluarea psihologică şi evaluarea calităţii vieţii conform chestionarului PedsQL. Pentru fiecare pacient s-a efectuat evaluare clinică, a parametrilor de laborator şi imagistică (ecografie abdominală). Rezultate. Dintre copiii incluşi în studiu, 55 au un părinte supraponderal şi 15 au ambii părinţi cu exces ponderal. Ancheta alimentară a dezvăluit greşeli alimentare în rândul a 65 de pacienţi (83,3%). Timpul mediu zilnic alocat televizorului şi calculatorului este crescut (5,7 ore/zi) comparativ cu timpul alocat activităţii fizice acasă şi la şcoală (0,57 ore/zi). Concluzii. Obezitatea a fost asociată cu riscul familial, erori în programul şi conţinutul alimentaţiei, timpul scăzut alocat activităţii fizice şi timpul prelungit petrecut în faţa calculatorului sau televizorului. Aceste repere trebuie avute în vedere în programele profilactice şi curative ale acestei patologii


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    Objective. The aim of this study was the evaluation of epidemiological and psychosocial parameters in a sample of overweight and obese children hospitalized for various pathologies. The duration of the study was 12 months. Methods. We performed a prospective study that included overweight and obese children admitted in the Paediatric Unit of our hospital from July 2014 until June 2015. The exclusion criteria consisted of the presence of secondary pathologies related to obesity. A questionnaire was applied to all patients included with questions about family and personal risk factors for obesity; we realised also a psychological evaluation and quality of life assessment (PedsQL). For each patient we performed clinical evaluation, laboratory and imaging investigations (abdominal ultrasound). Results. The study included 78 patients: 27 overweight (34.6%), 51 obese (65.3%). We studied the family history concerning the weight status: 55 had one obese parent and 15 had both parents with obesity. We identified dietary errors for almost all patients (65 patients = 83.3%). The average number of hours of physical activity was rather low (0.57 hours/day) and the average time spent in front of the TV and computer was increased (5.7 hours/day). Conclusions. Obesity has been associated with familial background of obesity, dietary errors (both eating schedule and composition), decreased time spent doing physical activity and increased time dedicated to computer and television. These conclusions should be considered in the prophylactic and curative programs done for this pathology